I didn’t fuck Julie with my finger in keeping with Mom’s instructions. I just let her sphincter muscle become accustomed to its presence. She pushed back indicating she was ready for more. I was very careful and went very slow. June was getting impatient and she looked up at my face and motioned for me to go. My cock was softening from the extended time getting Julie ready. June noticed and she wrapped her fingers around the shaft and started jerking me off. My cock responded instantly.
Julie groaned as I pushed two fingers into her bowels to the last knuckle. She said, “June? Can you get the Vaseline from the bathroom and smear it on Dex’s cock?” June didn’t want to give up my cock but after a hesitation, she did as Julie requested.
With preparations made and a cock slick with Vaseline, I placed me glans on her anus and gently but firmly pushed forward. June reached in behind me and held my testicles. I eased my way inside Julie’s ass. She flinched several times and I stopped until she was ready and then I was fucking her ass and Julie was crazed. She was throwing her head from side to side as she added her own motions to the fuck. She was loving this more than Mom did. She muttered, “Oh my God, Dex. Your cock feels like a baseball bat up there. Oh fuck, I love this. June? Why haven’t we done this before?” I could tell that June wasn’t thinking that she had to try this.
Fuck, Julie’s ass was tight and hot. I gripped her hips and was pummeling her and she just wanted more. She had buried her face in her covers to muffle her screams. The pressure was incredible and I could feel my balls tighten. June did too and she giggled as she fondled them. I flexed my cock and Julie screamed from the new hardness. She was muttering, “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck,” over and over again as my cock pulled out to the ridge and plunged back in again.
June lightly wrapped her fingers around my shaft letting it run through her fingers as I fucked Julie’s ass. I wanted to do this forever but I knew I was moments away from blowing another load. My balls were ready and my cock surged harder, which pulled another muffled scream from Julie before I groaned out, “YYYYUUNNGGG,” and drove myself as deep as I could and blew several long powerful ropes of cum.