Slow Seduction of My Indian Mother

To my shame, I found myself masturbating thinking of my . On one occasion, I was naked in my bed masturbating thinking of my mother slowly stripping in front of me. I imagined her asking me to fuck her hard. I imagined myself screwing her doggystyle. I ejaculated under the sheets just as I heard my door open.

“Beta [son] do you need an extra blanket?” my mother asked.

“No, I’m fine Mum,” I said weakly.

My mother left the room but I noticed an odd expression on her face and couldn’t help wondering if she had seen the tent my hard cock had made in my duvet. I was thankful she had not come in a few minutes earlier and seen me stroking. My mother washed my sheets and underwear but she never made any mention of semen stains. She must have noticed but sex was so taboo maybe she was too embarrassed to say anything?

This may sound sick but I even fantasised about my mother catching me masturbating. I often thought about the tie she nearly came in on me stroking and got excited imagining she came in earlier. I wished I had the courage to show my mother my penis.

Over the following days and weeks I found myself trying to get closer to my mother and touch her at every opportunity. She was normally covered up at home – in a long dressing robe, long western trousers/blouse or a sari – so I never saw much of her body but just being in her presence, smelling her perfume and touching her made me excited.

As I was her son, my mother tolerated my touches and just thought I was being affectionate and playful. She noticed that my behaviour had changed and she did comment that I was going through a naughty phase but she laughed it off and didn’t take much notice of me.

On occasion, when for example I tried to hug her for a bit too long, she would tell me off for getting in her way. Though I thought sexually about dominating my Mother (her being on her knees etc) she was still much older than me and I was scared about upsetting her or her telling my Dad I was being naughty. This would normally make me back off and lie low for a few days before I would resume my antics of trying to be affectionate.

My mother was the only female I had any regular contact with. I was curious about women. I couldn’t help it, I had never thought of sex but seeing my mother’s body had made me continually horny.

Then one day things changed.


It was a Saturday evening and my father was abroad with work and not flying back until the Sunday. It was like any other Saturday in that I had spent most of the day studying. It was a warm day so I decided to have a shower before dinner. Our shower is a bathtub with a shower attachment rather than a walk in unit.

It was whilst I was in the shower that my thoughts again drifted to my mother. I couldn’t help thinking about her firm breasts and her big ass and found myself begin to get hard as I soaped myself.

I don’t mean to brag but, for an , I have always thought that I have a big penis. It is a good 7-7.5 inches when fully erect and quite thick. When I have seen my college friends in the changing rooms they have been much smaller than me. I always thought it was a shame that I didn’t know any girls to try my tool on!

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