Summertime Bondage for Bi-Dads in their tricked-out VW Bus

But just thinking about what was in store for the two of us today was enough to keep my mind racing and excited.

We had a new topic to discuss on the drive down to Carr’s, not one that had entered our world before.


In our altered circumstances, and a longer, colder spring than usual, our little get-togethers had been sparse and abbreviated. We’d mitigated the scene a little by sharing porn site clips, each of us doing some online exploratory stuff on our own.

Roger had sent me a Pornhub link to a steamy little threesome, two bi-guys with handsome cocks and a busty female which had involved tying the MILF up while the guys alternately did stuff to each other and then teased the womanly wench into a series of arousing climaxes.

Among other things, I observed to Roger how hard it was to find porn that exactly fit your tastes. And of course bisexual stuff was the hardest. It was easy enough to find gay bondage, with some guy tied up and getting teased or worse. Ditto for hetero, but somehow Roger had found this very sweet little vignette.

There was something intoxicating about seeing a handsome woman tied by all four limbs, spread-eagled, while the two friends with their quivering cocks took turns with her.

We talked about the possibilities of rope, securing someone so they couldn’t move or affect matters. I shouldn’t have been so excited by this, not a kink that had ever come into my thoughts much before, but it came up powerful now as Roger and I ran through our thoughts,.

“I take it you have never done any rope stuff then?” Roger’s eyebrows went up as he asked me.

“Nope. Closest I came was a long time ago, in college. I was in the early stages of a relationship, Marla was her name, and somehow or another ropes came up. She looked at me shyly and said she wouldn’t mind being tied up some night. ‘Might be fun,’ she said.”

I shook my head. “Not the first time in my life that I should have acted quickly. By the time I had gotten around to getting some rope, a few weeks later, we were done as a couple. Missed my chance. And pretty much haven’t thought about it in decades.”

Neither of us had any interest in the pain or humiliation part of BDSM, just a huge curiosity about what being restrained, and doing the restraining, would be like as participants.

Carr’s, as usual, was great.

We took our time in the rope section, trying to figure out size and type of rope. Neither of us knew a thing about what we were planning, everything played out like a couple teen-aged guys in an adult bookstore for the first time.

I snugged some 5/8 inch cotton rope against Roger’s right wrist.

“That feel okay?” The cotton seemed like it would be smooth enough against the skin, unlike the hemp I had fondled a moment before.

Roger gave me a look while I tightened the rope around his wrist. I couldn’t imagine what some store clerk would think if he came around the corner just then, we were obviously not planning on rigging out a ship.

“Yah, that’s okay.” But his eyes got wide as the thought dawned on him of what we might actually be doing with our purchases. Restraint for sexual purposes had mostly been an academic exercise until now.

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