This time she started to push her ass backwards to give me full pleasure. I was indeed pleased and was feeling all wetness inside her asshole. The sperm in her asshole was collected inside and splashed around my dick. It was a different feeling, and I completed my fucking with it.
I pulled my dick out and then cleaned my dick with a tissue. Chaitali moved to the bathroom and cleaned herself. She came to bed and rolled on the bed. I reclined beside her and another guy on her other side. One guy is on the bottom side of the bed, and the last is on the sofa.
We dozed off the sleep one by one. In the night, Chaitali got up and rushed to the bathroom. I, too, woke up but stayed in bed. One more guy got up and followed her into the bathroom immediately.
Chaitali went to pee sometimes at night. But when they didn’t return in a few minutes, I decided to check them out. I went inside the bathroom. Chaitali was sitting on the washbasin while the guy was fucking her, holding her thighs.
Chaitali said, “At least let me pee first. I am suffering from high pressure.” He declined her request, so she said, “I’ll pee on your dick.” The guy said, “If you pee on my dick, I’ll pee in your womb.” She was frustrated but didn’t argue. She was folding his shoulders tightly.
The guy was fucking her pussy in slow motion. Her facial expression expressed how hard she needed to pee. But the guy was enjoying her discomfort fully. She had closed her eyes tightly and was chewing her lips hard. The guy kept enjoying her discomfort for a few minutes and then increased his pace.
He fucked her at full speed and then flooded her pussy, forcing his dick fully inside. As soon as he pulled his dick out, she stood up but didn’t reach the toilet seat. She started to pee immediately, and a gush of white liquid and yellow pee flowed through her thighs and legs.
He washed his dick, turned back, saw me, and smiled. Chaitali washed and then came out with me. She climbed the bed and dozed asleep in a few minutes. In the morning, when I woke up, I found a guy fucking her beside me. I looked at the clock that showed 7.
I decided to get up. As soon as I got up, the guy was exploding inside her. Chaitali pulled me over her and guided my dick inside her. My dick was hard, and I started to fuck her immediately. Though I was feeling too much wetness inside. I fucked her for a few minutes and flooded inside.
Chaitali told one guy that everyone was finished so that he could finish too. He said later and kept sitting on the sofa. The rest, too dressed and left, and I dozed asleep again.
I got up with an argument voice from the bathroom. I rushed inside and found the last guy fucking her asshole. I asked about the matter, and she told me she urgently needed to shit. But the guy was fucking her asshole and not allowing her to shit. The guy said, “You can shit if you can.”
He grabbed her waist and started to fuck her asshole at full speed. It didn’t take long, and he flooded in her asshole. He washed his dick, went outside and announced he was leaving. While Chaitali got on the com board and was halfway sitting, a gush of white liquid and her shit was exiting her asshole.