Little brother gets his education

I think Robert and I both realized he was going to try to punch me at about the same time. It wasn’t hard to see it coming – he was a pissed off young guy and his eyes were wild with frustration. It was equally unhard to duck left a little to let his sloppy right hook swing harmlessly past me. The sloppier left hook he followed with was even easier to avoid.

Don’t get the wrong idea: I can’t fight worth a shit. Samantha, my beautiful but scrappy little olive-skinned girlfriend is better in a scuffle. I’m just pretty good at keeping myself and people I care about out of harm’s way. So like I said, it wasn’t that hard to dodge Robert’s flailings.

If there was any skill involved, it was noticing and doing all this while looking across the kitchen at Samantha. It’s a decent summary of my respect for Sam that a healthy teenage man swinging wildly at my face concerned me less than she did from several feet away. If she got pissed enough, someone would be going to the hospital. Little Samantha had a gift for violence.

And now she was coming.

After Robert’s first swing, I watched her head snap our way. Without a moment’s pause, she simply released her half-filled wineglass to let it fall to the floor. Then she bent her knees a little to let gravity start her forward momentum. In three long strides, she covered the distance to the loveseat that separated the kitchen from the breakfast nook where Robert and I were doing our weird little dance. Just short of the loveseat, Sam stretched her arms forward, tucked her chin into her chest, and launched herself.

I watched the forward flip start and nearly couldn’t believe it – who the fuck somersaults over a loveseat on the way to a fight? Sammie. Her near-perfect balance made it only marginally less risky than a hurdle and she’d gain a bit more momentum along the way. Her instinctive choice was good news for Robert and for me. In mid-air she’d lose sight of us as her body rotated. We could stop this early.

I sidestepped around Robert, got one big step forward towards Sam’s imminent landing and braced myself with my arms opened wide for a ridiculous game of catch-the-girlfriend.

Sam’s spinning little body hit me ass-first right in the sternum. It forced emptied the air from my lungs and nearly knocked me off my feet but still I caught her. The force of our collision folded her at the waist. Her tiny, firm rump, bare beneath the long shirt she was wearing, was planted in the middle of my chest. She would have bounced backwards to the floor if I hadn’t wrapped my arms around behind her and pulled her into me tightly in a hug. Even in this absurd position pinned in half against me, she struggled – at first confused, then angry.

“Lemme go, Hero! He pulls that bullshit after everything we’ve done for him? That little punk needs a beating!” she growled.

“Fight’s already over Sam, he just needed to take a few swings to feel better.”

She wriggled a bit more but stopped after looking at Robert over my shoulder. He had plunked into a chair and dropped his face into his hands.

“If it weren’t for you two, Heather and I could be…. together. She said she loves me. It could have been like I’ve always wanted,” he said bitterly.

I let Samantha unfold and put her down. Incredibly, she switched gears from wanting to kick Robert’s ass to consoling him softly.

God what a mess. Ready for the tricky part? Robert was Heather’s younger brother.

How did we get here? Let me back up a few hours…

It was mid-morning when Heather let herself in and wandered into my kitchen wearing a college sweatshirt and a short pair of cotton shorts – it had become her uniform when she ventured outside on summer mornings. The loose thick cotton of her sweatshirt only hinted at the generous chest that hid beneath. The little shorts did more than hint though – they showcased. Their thin, clingy fabric cupped her small round buns and wedged slightly into her crack in a cock-stiffening display. Her blonde hair, already lightened by the summer sun, was piled on top of her head where it was knotted loosely in a scrunchi.

Home from her freshman year, Heather was my other girlfriend. Samantha’s too. It sounds more complicated than it is. The three of us are a happy little love triangle. Sam and I were ecstatic to have Heather home for the summer again. Her school was far enough away that we saw her only on the occasional weekends during term. Now that she was home on summer break, Heather spent most of her time living with us but she’d spent last night at her folks’ place across town to celebrate her brother’s eighteenth birthday. She’d invited us, indeed her parents had invited us, to her brother’s party but we declined, not wanting to intrude on their family event.

“Mornin’,” Heather greeted us sleepily, “Guys, this is Bobbie,” waving behind her. She patted me on the head as she sidled up next to Samantha and begged a sip of coffee from her cup. Heather knew I took sugar – a lot of sugar – and it meant I could keep my coffee to myself. The girls both drank it black so they often mooched from each other.

“Hi.” Bobbie was a few steps behind his sister. Jeans. T-shirt. He looked like a nice enough young guy. He had brassy-gold blonde hair and bright blue eyes like his sister. His youngish face didn’t match his 18 years. Bobbie was probably getting called “cute” more than he was getting called “handsome.” Still, he was better looking than I was at his age. If I’d looked like him in high school I probably would have had more luck with girls back then.

I wished him a happy birthday and Bobbie thanked me with an easy smile and a good handshake. It was hard not to like him. I warmed to him even more when Samantha came over to wish him a happy birthday. He blushed when she leaned up onto her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

Sam was twenty-four and beautiful in a petite, delicate, Mediterranean ballerina way because… well… that’s kinda what she was, on the outside anyway. In the same way that Heather’s bubbly blonde teeny exterior belied her razor sharp mind, the real Samantha inside was anything but delicate. She’s more or less a wolf in sheep’s clothing. At the moment, the only actual clothing Sam was wearing was one of my white, men’s dress shirts over a tiny pair of white cotton panties. My shirt fit her small body like a loose dress. It was a sturdy one, so it’s fabric was thick enough that you couldn’t see through it.

I’d watched her steal that shirt from my side of the closet that morning. She’d been naked except for the miniature white panties that covered her exquisite little rump. The muscles of her sleek back had rippled and played as she’d pulled my shirt down off its hangar and she slipped it on. Then she’d sauntered back to my side of the bed, bent, and kissed me on the cheek.

“When you’ve fucked me enough today, you’ll get your shirt back, got it?” she whispered her sexual ransom before chuckling and leaving the bedroom.

I’d barely woken up and she was already plotting sex for the day. Yep, I loved this woman.

I watched with amusement as Bobbie’s eyes traced down Sam’s toned dancer’s legs where they emerged from the bottom of the shirt. He was missing the best part – her tiny, tight tush was the stuff of a teenage boy’s wet dreams.

Sam caught Bobbie eyeing her up and smiled indulgently, enjoying the young man’s attention. “So what are you guys up to today?”

“Not much. Just hangin’ out,” he answered casually.

I pushed the seat next to me towards him. “Well, pull up a chair then.”

I got up and re-filled my coffee cup and poured one for Heather so she wouldn’t continue to mooch from Samantha. I offered some to Bobbie but he scrunched up his face and shook his head in a way that said he hadn’t yet discovered coffee. Sam poured him a glass of orange juice instead.

“So how was your birthday?” Sam asked him.

“Good. Different though. It’s not like when you’re a kid right? You’re not knee deep in presents and gorging yourself on birthday cake. I think I miss those days a little.”

“Welcome to adulthood,” I saluted him with my coffee cup and he smiled.

“So Bobbie, what was it like?” I asked. “Growing up with Heather, I mean. Your parents have told us some pretty funny stories.”

“Sis? Growing up with her was fun. She’s always been a goofball. And sweet. She’s always been pretty too. Even before she went and got all, you know, curvy.”

Heather’s fantastic proportions and the process of growing into them had always fascinated slender Samantha. “Yeah, what was that like?” she asked, “Living with her when she started turning into a woman?”

Bobbie looked thoughtful. “Confusing. For both of us, I think.”

Heather nodded agreement. “All of a sudden we had these boundaries.”

“You two needed space?”

Heather shook her head. “Us? No! It was our parents. They watched us like hawks! The whole time Bobbie and I grew up we had been comfortable around each other. Physical contact wasn’t weird or awkward. It was natural. Nice. We used to wrestle over silly little things when we were kids – like who got the last chocolate chip cookie.”

Heather smirked and gestured across her oversized chest, “Then I grew these giant boobs and all of a sudden Mom was all over us, breaking us up any time we were touching for more than a few seconds.”

Bobbie chuckled. “Yep, no more wrestling over cookies. Our parents were extra jumpy when we played together at the beach or in the pool. It was those bikini tops of yours. You looked like a porn cartoon when you were thirteen.”

“It was the only way for me to find a bathing suit!” Heather huffed. “I was huge up top and still teeny tiny below – my hips came later.”

She swung her still small, but well-curved, nineteen year-old hips from side to side. Bobby’s look lingered and I didn’t blame him. She may have been his sister but he was still a guy and his sister was built like an A-list porn star.

“No one-piece suit would fit,” she explained. “Either the bottoms were too loose and my butt hung out or the tops were too tight and my boobs popped out. At least with a bikini I could mix and match. It gave my body time to even out a little.”

Bobbie nodded, remembering. “Your chest was definitely way ahead of the rest of you. All of a sudden they were right there. They grew out in just… what was it?”

Heather cringed. “Three months.”

Bobbie grinned again. “Oh yeah, I used to tease her that I could hear her tits growing at night.”

I stiffened slightly at Bobbie’s courser language in front of his sister.

Heather continued unruffled, “Hey, I forgot about that! Ugh, for weeks, they just kept getting bigger. Mom took me back to the same Victoria’s Secret four times in three months. The saleslady couldn’t believe it. I was terrified they wouldn’t stop growing. For a while there I was this tiny little kid with giant boobs attached to my front. It was awful. The neighborhood kids made fun of me and old men leered at me.”

She looked to her brother and smiled sweetly. “But you never did either of those things. Thanks, Bobbie.”

“Yeah, well, you had your revenge,” he looked at us and smirked. “A year later and the same neighborhood boys who were teasing her were showing up to ask her out. All of them! It was crazy! The telephone rang non-stop. We had to get an unlisted number. Dad joked about buying a shotgun and a rottweiler.”

