My first sex with my sexy indian sister

Hello friends. Today I am going to tell you my first sex experience which was happened with my elder sister.

First, let me introduce myself, my name is Rahul a 18 years old boy. I used to live at Banglore in Karnataka. In my family, there are four members my mom and dad, my sister and me.

Let me introduce my sister. Her name is Charmi.
Charmi is elder than me she is a 20 years old girl. She is a topper of biology in her college.
She has a very hot and sexy body, also very big tits and delicious hot underarms.

Let me come to the story :-

On saturday night, my family used to watch movie for enjoyment. so, we were watching a movie. After some time movie got finished and we all went to our rooms for sleeping. Mom and dad were sleeping in their room. Me and charmi have separate room because she likes to study for long hours in night.

In summer Charmi used to wear sando when I used to see her I felt some erections and i feel very horny. I am very much fond of my Charmi’s underarms. One day we were sitting on sofa watching TV Charmi was making her hairs and that time her both arms were on upside and I saw her both underarms they were very hot. Charmi caught me doing this and then she went to her room. As diwali was coming, dad wanted to renovate Charmi’s room, So Charmi shifted to my room for few days. One night when we were going to sleep, me and Charmi were talking and conversation is:-
Charmi : On that day you were watching at my underarms continuously.

Me : (Feeling shy) Ya…! sorry but I love your underarms and that day in sando you were looking very sexy.

Charmi : Rahul you should not talk about these things as we are bro and sis and I am elder than you.

Me : Sorry Charmi.

Charmi : (Smiles) Ok let us sleep.

On next night me and Charmi were sleeping, but I was only thinking about her underarms, then after sometimes I noticed that Charmi is sleeping with her both hands on upside. And I was watching her underarms from 5-10 min and then I can’t control myself so I touch my finger on her left underarm, suddenly Charmi wake up and then :

Charmi : (Small smile) Rahul, what were you doing tell me truth.

Me : Charmi, I want to say something.

Charmi : Say

Me : I really love your underarms and I was not able to control myself so I touched them.

Charmi : Ok so you want to enjoy them.

Me : Yes please Charmi…

Charmi : Ok but first you have to promise that you will not tell this to mom and dad.

Me : Yes sure I promise.

Charmi : Ok so enjoy this.

Charmi raised her both hand and I felt that I was in heaven I lick them for about 10 minutes then she said aaahhh I felt tickle (gudgudi) and after sometime we both slept.

Then one saturday my parents were going at relative’s home so me and charmi were alone at home and we were watching a romantic movie and a kissing scene happened for about 5-6 minutes then,

Me : Charmi how long they are kissing.

Charmi : Ya they are enjoying.

At this time I got an erection and I was feeling very strong horny then charmi saw me.

Charmi : Are you ok bro?

Me : Ya ya I am ok !

Now I lose my control and I told her that

Me : Charmi, Can I say something?

Charmi : Ya sure.

Me : I am feeling very horny after seeing this kiss.

Charmi : (Felling shy) I am also.

Me : (Surprised) You also.

We both laughed at each other for some seconds.

Me : Charmi, Can we kiss each other?

Charmi : Rahul I am feeling so horny. So, I can’t refuse you please come and kiss me.

Me : Are you sure?

Charmi : Ya sure.

So we both kiss each other lip to lip about ten minutes.

Charmi : Ohh! Very hot kiss I enjoyed.

Me : Ya very hot kiss!

Now I couldn’t control myself so I touched her tits but suddenly she stood up,

Charmi : Rahul I know you are feeling horny.

And kissing me was OK but touching me and these all things are not right.

Understand me we are bro and sis it is not good for us.

Me : Ya Charmi you are right. ok let us go to our work.

Now, Charmi has completed her Biology work and she was free now and was feeling so boring. We were sitting on bed then,

Me : Can we play ludo,etc.

Charmi : No, I want to do something unique.

Now, during night,

I was trying to ask her about night plan, So finally I asked her.

Me : Charmi I want to ask you something.

Charmi : Ya ask sure!

Me : Please don’t say no.

Charmi : For what?

Me : Can we do something tonight?

Charmi : What?

Me : When I saw you in sando you were looking very sexy with big tits and hot armpits, please can we fuck?
Charmi : (Feeling very shy) Oh Rahul you have made me horny now I also have intrest in sex ahh!

Me : So what are you waiting for?

Charmi : Ok Rahul let me fullfill your wish today. But it will be kept as a secret between us only. As I am biology student I know you are very curious to do sex.

Me : Charmi, please start I am not able to control myself.

Now charmi started to remove her clothes. So, First she opend her zip of shots and then removed her shots and then she removed her underwear and now I was like in heaven her pussy was shaven and fully red and now she removed her sando and ahhh now she was only in her bra so I said please Charmi dont be shy.

So, She unhook her bra and now she was completely naked and her tits were very sexy hot and they were dancing with her brown nipples which were erected.
Now, Charmi said I am now out of control please fuck me very hard tonight and I will remove your clothes.

I said that Charmi I am very happy to see you horny so please make me naked.

So Charmi removed my shots and underwear and my T shirt and now I was also comletely naked. Charmi said Oh my god Rahul my brother your penis is too long I will enjoy during blowjob.

So now Charmi started giving me blowjob she was perfectly doing these all things as she was a biology student now when she was giving me blowjob suddenly we both noticed that my mom is coming in our room so,

Me : Charmi quick hide yourself under the bed.

So Charmi went under the bed completely naked.

Charmi : Rahul hide your self from bedsheet so I was naked inside bedsheet.

Now mom enters in room

Me : What happened mom?

Mom : I want coconut oil where is it?

Me : Mom their it is inside the table draw.

Mom : Ya I got it thanks, Where is Charmi?

Me : Mom she told me that she is going at her friend’s home for study. so she will come tomorrow at morning.

Mom : Ok now sleep good night!

Me : Good night mom

Mom went out from room and then first I closed the door then Charmi went up to the bed.

Charmi : Sorry bro I forgot to close the door.

Me : I was thinking that mom will definitely caught us doing this.

Ok then let us sleep.

Charmi : No, Rahul you make me horny so you have to satisfy me!

Me : Ok so let me satisfy you!

I started licking her hot and delicious underarms and then she spread her legs as much as possible and then I licked her pussy for about 10 min, she was moaning loudly aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Rahul
lick me aaahhhhhh!
Now I put my penis inside her vagina then I started in and out she was moaning very loudly aaaahhhhhhhh Rahul my bro today i am yours do whatever you want fuck hard. Ahhhhhhh fuck hard at my pussy. ahhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh
then after sometime she give me a strong handjob.

Me : I am about to cum!

Charmi : Cum on my tits and face.

so I cum on her tits and face. she drank my semen and remaining she apply on her nipples.
And we have done sex of all positions and we fuck together whole night and we
smiled at each other and charmi gave me lip to lip kiss.

It was very hot kiss!


If you like my story or if any girl wants to chat with me they can contact me at

[email protected]

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