The New Girl-29

Thank you for all your messages and encouragement, Please read the previous part here ( The New Girl-28 ). Now let’s continue

I asked “what is it ”? He gave me a key chain with two keys in it and pulled me to his driveway. He said “I want you to have my scooter since I am not using it at all. So instead of it lying here, you might as well use it if you don’t mind”.

Well this was something I wanted to have for a long time now, so I beamed with happiness. I asked “uncle I hope you are not joking”? He said “I was very reluctant to ask you thinking you might not like me giving you my used scooter but you can see I have not even completed 100km since I bought it last year”.

I hugged him with joy and said “uncle you have no idea how thrilled I am to have this. You have really made my day”. Sure Hardeep had a bike coming from a rich family but now I was going to have my own scooter to be able to compare with him.

I took the keys from Pankaj and took a quick round on the scooter. I was super thrilled at having my own ride now. Even the registration resonated with me because it had my year of birth on it.

Well we Indians are very struck on numerology so this was very nice for me. I took my bag and happily rode home on my new ride. After I reached I realised that I had not paid Ramu.

Then I found a note left behind by mom saying “summoned by the officers”. I called dad informing him about the same. I saw the time and it was only 3.30pm compared to my normal time of 5.30pm when I normally came home.

I called Ramu and asked him to come to my house. He came in 20minutes by when I had changed into my new frock which dad had brought for me. Ramu was speechless when he saw me.

He exclaimed “madam you are looking so hot and in this frock”. I said “thank you, did you not see my new scooter”. He looked at it and was as pleased as I was when I got it.

Then he said “madam this also means that you will no longer need my ride to go around now that you have your own”. I took him inside my house and seated him on the sofa.

I said “Ramu, don’t worry, getting my ride does not make any difference to things between us. We will still find enough reasons and excuses to be together when we want”.

I kissed him passionately on his lips which left him dazed. I went to the kitchen and brought some juice for him and sat with him. I asked “I hope you are not in any hurry today Ramu”?

He innocently asked “why madam”? I said “first of all you are going to call me Preeti and not madam from now on”. He asked “and second”? I said “I have been missing you, haven’t you also”?

His eyes were shining bright like the full moon on a dark night, he excitedly said “yes Madam…err. Yes Preeti. I have been thinking of you ever since the last time we were together”.

I asked “And….”? He said “well I am ashamed to say it but every time I think about you this gets hard and I need to relieve myself”. I naughtily smiled at him and said “what is there to be ashamed of? It is a pretty natural thing”.

He blushed looking at the floor now. I placed his glass on the table and held his hand taking him to my bedroom. I undressed him before making him lie on my bed.

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