Train Ride with Mom – Supernatural experience and a fully aroused mother

“Okay,” I nodded.

“The visions of the Queen returned. This time, she was older. More mature. She looked beautiful with her large fancy dress and big red hair. The people loved her. I could feel everything that the Queen felt. I felt her power and command over everyone. Her feelings of pride. And her desires. Her sexual desires.”

There was a moment’s pause. My collected her thoughts. In a way, she even seemed kind of embarrassed talking about sex with me.

She continued, “The Queen had particular things she liked. Fetishes, I mean. She enjoyed showing herself. She was an exhibitionist to her servants, and sometimes to the townspeople. Is this bothering you?”

“Not at all.”

She nodded and continued, “The Queen became bolder as time went on. She needed more to satisfy her insatiable needs. She needed to be seen. And she needed to show. When she finished a bath, she would walk around naked in front of her servants. Sometimes she would walk around naked in the hallway of the palace, in front of nobles and her trusted advisers. Eventually, the Queen appeared naked in front of the townspeople. They were shocked to see their beloved Queen that way. But it gave her the satisfaction she needed. I can still see her body so vividly. She’s gorgeous.”

There was a sound of lust in my mother’s voice. I knew she was becoming aroused recounting this story.

I wondered why my mother was telling me this. I wondered why my mother was going into such details about sexual things. She had never talked about sex before. Not with me. She wasn’t that kind of person. But I didn’t dare stop her.

She continued, “The problem is, I feel connected to her. Not only do I have her thoughts and memories, but also her cravings. Her desires. It’s in me now.”

I was completely taken aback.

“Does that mean…”

“I feel like I have the Queen’s needs inside of me. That’s why I went to the restroom earlier. I had to…you know…”

My mother had masturbated in the bathroom, she wanted to say, but she was too embarrassed to admit it. It was a strange situation, and neither of us had any idea what to do.

“This has to be because of that old lady,” I said.

“I think you’re right. That’s the only logical explanation left. She must have done something to me. Somehow, she connected me with the Queen.”

“How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. There’s no other explanation.”

My mother got up and went to her travel bag to get the little silver ball, which was kept in a plastic container. She had considered throwing it away earlier, but she had decided to keep it as a weird souvenir.

“What are you going to do with that?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

My mother shook her head and continued looking at the ball. Then she put it back inside of her travel bag. She turned to look at me.

“There’s more,” she said hesitantly, while she stood. “There’s something else you should know.”

I was puzzled. “What?”

“In my dream, I learned of an old custom the royal family had. They lived with purity and restraint. But every full moon, they had a chance to indulge in certain pleasures. Physical pleasures. But only with direct members of their family. It was their chance every month to enjoy sexual contact. It only happened on full moons, like the one we’re seeing tonight.”

Please wait…

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