“How about you, Bobbie? Ever try to pick up one of your sister’s friends?” Sam wondered. “I used to flirt with my brother’s buddies. They were cute and older and bigger and more experienced and…” Sam trailed off, lost in her own memory.

Heather answered for her brother, needling him, “Well, there was Lori…”

“Awww…” her brother blushed but he explained, “Heather caught me and one of her friends kissing in our basement one night during one of her sleepovers. Sis was pissed at the time. There was a lot of yelling. Lori called her parents and went home. She wouldn’t talk to me after that.”

“Yeah. Sorry about that.” Heather rubbed her brother’s shoulder. “When Lori and I made up, I made her promise to keep her hands off you. She was kind of a bitch anyway. I did you a favor. If it’s any consolation, she told me you were a really good kisser though.”

“Really?” Bobbie brightened.

“Totally,” his sister smiled.

“Cool.” Bobby looked a little proud.

Heather eyes flitted from Sam to me and back. “Since we’re talking about Bobbie’s love life…”

“Or lack thereof,” Bobbie grumbled.

“…I was thinking we might help him out a bit. He has this girl that he likes and just might like him.”

“Who is it?” I asked. We knew a couple of Heather’s friends from bumping into them around town.

“You haven’t met her.” Heather shook her head. But then she nodded at Sam. “But you have.”

“Girl from school?” I asked Bobbie.

“Yeah,” he shrugged. “I want to ask her out and all but I’m a little intimidated…”

“So I was thinking we could give him a few pointers. You know, up his game a bit. Make sure he gets off to a good start with his special girl.”

Samantha saw where this was headed. “Just what kind of things did you have in mind?”

Heather gnawed her lip. “Well, as much as we feel comfortable with?”

In the long pause that followed, Sam eyed Heather suspiciously. “Riiiight,” she said sarcastically.

Sam turned to look at Robert and laid it out with her characteristic bluntness. “Ever seen a naked girl Bobbie?”

“Yeah! Sheez, I’m not a little kid.”

“How about sex?”

He shook his head.

“Any kind of sex at all?”

Bobbie paused, contemplating an answer.

“Jerking off doesn’t count, kiddo,” Sam deadpanned.

When he cringed and shook his head I had to look away to hide a smile.

Heather pulled Samantha towards the hallway by her arm. “Excuse us, we need to talk this over.” They drifted out of the room but their conversation trailed after them.

Sam: “Don’t give me those big blue eyes. You’re deep in that damn do-gooder mode of yours aren’t you?”

Heather: “Oh come on, you didn’t complain when my do-gooder urges helped you.”

“Wow, that was a cheap shot.”

“Sorry. Okay look, I know this is weird but my first time was with a virgin and he was clumsy and awkward. It was a horrible, humiliating, painful ordeal. I don’t want my brother to be like that. More importantly, he doesn’t want to be like that.”

“Heather…” Sam sighed, “Fine. Arrrrgh, but say this with me, ‘I am not Samantha’s pimp.’ ”

Heather giggled. “I am not Samantha’s pimp.’ ”

“Thank you. Jesus, I can’t believe I’m actually even entertaining this idea. If we actually do go through with this, what did you have in mind?”

“I was kinda thinking we would…” and then they were out of earshot.

Robert and I were left alone. He looked around the room and finally back at me.

Eh boy, it wasn’t even noon yet and I needed a drink already. Whether he knew it or not, Robert was going to need one to. I pulled a bottle of vodka from the freezer – a screwdriver was a safe bet for your average teenager and he had the OJ already.

“Have a little vitamin V,” I tipped the bottle and poured a healthy shot into his glass.

I dosed my coffee heavily from a bottle of McCallin (hey, it’s suitable for coffee) that was sitting on the counter as Bobbie took a test sip of his drink and nodded gratefully.

“Can I ask you a weird question? You’re, like, Sam’s boyfriend right?”

I nodded.

“But you and Heather are kind of together too right?”

We had been keeping that detail from Heather’s parents. I had no idea what his sister had told him so I nodded again but with my lips pressed together in a tight line, trying to show that I didn’t want to delve into that topic too much. For one thing, the Miller clan had no idea their sweet little daughter was also into girls. “Talk to your sister about it if you want to know more.”

“Gotcha.” Bobbie paused, “But, are you, like, okay with this?”

I sighed. Was I? Was there enough Irish whisky in the world to make me okay with what Heather was asking Sam to do?

I ended up talking to myself as much as to him, “Well, you seem like a nice guy and I’m not the jealous type – at least I don’t think I am. You’re Heather’s brother and if she thinks it would be good for you then I guess I’ll play along. I’m assuming this would be kind of a one-off. But it’s really up to Samantha. And don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not worried about you taking Sam away from me. She’s… well… she’s complicated.”

“Yeah, what about her? Is Samantha really going to go for this? Heather says she’s really open minded. This is still a crazy thing to ask though.”

I shrugged. “Heather can be pretty persuasive. As for Sam, well, she is what she is. She makes up her own mind. If she’s willing to take you under her wing, you’re a lucky fella.” I smirked. “You’d be skipping right to the advanced class.”

Heather’s voice came from upstairs, “Can you guys come on up here?”

Holy crap, it sounded like Heather had talked Sam into it.

When we made it up to the bedroom, Samantha was sitting at the foot of the bed with one leg tucked under her ass. Heather was standing next to her.

Sam craned her neck to look at me around Bobbie and she asked a one-word question that sounded nonsensical but carried all the meaning that Samantha needed just then: “Doritos?”

Hmmm… “Doritos” doesn’t have a direct translation. The closest thing might be “trust.” There’s a lot built into the word “Doritos” for Sammie. First and foremost, she’s always used it as her sexual safeword. It was easy to remember and it was so funny in a sexual context that it worked as a sort of funny escape valve.

Why did Sam need a safeword? Frankly, she liked some crazy things in bed, things even crazier than I did. And she was pretty good at talking me into playing along with her sometimes perverse fetishes. But if she changed her mind or if she needed to beg out of what we were doing because something got too weird or hurt too much or she was worried about me or Heather, Sammie just said “Doritos” and we all stopped.

She’d only bailed out on us twice. And to give you some point of reference, one of those times involved Samantha’s ill-advised attempt to “use” of both of Heather’s clenched fists. For the record, I had tried to talk the two of them out of it beforehand.

Yeeeaaah, I’ll never get that particular image out of my head: Heather grinning with determination, Sam howling in stubborn agony. Cherry-flavored lubricant was everywhere. Some things you just can’t un-see, you know?

Anyway, there in the bedroom with Heather and her brother, Sammie’s choice of her own safeword as a question carried with it all of the intimacy and trust that we had built up between us as friends, lovers, and confidants. It told me that she knew that what she wanted to do with Bobbie was crazy. It also said that she trusted me to tell her if it was going to hurt my feelings and that I should trust her that things between us wouldn’t change just because she was going to show this teenage boy the time of his life.

I looked at my little dark dancer perched on top of our big bed. Her wavy chocolate brown hair was swept to the side and forward onto one shoulder. Her olive skin and dark hair stood out against the crisp, bright white button down dress shirt she wore like lingerie. The sexiest thing about her at that moment? The crooked little smile she was wearing – the idea of teaching Heather’s eighteen-year-and-one-day-old brother about sex clearly appealed to her.

I smiled and nodded, “Doritos.”

It was all Sam needed to hear. “C’mere Bobbie,” she called.

As the hypnotized Bobbie made his way to Sam, Heather came to me. “Hero, I never even asked you if you were okay with…”

I cut her off, slipping an arm around her waist, “It’s be weird seeing Sammie with another guy but the three of us have done a lot of sharing. In hindsight, it’s all been with women. I guess it’s not fair for me to get jealous just because the tables are turned.”

Heather went on tiptoes and kissed me. “Good. I love you, dummy. Sammie does too.”

“Yeah yeah, I know. Now, how about we leave them alone and go make our own fun? The way those tiny shorts of yours are wrapped around your butt has me craving…”

I stopped my proposition because Heather’s eyebrows were already knitted together.

“Uh sorry, honey. We’re staying. This is kind of a group activity.”

“Errr… you’re his sister and I’m another guy. Not sure what we have to contribute.”

Heather shrugged. “Bobbie and I have always been comfortable in front of each other. We’ll be fine. As for you, you’re a wonderful lover, Hero – kind and thoughtful and gentle and attentive. I’d like Bobbie to be like you someday. I want you here to help too, okay?”

It was a not-so subtle play on my vulnerable male ego but Heather also believed what she was saying. I looked in her giant blue eyes and I caved, “Sure.”

While we were talking, I watched Bobbie lean down to kiss Samantha. One of her hands slid around to the back of his neck and she used it to draw him into a deeper, hungrier kiss. After a few moments, she pulled away and leaned back on the bed.

“Unbutton this?” She nodded down at her dress shirt.

Bobbie’s hands were shaking as he started from the top and undid the half-dozen buttons, exposing a thin line of Sam’s smooth olive skin that ran all the way down to the simple white cotton panties she was wearing.

Sam smiled encouragingly. “Put your hands on my belly, Bobbie. Stroke it a little. Most girls, myself included, like to be petted a lot.”

Bobbie obeyed, tentatively placing a hand on Sam’s flat, taut stomach then circling it gently.

“Good boy,” she sighed. She let him relax and feel the soft skin of her belly and the toned abdominal muscles beneath. When his circling hand drew up her ribs and approached her chest, she looked up at him and slowly pulled aside her shirt to expose one of her petite round breasts. “Gentle.”

Bobbie nodded, wide eyed, looking down at what might have been his first real life breast. His fingertips touched her gently before he palmed it. Like the rest of her, Sam’s breast was small, round and pert – it fit perfectly in his hand. It was capped by a tiny, light tan nipple.

