Mom started to give liplock to me. Sweety tried to enter between us. Mom pushed her away. Sweety hugged me from behind and started to pressing my dick. We kissed for 10 mins and mom went to close the door. Sweety started to kiss me. Mom came and again pushed her away. Mom again started to kiss me and I started to remove mom saree. Sweety removed my shirt from back and I am squeezing mom boobs. Mom is moaning and my dick got fully erected. Sweety removed my pant and entered in between our legs and strated licking my dick. I removed mom blouse and started to smooch her boobs. I inserted my finger in her petticoat and got direct access to her pussy. I started rubbing her pussy and started fingering. She is moaning umm, umm, umm….. Sweety stood up and started kissing me and took my hand and inserted inside her kurta pant. It is difficult to reach her pussy. She is wearing panty. Immediately she removed kurta pant and panty. I am fingering my mom and sweety at a time and they are moaning umm, umm umm, umm, umm…… I suddenly inserted my fingers inside their pussy at once. They both moaned Aah……… At once. I am feeling more horny with that. Mom removed her petticoat and said me in my ears to fuck Sweety now. I made sweety to lay down and kept a pillow under her head and I sat on her boobs. Mom went to her pussy and started licking her pussy deep. I kept my dick in her mouth and started to fuck her. She released orgasm. Mom increased her speed and started to lick more speed and deep. Sweety is very high with that and released another orgasm. Even mom didn’t stop and continued licking her pussy. I started to fuck in her mouth very fast. I fucked her mouth for 10 mins and mom is licking her pussy. She released another orgasm. I pointed my dick to her pussy and mom kept her pussy on Sweety mouth. Sweety started licking mom pussy. I inserted my dick inside Sweety pussy. I am pressing her boobs navel and fucking her and she realeased another orgasm. Mom increased speed on her mouth and I too increased my speed in her pussy. Sweety released another orgasm and I released sperm in Sweety pussy. Mom said to don’t release sperm in her pussy she will become pregnant. Sweety said she had her own ways to avoid pregnancy and she won’t become pregnant.
We all went to bathroom and I fucked my mom in doggy style under shower by keeping Sweety on the floor and mom pressing Sweety boobs and she is moving to and fro while I am fucking her. We all completed bathing and cleaned each other with towel and came outside completely naked and weared our dress. Sweety went to her home.
If any girls, aunties and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.