Sam sat up briefly to kiss her teen lover again. “You’re a natural kisser, Bobbie. You’ve got that down,” she smiled. Over his shoulder, Sam smiled at us as we stood there watching. She wiggled her eyebrows goofily and it made me smile. As deranged as the scenario was, Sam was having fun.

She let Bobbie circle around the nipple of each of her breasts with his fingers several times before she pulled his hand to her mouth and sucked his fingers to wet them. She returned his hand to her chest. “Don’t let my nipples get raw, Bobbie.” He went back to circling her nipples, fascinated.

From our angle looking up Sam’s half-reclined body, we could see her panty-covered mound. We watched her little white underwear darken with moisture as her young lover played with her chest.

Sam’s snug panties were revealing to begin with – they had cupped her tiny outer lips into a little bump. Now they became even more revealing as she began to get wet. Very wet. Her juices wicked their way through the white cotton. At her center, they became translucent and puckered inwards. I could make out the vague outline of her small lips.

I watched as one of Sam’s hands drifted down to rub herself gently through the outside of the soaked fabric while Bobbie toyed with her breasts. She hunched against her own hand hungrily.

Sam was clearly ready to take this further. She tugged one of Bobbie’s hands down to her waistband. “Off,” she said simply, nibbling on her lower lip. Bobbie did as he was told and slid the waistband of her panties downward. They eased over her slender hips but caught momentarily when their crotch stuck wetly to her. They pulled free then down to her knees and she kicked them away.

Sam’s beautiful little sex was laid bare. She was shaved smooth except for a dainty, downward pointing triangle of closely trimmed muff. The tiny folds of her pussy were small and delicate and already shiny with her excitement.

I glanced at Heather standing next to me. She was watching intently, not blinking. Her breathing was quick and shallow, absorbed completely in what they were doing.

I looked back just as Sam took Bobbie’s hand again and traced it slowly down her belly to her groin. She circled his two first fingers with hers and dragged them down through her little landing strip then down between her tiny, soft outer lips. She moved his fingers in a little circle at the top and automatically arched her hips upwards in response to the contact.

“That’s my clit.”

She spun his fingers around her bud a few more times for her own benefit and for Bobbie’s. Then she continued his tour by pulling his fingers lower to her opening and pressing them at her entrance.

“That’s my vagina.”

I watched his two fingers slowly sink in partly as she pushed them into herself, using his hand like a dildo. She greedily rolled her hips up into the penetration and carefully fucked herself with his fingers a few times before she pulled them free and drew them back up to circle her tender button again. She was essentially masturbating herself with Bobbie’s hand.

Through it all, Bobbie was speechless.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Sam looked up at him, “What do you think so far?”

“Awesome,” he croaked.

“Ready for the real lessons to start?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Good,” but then she looked over at me, “C’mere, Hero.” She patted the bed between her legs.

“Huh?” Bobbie looked disappointed.

I was confused.

“Easy Tiger,” Sam chuckled softly at her new student, “Learn by watching then doing. Hero first. Then you’ll get your turn.”

Heather pushed me forward, “Go on, show him how it’s done, honey.”

Okay. Wow. It’s a peculiar honor to be asked to teach your girlfriend’s younger brother how to eat pussy on your other girlfriend. Peculiar but pretty fucking hot.

I knelt at the foot of the bed and Sam scooted her butt to the edge of the mattress and spread her legs. She draped one of her knees over my shoulder to dangle loosely down my back. I stroked her thighs then kissed the soft smooth skin there and Sam sighed happily.

Heather started explaining for her brother’s benefit, “See how he’s taking his time, Bobbie? He’s reading her. She’s horny but not ready to cum right this minute so he’s letting Sam get settled. Letting her get into what he’s about to do.”

Sure enough, I leaned into Sam’s sex and kissed her small outer lips a few times, nuzzling her gently.

“His first few touches are gentle. He’s not trying to swallow her right away. Hero knows to start off slow right now.”

True again. My first licks were tentative, small. I parted Sam’s lips in search of her clit and found it already swollen. As I lapped at it slowly and gently the first few times, from the corner of my eye I saw Heather come towards the three of us by the bed.

“Don’t be bashful, get in there, Bobbie.” She pulled her brother down onto the floor next to me for a better view.

“Keep going, Hero,” Sam sighed from above.

I worked my way through several of the oral tricks I used for the girls, coming at Samantha’s small sensitive nub from different angles and twisting my tongue in different shapes. For Bobbie’s benefit, I paused to explain the advantage of giving Sam brief breaks during eating her by licking elsewhere or not licking at all for a second or two. Through the lesson, I kept poor Samantha teetering on the brink of an orgasm for about fifteen minutes.

Bobbie watched, silently taking it all in. “Why did roll your tongue up like that?” he finally asked.

“Because it feels different on her,” Heather explained for me since I was of occupied. “Here, give me your arm for a sec.”

I watched Heather press her mouth to the sensitive underside of her brother’s wrist and lick it several times. Her tongue moved this way and that. She narrowed her tongue then widened it, then rolled it under and over to demonstrate. Bobbie watched in amazement as she mouthed his arm.

I backed away from Sam. She was ready to cum. In fact, she was desperate to cum, and Bobbie could finish her off. “Want to try, Bobbie?”

But Bobbie’s eyes were still locked on his sister because she was still licking at his wrist, pausing to nip and suck gently on his skin hungrily. She was getting lost in what she was doing and I wondered what was in her head.

“Heather? Honey?” I asked softly.

Heather’s eyes opened. “Oh, right. Sorry. Your turn, bro’.” She let his arm go. Bobbie was still looking at his sister briefly as he turned towards Samantha.

I scooted aside and he dipped his face between her legs to began licking and teasing her folds carefully. He was a little slow and awkward at first. Sam reached down to run her fingers through his hair. She used that grip to encourage him at some points, discourage him at others.

Heather and I watched them together. Right up until Heather got impatient just watching. Before I could stop her, she moved in, nosing her brother out of the way.

“How about trying this… I’ve been meaning to try this…” She lowered her mouth to Sam’s small wet sex and used her tongue to trace a quick series of X’s centered on Samantha’s button.

Sam’s hips humped quickly up into Heather’s skilled mouth, “Oh wow,” she mewled. Clearly, Sam liked it.

Bobbie stiffened in shock. “Uh, sis? You just?”

Heather winced as she pulled her face from Samantha’s rolling crotch with an embarrassed look. “Oh! Yeah, Sam and I… we…”

Bobbie didn’t need her to finish. It was pretty obvious. “Wow. I had no idea.”

“I wasn’t exactly advertising it to my kid brother. Does it freak you out?”

“No, I guess not. Actually, I think it’s kinda cool.”

Heather shrugged and smiled at her brother. “Good. Now we have something else in common – we both like pussy.” Heather giggled. “Just don’t tell Mom okay?”

“So you’re okay with me telling Dad?” Bobbie joked.

“Har har. No, don’t tell him either, dummy.” Heather poked her brother.

The three of us at the bottom of the bed laughed and a weird sort of tension broke.

Sam’s voice came down from above. It was a whine full of need, she still hadn’t cum. “Would one of the three of you – I don’t fucking care who – please finish what you started?”

Heather quickly nudged Bobbie’s head forward, back to his task. “That’s better,” Sam moaned with relief when he went back to eating her, “much better.”

Soon, Bobbie’s gentle laps and teases on Samantha’s tender little folds were already getting smoother, more confident. Samantha rewarded him by starting a low, long moan and humping gently into his face. “Just like that. Yeah, you’re a good little pussylicker. The girls at your high school are going to be lining up when word gets out.”

Bobbie’s eyes flashed proudly at Sam’s compliment.

Heather agreed, “She’s right, bro’. Teenage girls can get all the fingering and fucking they want. Good oral is hard to find.”

By now, Sam was getting very worked up. She pumped her hips more urgently and pulled Bobbie into her crotch. She rolled her groin in circles, using his face. “You’re going to make me come Bobbie. I’m going to come because of you. The first girl you’ve ever eaten to an orgasm. Are you ready? Ready for me to come on your face, honey?”

Bobbie only response was to work at her drooling sex more vigorously. Smart boy.

Sam humped up into him, moaning and grunting, and shuddering as she finally came after dangling on the brink of an orgasm for over half an hour. It was a beautiful thing to watch. The muscles in her gorgeous little thighs rippled as she came. Her round little breasts rolled up and down on her chest. Her mouth hung open and her head rolled back and forth haphazardly.

She finally relaxed with a sigh. When she caught her breath, Sam pulled off her shirt then spun and rolled forward onto her belly. “All right, Bobbie, stand up and lose the shirt.”

Eager for more, he whipped his shirt off like it had caught fire.

“Okay, now let me in those pants of yours, young man.” Bobbie unsnapped his jeans, but Sam pushed his hands away to unzip them and drag them down to his knees. His boxers followed his shorts and for the first time in my relatively experienced life, I was looking at another man’s erect dick in real time.

Bobbie was big. He was longer than I was by a couple of inches. But he wasn’t nearly as thick around. Good for him. His sex life was going to be less complicated than mine. Basically, any woman who saw that cock was going to want it without hesitation. Samantha was no exception.

“Whoa, Heather honey, your brother is seriously packing.”

Sam didn’t have to tell Heather because she was already staring at her brother’s hard cock as it bobbed in the open air. Her mouth just opened and closed a few times in shock. “Dude!” was all she managed to get out.

Bobbie chuckled bashfully. “Aw, thanks guys.”

Sam broke Heather’s reverie by wrapping two of her hands on Bobbie’s shaft and stroking him gently. As Sammie worked her brother’s cock, Heather hauled me over to the foot of the bed next to them. She paused to yank her own sweatshirt off and it pulled her scrunchi with it so that her brassy blonde hair fell free. Beneath the sweatshirt, she was wearing a tight little pink babydoll t-shirt that stretched across her full round breasts.

She left the shirt on but hurriedly yanked off my clothes in a near frenzy. My little girl was definitely horny. When my cock was free, Heather skipped the handjob. She leaned in and sucked me directly into her mouth. She bobbed her little pink lips halfway down my shaft, moaning softly as she did it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bobbie’s head turn towards us to watch his sister swallow me. As weird as it was for me, it had to be weirder for him. Sure enough, he gasped at the sight.

Still stroking him with two hands, Sam watched him watching us. “You want to try that?”

“Yes, please.”

I had to wonder if he’d meant having his dick sucked generally or specifically sucked by his sister.

Sam wasn’t giving him the option. “Good news, let’s just say I’m at least as good at this as your sister.”

She began lick the purple tip of his shaft as she continued stroking him. Bobbie shivered as she lathed his sensitive end. Then Sam popped his knob into her mouth easily. One of her hands drifted down to cup his balls. She began to descend onto his dick, swallowing him inch by inch – first two inches, then four. From the side, I watched Sam’s jaw distend as he eased past her mouth and into her throat. Then it was five inches. Then seven. Bobbie was looking down at Samantha with amazement. Another half inch or so and her nose touched his belly. She was breathing comfortably through her nose with his entire length buried between her lips.

Heather slid me from her mouth to give her brother some advice. “Bobbie? Hold Sammie’s hair for her while she does you. See? Like, Hero?” She pointed at my hand where I had automatically gathered her loose blonde hair. I did it out of habit and I hadn’t noticed that I did.

“Oh, right,” he scooped Sam’s hair up and held it out of her way.

Samantha rewarded him by gently caressing his balls and Bobbie moaned. She pumped her mouth up and down with a few nasty, wet slurps then spat him out.

“Almost forgot. You can come in my mouth when you’re ready, Bobbie, but not all girls like that. Always ask first, okay?”

He nodded and she leaned down further to lick at his balls. She gently sucked one into her mouth and worked his shaft with two hands. Bobbie’s knees swayed. Sam chuckled and moved back up to take him into her mouth, then bobbed expertly, her cheeks were sucked in tightly around him.

I looked back down at Heather and although she was working her mouth on me gleefully, she was watching Sam suck on her brother. She caught me looking at her and smiled around my shaft. She moved her hands around behind me to cup my ass and began to pull me into her mouth, urging me to fuck her face. I took the hint and began sawing in and out of her tightly circled lips. Heather closed her eyes and surrendered herself to a nice steady facefuck, pulling me into her with her hands.

Not to be outdone, Sam copied her move with Bobbie. Soon he was thrusting in and out of Sam’s mouth with her hands pulling him forward. Realistically, I thought Sam was getting Bobbie’s hopes a little too high. Not that many high school girls are ready for, or interested in, a vigorous deepthroating.

But the girls kept glancing at each other and kept urging us to screw into their mouths more firmly. They were both panting through their noses. Soon they both had spit lewdly dripping from their chins with our cocks sliding in and out their entire lengths. What had started as a basic introduction to a blowjob devolved into a demo of advanced throatfucking.

It had become a race and Sam did something nasty to win. She wet a finger in the drool that was dripping from her mouth and then slipped her hand back around behind Bobbie. She flicked the slick finger up his crack and pressed it between his asscheeks.

She must have pushed into his ass pretty hard because Bobbie suddenly jumped forward into her mouth, triggering even Sam’s nearly non-existent gag reflex. She choked just as Bobbie blasted off in her mouth. Recovering from her brief gag, she sputtered and forced her throat open for his cum. It must have been a big one because Bobbie’s knees shook and he hunched over into her mouth, unable to move as he let loose. Sam held still, swallowing loudly. She let him finish coming in her warm mouth and down her throat before bobbing a few more times on his shaft to suck the last of his cum from him.

“Haha, I win,” Sam finally chuckled, still swallowing and wiping the thickened saliva off her chin. “That was hot Bobbie! Plus, you’ll last a lot longer now that you’ve gotten the first one out of the way.” She leaned back on the bed and invited him down on to it with her.

Heather looked up at me, her face still flushed from her unfinished blowjob. I kind of hoped she’d finish what she started but she had other plans.

“Wanna fuck me?” she asked simply.

I just looked at her, incredulous. “Seriously?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Because your brother is right there.”

“Meh, it’s okay.” she stood and pulled me in tight to whisper, “I’m not so sure Sam will be able do my brother… remember her little hang up before? She couldn’t sleep with you until she broke up with her last boyfriend. I’m betting the same thing will happen. If she can’t, at least Bobbie gets to pick up a few pointers from watching us…”

“Riiiiight.” The fact that Heather was correct about Samantha’s hang-up didn’t make the situation any less strange. But Heather was already shimmying out of her short shorts. Beneath them were tiny pink cotton panties the same color as her babydoll t-shirt.

She climbed up onto the bed, laid back and spread her legs. I was briefly confused because she’d said she wanted sex but had left her little underwear on. Her plan got clearer when she pulled her panties to the side and gestured me forward.

Well, there was some modesty to this, I realized. She wouldn’t be completely naked in front of her brother. Under her panties, the pale skin of her uncovered pussy contrasted with the rest of her golden tan. She didn’t have matching tan lines up top this year. She’d been tanning topless on our back deck. A shame, really, I loved that contrast. I had already spent hours that summer tracing the tan lines of her bikini bottom with my tongue.

Heather waved me down eagerly and I knelt between her spread legs. Still holding her panties to the side with one hand, she used her other hand to take hold of my saliva-slickened shaft and rub me up and down the perfect unbroken line of her labia.

Heather’s little adolescent pussy was still a wonder to me. She was completely bald. Recently, she’d even ditched shaving in favor of going to the salon to get waxed. Her pale, smooth outer lips covered the rest of her small pink sex completely – she looked like a doll. My tip split her puffy little lips and we both moaned at the feeling of her teasing me around her pussy.

I was still worked up from her fantastic blowjob and was eager to be inside her. I pushed forward, and my end caught at the edge of her little pink hole and just began to slip inside. Heather was wet and hot. I could feel it already. I pressed into her and although she was soaking and swollen with over-excitement. It meant she was absurdly tight and slick. I pushed down into her and she rose up to meet me. Her eyes squeezed shut as we worked my shaft inside her and she used her free hand to gently rub at her own clit. As my over-thick cock slowly sank into her, I could actually see her lower belly distend slightly, a small bump appearing. Heather’s young body was shifting internally to accommodate me.

When I glanced up, Samantha and Bobbie had recovered and were watching us. She turned to look at him, “Want to try that too?” She took his half-hard cock in her hand and began to stroke it.

“Hell, yeah.”

She stroked him gently as they both watched me ease my way into Heather. Sam had more advice for her young lover, “Okay, you need to go slow at first, just like they’re doing it. Don’t just try to jam that big dick of yours right into a girl. Got it?”

Heather moaned her disagreement.

“Well, unless she asks you to,” Sam chuckled. Sam stretched herself out on her back and pulled Bobbie down on top of her.

When I was completely buried in Heather’s tight teenage hole, we both turned to watch her brother and Samantha. Could Sam do it?

Samantha, so sure a moment before, looked shaken as soon as Bobbie was above her. She bit her lip and reached down between her legs to take hold of Bobbie’s cock. She stroked it a few times and took a several deep breaths.

To his credit, Bobbie waited patiently. Samantha brought his tip to her sex and teased them both by rolling his knob around her little opening. Sam panted, enjoying the sensations, but started shaking her head.

“I can’t. I want to but… I’m sorry, Bobbie, I just can’t.”

Sam looked over at Heather. “I can’t make love to your brother. My head, my heart, they don’t work that way, I’m with you two. I couldn’t do it with Hero until I broke up with Danny and I barely even liked Danny.”

Heather and I nodded quietly, both remembering.

Bobbie looked crushed. “I’m more sorry Samantha, I… I’m not sure it was even fair for me to ask you for this.”

Here was more proof that Bobbie was a nice guy.

Sam smiled and pulled him down for a well-deserved kiss, “Let’s just watch them for awhile. We’ll think of something.” They turned on their sides, Bobbie spooning in behind Sam, and suddenly Heather and I had an audience.

It didn’t seem to bother Heather at all. She tilted her chin up and smiled at Sam and Bobbie upside down as we began to screw slowly.

Heather’s insides were stretching to take me in but her entrance was squeezing down on me like a tight ring. She soon wriggled out from under me to turn around and get up on her hands and knees. Her pink baby-doll t-shirt slid up her back to expose a few inches of tanned skin above the waistband of her little pink panties. She reached behind her to pull those panties to the side again and she looked back over her shoulder. Her eyes were heavy lidded with need, “Take me from behind Hero? I need it deep.”

I nodded and I pushed myself into the slick tightness of her smooth young cunt, feeling her stretch around me. Heather was right about this being a deeper position, I could just barely brush the bottom of her vagina from this angle by pressing firmly against her ass. It was this contact she was after. As I pulled out and sank back inside her, she let her head hang loosely from her shoulders. Her blonde hair swayed and shimmered as we fucked while Bobbie and Sam watched.

Sam, turned her head to look up at Bobbie, and kissed along his jaw. “Hey Bobbie, I’m getting frisky again watching them.”

“Me too,” Bobbie responded, eyes never leaving his sister’s rocking head. “Want me to to eat you a little more? I kind of liked doing that.”

Instead, Sam spun and lifted up onto all fours alongside Heather. Her butt was waving at me. “No, not exactly, Bobbie. Come around behind me.”

Bobbie brightened but was cautious, “Err… I thought you said you didn’t want to have sex.”

“Yeah, well, not exactly that either. This is kind of a different thing. For me, anyway.” Samantha reached a hand behind herself to pull one of her tiny tight ass cheeks aside. Then she tapped at her own backdoor with a fingertip.

Bobby could only gulp.

“Do you want to try putting that nice big cock of yours in there instead, Bobbie?” Sam’s offer came out as an inviting purr.

“Fuck yeah,” Bobby whispered in amazement.

“Good, but here’s the catch. You have to lick it first.”

“Your ass?” Bobbie said uncertainly.

“Yep. That’s the deal. I’m offering to let you do something naughty. You have to show me you don’t mind being a little naughty too.” Sam was still circling her own rosebud with her finger.

“That’s, uh, that’s pretty nasty.”

“Mmmm hmmm, that’s kind of the point, Bobbie.”


“So do you want to try…” Samantha never finished her sentence because Bobbie was hesitant, not stupid.

He came to his senses and took a long hungry lick up the crack of her miniature ass.

“Ugh, that’s good,” Sam shivered as Bobbie pressed his face between her asscheeks. I watched his jaw work as his tongue slid around in her upturned butt.

Heather turned to openly stare at her brother rimming her girlfriend. I felt her young cunt snap wetter and tighter around me – the scene was turning her on immensely.

I reached a hand beneath us and pushed the now-soaking wet cotton of her little pink panties aside. I circled her clit with two fingers. Heather groaned but her eyes never left the lewd scene next to us.

“Do you want that too?” I asked her. Heather absolutely loved having her little bubblebutt licked and I pretty much expected her to take me up on it.

“Uh uh, keep fucking me,” she moaned instead, surprising me a little.

By now, Samantha had worked a hand up under herself to play at her clit while Bobbie was lustily licking and sucking at her ass. She fell forward onto her elbows, her rump high in the air for Bobbie.

“More,” Sam asked breathlessly. It was obvious she was going to come soon. It was also obvious that Bobbie didn’t understand what she wanted.

“More,” Sam asked again.

“Push your tongue inside her ass, Bobbie.” I explained softly.

With his face still wedged in Sam’s little butt, he glanced over at me like I was crazy.

“It’s okay, Sammie wouldn’t ask if she thought it would be gross.”

Bobbie still hesitated.

“Trust her Bobbie. She’s sharing a very intimate part of her body.”

Sam was teetering on another orgasm and not above a little begging. She twisted her head to look back at Bobbie, her dark hair falling across eyes. “Please? I’m so close again. Do it and I’ll come for you, sweetie. Nice and big. I’ll come with your tongue in my ass.” She moaned and rocked backwards gently into his face.

Bobbie’s face pressed harder into her and I watched Samantha’s mouth fall open as she got what she wanted, Bobbie’s teenage tongue easing into through her sphincter.

“Ugh, yes. Just like that. Now in and out a little. Tongue fuck my butt for me, baby.” Sam began work her clit more quickly, racing towards her next orgasm.

Bobbie had Samantha completely wound up again. She was twitching all over and hissing through gritted teeth. He also wasn’t shy about what he was doing anymore. He began to openly sodomize Sam with his tongue. Heather and I watched as his head bobbed in and out of her ass, his tongue speared to a point.

Sam held perfectly still and let him do all the work while frigging herself frantically.

Heather egged her brother on between gasps while I plunged in and out of her adolescent hole, “She’s… ready to … to cum now… Bobbie. Push your tongue… inside as far as you can.”

Bobbie listened to his sister. He pressed forward into Sam’s little rump, grimacing at the effort as he stretched his mouth to cram his tongue into her as deeply as he could.

It worked. Sam shook and came again, her tiny hips humping and twisting as she peaked. She was reduced to several small soft grunts as her orgasm racked her little body.

But that had just been the warm up.

Samantha was still rubbing herself through her final shudders when she arched her back severely to push her ass higher. She was so damn flexible that her belly and her butt were nearly perpendicular. It was a submissive pose and she openly begged Bobbie to take the next step.

“Okay, lover. Put your cock in my ass.” She shivered a few times, still not quite finished coming. “You’ll love it, I promise.”

Bobbie was up on his knees behind her in an instant. His cock was drooling pre-cum. Between her saliva-soaked butt and his dribbling fluids, they had plenty of lubrication. Heather and I watched her brother nudge his knob between Sam’s ass cheeks. Sam reached back with both of her hands to lewdly spread her own ass open for him. We all watched his tip push against her backdoor.

“Slow.” Heather and Sam both cautioned Bobbie at the same time.

Their perfect, stereo warning made the three of us chuckle. Everyone except for Bobbie. He was completely absorbed in the contact of his cock and Sam’s butt.

Like I had told him in the kitchen, she was taking Bobbie right to the advanced class.

We all looked on breathlessly as Bobbie breached Sam’s ass and his glans slowly disappeared into her rear. Inch by inch, his shaft slid into her tiny upturned butt. Sam was well-experienced with my thicker than average cock. She was also relaxed from two orgasms and Bobbie’s thorough rimming. It meant that Sam could let him penetrate her in one long glorious push. It was a sight to behold – nearly eight inches of teenage cock slowly swallowed up by Sam’s miniscule rear hole.

When he was buried completely in her ass, Sam cocked her head to grin back at Bobbie. She still held her tiny ass cheeks open so that he could appreciate the view of his cock crammed in her petite rump.

“Feel good, Bobbie?” Sam purred.

“The most amazing feeling ever. You okay, though?”

She chuckled. “Sweet of you to ask, but I’m fine. I’ve done this a few times before. Ready to fuck me?”

Bobbie shook his head, “Hold on a sec. If I move right now I’m going to cum.”

“No, no can’t have that,” she snickered. “In the meantime, why don’t you come down on top of me? You can get off your knees and I can feel your warm body pressing down on me.”

Sam was already laying on her belly with her ass arched up to accept Bobbie. We watched him stretch himself out on top of her.

“Yeah, you’re all nice and warm on top of me,” Sam sighed as his body covered hers, “Follow me for a sec? I want to readjust a little.” Sam wriggled to rotate her butt about 30 degrees towards us. Bobbie, crammed into her ass, followed her.

Shrewd little Samantha quietly lined herself up with us. It gave us a direct and graphic view up their bodies of Sam’s ass stretching to take Bobbie’s cock. Sam’s vacant pussy was shining-wet with her arousal.

The view got even more graphic when Bobbie slowly withdrew and then gently slid back into Sam’s ass. His balls bounced against her open pussy with a soft, moist smack and she moaned happily.

Heather and I were staring at her brother sodomizing Samantha barely two feet away. I couldn’t resist, I leaned forward to whisper into Heather’s ear. “It’s hot seeing them like this isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Heather whispered back, sounding like she was in a trance.

“He’s fucking our girlfriend.”

“Yeah,” she repeated.

“Sam likes it too. See how wet she is?”

“Uh huh, she’s dripping down onto the bedspread now.”

“You feel pretty excited yourself. You turned on?”


“Does watching your brother have sex turn you on?”

There was a long pause. “I think so. Am I sick?”

“Maybe a little,” I chuckled softly, “but in a good way.”

I held Heather by the hips and matched Bobbie’s slow, steady pace screwing in and out of Samantha. When he thrust into her ass, I pushed into Heather. When he pulled out, I did too. The synchronized action made Heather moan. If I didn’t know better, I’d have said she was fantasizing about being in Sam’s place.

“You want what Sam’s getting?” I let the double entendre hang, I could have been referring to anal or incest or both.

Heather either didn’t catch my implication or she ignored it, “You know I love you in my butt, but stay in my front a little longer. I’m gonna come soon.”

We watched Bobbie fuck Samantha’s taut little olive-skinned rump, his nearly eight inch length sawing in and out of her rectum. He was driving into her firmly enough that they pressed down into the mattress at the bottom of each stroke.

Still watching her brother’s pistoning cock, Heather leaned down onto her elbows and arched her back submissively in a pose that mirrored Sam’s. I sank myself in and out of her steadily.

Heather’s new position also put her close to one of Sam’s feet. She kissed Sam’s foot and nibbled at her heel. In response, Samantha giggled and moaned from beneath Bobbie. Sam pointed her toes and twitched happily as Heather obliged by sucking her first two toes into her mouth. She licked between them and around them.

I’m not a foot fetishist, but it was a final bit of debauchery that perfected this depraved scene. And I felt my balls stir, “Need to come soon,” I warned Heather.

Heather spat out Sam’s toes. “Hold on, almost there.”

I grit my teeth to fight back my own orgasm and Heather arched her back even more deeply. At this angle, and with the combined force of our mutual humping, I was bottoming out inside her with every thrust and she grunted like a little animal at each deep, delicious contact.

“Soooo….. gooood….” Heather groaned loudly. Her grunting and groaning were loud enough that Sam and Bobbie turn to look at us. Their combined attention spurred Heather on further.

“Yeah, watch me cum,” Heather moaned. “Both of you, watch me fucking come on his thick dick!” She launched into her orgasm and I felt her insides roil and twist around me.

It was too much. “Coming,” I hissed.

Heather had a surprise for me. Still shuddering through her own climax, she pulled away and quickly spun on her knees just as my orgasm hit. My first spurt launched several inches into her open mouth before she scooted forward and inhaled two-thirds of my cock. My next several spurts disappeared into the warm suction of her young mouth and down her throat. She swallowed repeatedly, deftly sucking away the cum as fast as my body poured it into her. She slurped greedily, bobbing her head in time with my spurts and dragging the last bit of semen up my shaft and down into her belly.

Dizzy, I looked over at Sam and Bobbie.

Bobbie’s eyes were bugged out of his head for two reasons. One, he’d just watched his sister swallow a load full of cum. Two, and perhaps more importantly, Heather’s little bubble butt was now pointed right at him. I followed his eyes. Her tiny pink panties, the ones she’d carefully left on, were still pulled to the side. He was looking looking directly at his sister’s bare and freshly-fucked pussy. It was probably quite a sight.

But his view was cruelly snatched away when Heather whirled around and backed onto my cock again. I was still hard and now hyper-sensitive, I shivered as she wriggled herself back onto me and gently rocked back and forth

Sam and Bobbie were silent and motionless staring at her.

“What?” Heather looked at Sam and Bobbie. “I’m still having some orgasm aftershocks. It feels good to squeeze down on something in there.” I felt her clench, release, and clench again as she giggled and moaned with satisfaction.

Eyes still glued to his sister’s face as she lazily screwed herself on me, Bobbie went back to fucking Samantha’s ass again. Sam, also looking at Heather, reciprocated by humping her ass up to meet him.

Heather soon came to her senses and goaded Sam a little, “You going to come on my brother’s dick now?”

“Fuck yes,” Sam hissed.

“How about you bro’? You going to come in my girlfriend’s ass now?”

“Uh huh,” Bobbie moaned.

“You like her ass?”

“Love it,” Bobbie groaned.

“You an assman now?”

“God, I think so. Does that make me gay?”

Heather snickered. “There is nothing gay about fucking Samantha’s butt. She’s got a gorgeous ass doesn’t she? If I had a dick, I’d jam it in there everyday.”

“Awww, honey, you say the sweetest things,” Sam grinned.

“You going to give her a nice big load of cum up her butt soon little bro’?”

Bobbie, red-faced, nodded.

Pinned beneath him, Sam eyes slid closed, focusing on the sensations in her ass. She was glowing with a light sheen of sweat as she followed him towards her third orgasm.

“You ready for my brother’s cum in your ass, lover?”

Sam grinned wickedly, eyes still closed. “Yep. He’s fucking me so good, girlie. He’s got the perfect cock for this. He’s going to make his girlfriend very happy. For her sake, I hope she likes anal so she gets the chance to appreciate this.”

Sam twisted her neck upwards to kiss Bobbie. Their tongues twirled openly as Bobbie steadily reamed her. She broke their kiss to urge him on.

“Go ahead Bobbie. Come in my ass. I can’t wait to feel your shaft swell up inside me. Then your tip will flare out too. Then I’ll feel your hot cum spraying the walls of my tight little hole. I love that part. Do it. Do it while your sister watches. It’ll make me come again.”

Sam’s plea set Bobbie off. His toes curled as he grunted and plunged deeply into Sam’s upturned rump a few more times. Then he growled and fired way up into her ass. True to her word, Sam came with him, grinding upwards to bury as much of his length as they could cram into her. They both panted together for several long minutes. Sam’s head plunked down onto the pillow under her heavily. Bobbie carefully eased his cock from between Sam’s slender little buns and rolled off of her.

Bobbie had used Sam’s ass well. Her little ring stayed open, pulsing for a few long moments before it slowly recovered and closed. We watched some thick white cum dribble from her hole. Sam held still and let it roll down over her sex and drip onto the bed beneath her. She was looking back at Heather evilly, letting her girlfriend see the raunchy result of Bobbie’s anal conquest.

Now that everybody had their fun, I sort of figured we would be wrapping up this strange little event.

Heather, still grinding back softly onto my half-hard cock, had other ideas.

Her eyes were locked on her brother’s erection – by some miracle he was still hard. Ahh, to be a teenage guy again. Heather looked at Sam. Samantha leveled her intense gaze on Heather and then she shook her head. She knew what Heather wanted. Hell, even I knew what Heather wanted.

Sam shook her head again more emphatically. She rolled over onto to her side and pulled Bobby’s cock, fresh from her ass, into her mouth. Bobbie shivered in a mixture of surprise and gratitude. With his shaft half-sank in her mouth, Sam looked back down at Heather and shook her head again.

But Heather nodded again. “Yeah, I’m going to.”

“I really don’t think it’s a good idea,” Sam sighed. But she moved herself out of the way.

“Maybe, but I’m doing it anyway.”

Heather touched her brother’s shin. “Okay Bobbie, ready for another lesson?”

Bobbie glanced down at his own unflagging erection. “Not sure. I guess, maybe parts of me are.”

She started rubbing her brother’s leg affectionately, “I’m thinking you shouldn’t leave here without learning how to make love to a girl.”

Bobbie gave her a weak half-smile, “Pretty sure that Samantha just screwed my brains out.”

“I don’t mean that.”

“Then what do you mean?”

“I mean make love. You know, the regular way.” Heather stopped stroking his leg and wrapped her small hand around his ankle. “Close your eyes for me, Bobbie?”

He did as she asked but didn’t understand her point. “Why?”

Honestly, I think Bobbie was the only one in the room who didn’t know what was coming next.

“Just close them? And don’t move.”

Heather looked back at me and made a plea without words. Her big blue eyes posed her question.

I nodded, “Go ahead, honey.”

She smiled and looked back at her brother. Using Bobbie’s ankle for leverage, Heather slowly pulled herself off me. My softening shaft slid slowly from her sex with a wet tug.

On her knees, she made her way up the bed, pausing to slip her soaked pink panties off.

I stopped breathing. Everyone stopped breathing. The room went silent. Hell, I think time stood still. Heather threw a leg over her brother and straddled him across his knees.


“Shhh, it’s okay.” Heather moved up again until she was straddling his thighs.

“Sis?!” Bobbie repeated more urgently.

“Yeah, it’s me. Keep those eyes closed for me Bobbie.”


She was straddling his hips now. She raised her ass up to clear his erection so that she was straddling his belly. “Because I’m your sister and what I’m about to do for you is about as wrong as it gets. This has to be our secret, honey. We can’t tell anyone, okay?”

When Bobbie nodded, she reached behind herself and took his still harden length loosely in her hand.

“Oh, wow, sis…” he croaked as she stroked him gently.

“Quiet, Bobbie. Just focus on the sensations. Ignore the, uh, wrongness the best you can.”

“But this doesn’t feel wrong to me, sis. In fact, I’ve… sis… I’ve fantasized about this for a long time.”

Heather continued to softly stroke her brother’s long cock. “I know, Bobbie. But at least you were a polite little pervert. And if we’re being completely honest, I’ve kind of thought about doing this with you before too.”

Bobbie opened his eyes in wonder and she smiled down at him. She leaned down and her wavy blonde hair fell across his face. Where her hair met his, they blended together, becoming indistinguishable. The young siblings were a matched pair in so many ways.

Bobbie was frozen, probably praying he wasn’t dreaming as Heather kissed him gently, tentatively at first. Just a few chaste pecks on his lips. She nuzzled his nose with hers then kissed him again more firmly. Their lips parted and tongues twirled eagerly together for their first lovers’ kiss. Then Heather slowly pulled away and licked across his lower lip. She hitched her hips up and slid herself down to neatly line the end of his cock up with her opening.

When his cock touched his sister’s smooth outer lips for the first time, Bobbie lurched upwards automatically. She deftly steered him to the side, giggling. “Easy buddy.”


She smiled, stroked his cock a few more times and planted her free hand on his hip to hold him still. Then she centered him against her entrance again. Heather’s mouth fell open slightly as her brother’s tip parted her outer lips. Her little labia bulged slightly as they puckered and split to accept him. Her eyelids fluttered while his shaft eased into her slowly. She kept one hand pushing against his hip for balance and to keep him from jumping up again.

They both groaned as she slowly slid further down onto him. After a few inches she rose back up and then slid back down. As more and more of her brother’s nearly eight inch length pushed into her, Heather began breathing carefully out through puckered lips, savoring the illicit penetration. When he was sheathed inside her completely, her shoulders slowly relaxed and she settled herself onto him comfortably.

They stared at each other silently, letting the moment sink in. There was no going back now. Neither of them could ever forget this day.

That’s when I realized I was grinding my teeth together. The incest part didn’t bother me but, for some reason, this was harder than watching Bobbie with Samantha. That had just been fun. Sex. I could already tell this was different. Heather was making love to another man. It was thrilling and nauseating to watch at the same time.

Samantha sensed my anxiety and joined me. She took my hand and pulled it up to her mouth then kissed it, her fingers lacing through mine. Samantha’s calm acceptance washed over me. She was fine with what Heather and Bobbie were doing and it helped me get a grip on myself. After jealousy came shame at being hypocritical. Heather had been sharing me with Sammie for almost as long as we’d been together. Surely I could share her now. After shame came acceptance. If I just looked at them, what these two were doing was beautiful in its own way.

Heather was smiling warmly down at her brother. “So Bobbie, this is what a girl feels like. You’re in a girl. Way up deep too. You’ve got a nice cock little bro’. How does it feel for you?”

“Like a dream,” Bobbie sighed.

“I’m going to ride you a little now. Ready?”

“What should I do?”

“Absolutely nothing, your big sister is in charge.”

Bobbie smiled. “I think I can manage that.”

Heather rose off him and sank back down with a groan. She rolled her hips in circles, grinding against him and swirling his shaft around inside her hot depths.

“So, what do you think? Still going to be an ass man, Bobbie?”

“Uh uh.”

“So you like pussy now?” She rose and fell on him again.


“I want to hear you say it. Tell me you love pussy.” She rose and fell on him again, this time more quickly.

“I love pussy.”

“Tell me you love my pussy,” she teased.

“I love my sister’s pussy.”

“You love your sister’s secret pussy.”

“I love my sister’s secret pussy!” he howled.

“Good boy,” she giggled. Heather closed her eyes and began to hump up and down freely on her brother. She was breathing through her nose rhythmically, pacing herself. She blindly reached for his hands and placed them on her hips.

Bobbie was watching her shirt-covered chest bob up and down in time with her steady posting. His sister was giving him the ride of his life. I didn’t envy Bobbie’s next several girlfriends. How the hell were they ever going to compete with this?

As it turned out, Heather was indeed giving her brother too good a ride. With no warning, Bobbie’s hips shot upwards and he growled.

Heather’s eyes flew open as she realized her brother was coming way earlier than she’d expected. Smirking, she bounced herself up and down on him, letting him enjoy his orgasm and keeping him inside her as he erupted. When he’d finished, she settled herself down onto him again, keeping him buried inside her and trapping his cum within.

When he’d recovered, she reached back with one hand to stroke his balls gently. “Feel good bro’?”

“That felt frickin’ awesome,” Bobbie said groggily.

“Good, I’m glad. But…” she poked him in the chest, shaking her head with a crooked grin. “You came too soon. Way too soon. When you knew you were coming you should have stopped and gotten yourself under control. Girls always come first, buster. It’s a good thing I’m your sister. Any other girl would be pissed right about now.”

Bobbie was apologetic, “I know, sorry, it was just too good.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she smiled down at him and tucked a lock of her gold hair behind her ear. “What I want to know, studly brother, is if you think you can you stay hard still. This is round four for you now right?

“I can try…”

“Let me rephrase, brother dear,” she leaned down and lapped nastily at the tip of his nose, punctuating each phrase that came next. “Your sister is telling you to that keep that nice… big… cock… hard… in her hot… wet… tight… little… pussy.”

“Whoa,” Bobbie snickered, “The slutty talk is totally helping,”

Heather giggled. “I kinda figured it might. But I know how to seal the deal…”

Heather’s hands went to the bottom of her pink babydoll t-shirt. She slowly pulled it up, bunching it in her hands to expose the flat, tanned surface of her belly. She tugged it up further and the bottom of her pink bra peeked out.

She eyed her brother shrewdly, “I bet it would help if I took off my shirt. Wouldn’t seeing me shirtless help you stay hard for me?”

Bobbie could only nod.

“Touch my stomach Bobbie,” she reminded him. “Girls want to feel your hands on them while they make love. It’s not just about the poking part.”

Bobbie stroked her belly with his fingertips and she pulled the shirt up over her head and threw it to the floor. She was now naked except for her bra. Heather’s giant round breasts were pressed together in its over-filled pink cups. The fabric was sheer enough that the outlines of her slightly darker pink areolas were visible and her erect nipples made distinct bumps. She cupped her breasts through the bra and squeezed them until they threatened to pop out.

“So, does seeing your big sister’s tits help?” she asked with wide-eyed mock innocence.

It was a completely rhetorical question.

“They’re the ones you’ve fantasized about, Bobbie. The ones you used to picture when you jerked off in the bathroom.” Heather grinned knowingly.

The surprise showed on Bobbie’s face. “Huh? How did you…?

“Oh come on, I knew. You masturbated twice a day for the last three years before I left for college, you dope,” she laughed. “Wanna know a secret? Sometimes I snuck up to the bathroom door and listened, wondering if I’d hear you call out my name. It’s a good thing you never did. I might have kicked down the door and finished you off myself.” Heather nibbled her lip. “Did I make you horny back then, Bobbie? Was it hard to look at me and not touch me?

“Yeah,” he admitted sheepishly.

Sam’s chimed in from next to me, “You’re getting pretty good at the naughty talk there, girlie.”

Heather turned to look at us with a wicked half-smile. “Thanks, I had a great teacher.” It was true, Sam’s nasty talking skills were epic. Heather swiveled back to her brother. “So, Bobbie, do you want to see them? Your sister’s big round boobies?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“Okay, I guess it’s fair. You’ve waited so patiently for what, five years now?”

She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. Her hands came forward again to hold the bra in place while she shrugged each of its tiny shoulder straps off. She let the bra inch slightly downward and she leaned over deeply, dangling the exposed uppermost part of her cleavage in his face.

Bobbie’s mouth was open and his eyes were huge. Clearly, he worshipped his sister’s breasts. To be fair, if anyone’s tits were worth idolizing, Heather’s would be near the top of the list. In a perverse moment, I felt sorry for Bobbie. It must have been hell having Heather’s magnificent body wandering around the house while he struggled to survive puberty. I’m not sure I would have made it in his place.

Heather leaned back upright and let the bra slide down further. The top part of one nipple came into view. Then the other. Then they were both exposed – perfect, tight pink nubs sticking straight out. The bra fell completely away and she tossed it to the floor.

Heather was now completely nude in front of her brother. They were both breathing shallowly, looking at each other. Bobbie’s eyes were darting from his sister’s face down to her round, cantaloupe-sized breasts that jutted straight out from her chest. She licked her lips and let him look. Let him stare. Let him burn her over-ripe teenage body into his brain.

When Bobbie remembered he actually had hands, he moved them to touch his sister’s chest. She shook her head and leaned forward, whispering, “I wonder… what would you rather find out first? What your sister’s boobs feel like? Or what they taste like?”

Bobbie’s eyes basically bugged out of his head again.

“I’ll make you a deal, bro’. Stay hard for me and you can put your mouth on them.”

Bobbie nodded eagerly as she leaned her torso over him. One nipple was inches from his face. She dipped it closer then pulled it away, taunting him. “I’m counting on you. You’re not going to let me down are you?”

Bobbie shook is head emphatically.

She lowered the perfect pink nipple into his waiting mouth and Bobbie eagerly, greedily sucked it inside. Heather’s eyes slid closed. “Easy, Bobbie,” she cautioned, wincing a little. “Remember, slow and gentle.”

Bobbie’s mouth movements slowed. His lips parted and I could see his tongue flicking gently around his sister’s hardened nub.

“Much better. Good boy.” She wiggled her hips and then smiled. “Good hard boy.” Still crouched over her brother to let him work on her large, round tits, she shifted to hump up and down on him a few inches experimentally. He was plenty hard and between their combined fluids, they were a soaking wet mess.

She began to ride him again slowly. Her eyes closed and her mouth hung open as she fucked him leisurely and he lapped at her nipples. After several minutes of riding up and down on her brother’s cock, Heather was getting flushed and her breathing grew more ragged.

Bobbie was switching from one breast to the other, lost in the dream of his sister’s huge, perfect tits.

She screwed herself down onto him tirelessly. It had taken Bobbie three orgasms, but he could now hold out against the sucking heat of his sister’s vice-like teen sex.

Heather’s motions were soon getting more erratic, her face more flushed. She turned her head towards us and her eyes opened.

She was so lost in that faraway pleasure place that I could tell it took a moment for her vision to focus and actually see us. I had wondered if she had forgotten we were even there. Her blue eyes flashed and she smiled a wide, wanton grin as she continued grinding down onto her brother. With his face buried in her succulent young breasts, Bobbie was just along for the ride.

Heather shivered and started slamming roughly down on him. She licked her lips where they’d gone dry from panting and she moaned. Her pistoning became more urgent. Her hips were a blur as she skewered herself on her brother’s long shaft.

“So damn good, ” she mewled.

“Go ahead, sis, I’m…”

But she didn’t need his permission.

“Shhh!” she hushed him abruptly. “Keep licking my boobs. God, I love having your mouth there. I used to have this fantasy about you sneaking into my room in the middle of the night: I would fake being asleep while you slipped under the covers to lick and suck my nipples through my t-shirt. In my fantasy, I’d come so damn hard just from that – not even touching myself. Then you’d just sneak back out of my room and we’d pretend like nothing happened. Damn that was so fucking hot.”

Heather looked down at her brother, her eyes were glazed as she rode him. She was half here and half in her old fantasy. All pretenses of teaching him anything right now were gone. She was using him now.

“You’regonnamakemecome,” Heather blurted it out so fast it came as one long word. “You’regonnamakemefuckin’come!” She was gasping for air now. “Coming on my brother’s cock. The first pussy to come on my brother’s long hard virgin…”

Heather couldn’t even finish her own sentence – her orgasm stole her breath. She cried out as it raced through her. Still, she kept skewering herself on her brother. She shook her head. Her muscular thighs rippled and twitched. Her toes curled. Her hands clutched the bedspread. But she kept riding him up and down. Kept using. Kept fucking him. It was breathtaking.

“Whoa, that was really good,” she said hoarsely, still bouncing slowly. “Follow me Bobbie, I want you on top now.”

They rolled together, never separating, until Heather was on her back and Bobbie was above her. They started fucking steadily again. Bobbie eyes were locked on the rocking of his sister’s large round tits as they humped together. She wrapped her legs around him and rose her hips to met him eagerly.

“Sis, I… I love you,” he said softly, looking down at her.

“I love you too, Bobbie.”

“Maybe we should have done this earlier, sis.”

Heather smiled. “Uh uh, that would have been illegal, silly. We had to wait until you were a grown up.”


“Shhh… Bobbie, less talking and more poking. Let’s just enjoy this now, okay?” She pulled him down for a long, warm kiss as they continued bouncing together.

She broke the kiss to whisper, “So deep.” Then she sighed and closed her eyes. One of her hands skidded down her flat belly to play at her clit. She unwrapped her legs from Bobbie’s waist and spread them. She pointed her toes and the muscles in her young legs flexed smoothly as she held them open wide.

“Harder, Bobbie,” she grinned, “Do me like you’ve always wanted. Go ahead honey, I can take it.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. Her brother bore down on her and Heather squealed happily as his pace doubled. I watched her adorable little teen face squish up in concentration.

“I feel like I could go again,” she whispered and turned to look at Sam and me, “but I can’t quite…”

Sam never let Heather finish. Whether it was because her silly knack kicked in or because she was another woman and just naturally knew what Heather needed, it didn’t matter. Sam slid onto the bed next to the bouncing siblings. She sucked one of Heather’s rocking breasts into her mouth, working the smooth round orb with her lips and tongue.

Heather’s jaw fell open and she gasped a breathy, “Ooooh, yeah.” She twisted her fingers into Samantha’s long dark hair and pulled her tighter into her chest.

But Sam wanted to play with more than Heather’s tits.

“Honey, what’s your first memory of Bobbie?” she asked sweetly, looking up from Heather’s chest.

“Huh?” Heather panted.

“Your first memory. Think back.”

“Now?” Heather smirked as her brother pummeled her body relentlessly with his long shaft, “Kinda busy here, Sam.”

“C’mon, just tell me.”

Heather stared at the ceiling for a long moment as her brother fucked her with all the energy of a teenage boy living his wildest sexual fantasy. Then she laughed.

“Birthday cake. We were little. It was my fourth birthday and Mom made me a Garfield birthday cake. Bobbie and I both wanted the same piece of cake. It had Odie on it.”

“What happened?” Sam asked around a mouthful of Heather’s rocking, round boob.

“I… I gave it to him. I love my little brother.” Heather looked at Bobbie and smiled, “I wanted you to be happy.”

“Mmmhmmm, ever kiss Bobbie before today?”

“Sure,” Heather’s answer came as a grunted. Bobbie was still fucking her vigorously.

“But ever kissed him and felt a weird little urge to linger?”


“Don’t be shy, now is no time for secrets,” Sam chided. “For example, I have to admit that I planted a giant sloppy, smooch on my big brother the first time I got drunk. I even slipped him some tongue. How embarrassing! He still teases me about it. What about you? You never lingered?”


“When was that?”

“I’d just started high school. I’d come home from playing spin the bottle for the first time. I’d been kissing boys all night. When I got home, I pecked Bobbie on the lips and… I dunno… I drew it out for an extra second. With my lips pressed against his. No tongue or anything. It was… it was nice.” Heather looked up at her brother, “I wanted to know what you kissed like.”

“That’s sweet. Okay, ever get jealous of another girl over Bobbie?”

“Yesss… Lori,” Heather answered quickly, “the girl Bobbie mentioned earlier. She came over for my slumber party but then she disappeared. I went to look for her and I found them kissing in the basement.”

When Heather looked up at her brother it was soft and apologetic, “That’s why I got mad, Bobbie. I’d… I’d never seen you with another girl. I was jealous.”

Sam nodded. “That’s my girl. Okay, cummie time, honey. Listen to me. I want you to think about the birthday cake. And about what it felt like to kiss your brother for the first time. And about how, for that moment in the basement, you wanted him all to yourself.”

Heather closed her eyes and moaned.

“Okay, that boy, the one you love and trust and care so much about… he’s making love to you right now. His long, hard cock is inside you and he’s fucking you with it. Just like he’s always wanted to.

Heather moaned again.

“And he’s watching your girlfriend kiss your big perfect titties while he takes you. Soon, he’s going to cum inside you again. He’s going to soak his big sister’s hungry little pussy with his second load of thick, hot eighteen year-old cum.”

Heather and Bobbie groaned now. Sam’s words were getting to him too.

Heather’s nostrils flared and she mewled, “God, yes.” She looked up at her brother. “Do it Bobbie. Cum for me. I want to feel it. I want to feel you cum inside me again.”

Heather’s hand became a blur at her clit. Sam finally fell silent, licking and slathering at Heather’s chest while Bobbie pounded them both towards their orgasms.

Moments later, Heather teetered over the brink and tumbled into her orgasm with a shrieking, “Aaahahaha!” Her hips jerked up up into her brother, burying his entire length. She winced as he bottomed viciously against her she still ground herself against him, craving the deep, deep contact.

Her brother growled and came with her. I watched Heather’s mouth fall open when she felt Bobbie’s cum splash inside her again.

The siblings finally collapsed down onto the bed together, gasping. Then Bobbie rolled off his sister to lie on his back.

Sam sank down the bed beneath Heather with a keen, hungry look. She’d been waiting patiently for this part.

But Heather had reached her limit sexually. She covered her groin with one hand and tried to wave Sam off with the other. I didn’t blame her, the tired teen looked like she couldn’t take another orgasm. And she was sure to come again if she let Samantha suck out the two loads of cum that were even now dribbling slowly from her thoroughly used little hole. Her body could only take so much. Between me and her brother, she’d been fucked for nearly an hour and a half straight.

But Samantha had been too patient for too long and she was not about to pass up on a deeply depraved opportunity like this. How often would she get the chance to dig a brother’s cum out of his sister?

Sam didn’t look like she cared that Heather wanted no part of it. She swatted Heather’s hands out of the way and took hold of Heather’s still-trembling legs by each ankle. Heather’s eyes widened as Sam yanked her legs apart. Then she winced weakly when Sam pressed her face to her sex and began to lick and lap. At first Sam was gentle, she used little teasing licks. But she quickly lost herself and grew greedy. Sammie was soon slurping at the delicate folds of Heather’s pink flesh.

After several juicy tongue passes, Sam pushed Heather’s legs up again until her knees mashed the giant spheres of her own breasts flat. Then Sam slid her face down Heather’s crotch slowly. I watched her cheeks collapse inward as she sealed her lips on Heather’s bald little pussy and sucked. Heather twitched at the nasty sensation of Bobbie’s cum being dragged forcibly from her.

I watched Sam swallow several times as she got was she wanted. Then she brought a thumb up to circle the over-sensitive little nub of Heather’s clit. The contact made Heather jump and she reached a hand down to Sam’s forehead to try to push her away. Again, Sam wouldn’t listen. Again, she batted Heather’s hand aside.

Sam continued to work on Heather’s exhausted pussy, basically against the teenager’s will. Licking, sucking, slurping, and lapping, Sam drilled at the young blonde’s battered hole, digging inside it for more fluids. All the while, Sam continued toying with Heather’s sensitive nub with her thumb.

Past exhaustion, Heather gave up and let Sam have her way. She laid there panting, her head rolling from side to side. Her face, already flushed before, approached crimson as she gave in to Sam’s forced treatment. Finally, Heather even slid her hands down to hold open her now-tender outer lips for Samantha’s ceaseless tonguing. She must have figured there was no sense in fighting anymore.

I heard Samantha chuckle from somewhere deep in her chest at Heather’s submission.

Soon, Heather was gasping weakly and started humping up into Sam’s mouth. Sam’s lips slid up Heather’s sex and latched onto Heather’s clit to suck on it directly. She eased a small thumb into Heather’s cunt. Then she care fly pressed her other little thumb into Heather’s ass. Heather was too exhausted to protest.

The young blonde shuddered as Sam’s digits worked on her body. The stimulation of Sam’s little thumbs and the direct contact at her clit raced up her spine. She jerked weakly as Sam dragged her remorselessly towards one last orgasm. As it neared, Heather’s hands flew up to her own full tits to pinch and pull roughly at their pink nipples. She winced as she did it – those nipples were already raw from all the attention they’d gotten that day.

At last, Heather pitched into one last body-wrenching climax. Her hips twisted slightly one way then the other as her reddened young face furrowed almost in pain. Her delicate golden eyebrows knit together showing the difficulty of suffering one final cum in her exhausted state.

“Huuuuh huh huuuuh huh,” she cried, bucking spastically as she came and immediately went limp in Sam’s hands.

Samantha kissed Heather’s raw outer lips as they slid closed and then slunk up the bed to carefully stretch her small body out on top of Heather’s. Sam kissed her bright red cheeks, stroked her damp hair, nuzzled her sweaty neck, and nibbled an earlobe gently.

Heather finally giggled softly when Sam gnawed further up on her ear. At least we knew that Heather was alive.

“Whoa,” Bobbie gasped, “that was awesome! I can’t wait to do this again.”

Heather was only semi-conscious but she still managed to roll her head over to look at her brother. “You will Bobbie. I promise.”

But then she smiled sadly, “Just not with me.”

“But…” The blood drained from Bobbie’s face.

Heather was already shaking her head. “I love you. And if you asked me, I’d have a hard time saying no…”

Bobbie smiled hopefully, maybe he’d misunderstood.

“No, let me finish. But I would. I would say ‘no’ to you Bobbie.” Heather glanced at my alarm clock and chewed her lip. She slipped out from under Sam to rise off the bed onto wobbly legs. Skipping the t-shirt and bra, she clumsily pulled her sweatshirt over her head. “I, we – Sam and Hero and I – have something very special. I can’t risk that. Not even for the perverted pleasure of boinking my sexy kid brother.”

Bobbie was struggling to keep up and failing. “But I love you. And you love me. I’ve… I’ve dreamed of being with you like this my whole life!”

By then, Heather was pulling on her small cotton shorts, not bothering with the soaked panties that lay in a mangled ball on the floor.

“I know, Bobbie. And don’t get me wrong – today was amazing for me too. You’re a studmuffin in the making brother dear.” Heather smiled wistfully at her brother. “But now we both have to let go of what happened here. It served its purpose. Take what you need from it and move on.”

“Wait… sis?” Bobbie moved towards her.

But Heather shook her head and held up a hand to stop him.

“We love each other Bobbie, but it’s not the right kind of love for this. What we have is safe old family love with a good dash of young lust. It’s seductive because it doesn’t have any risks – because you know I already love you and you know I’ll love you no matter what. But if you don’t take any chances in your life you’ll never grow. You’ll never find what you really need. Like what I found. Here. With them.”

Heather looked from Sam to me, then straightened her shoulders and her voice became more confident. Richer. Stronger. I’d never seen her like this. Frankly, it was sexy as hell.

“You wanted a love lesson, Bobbie? This is the most important one I can give you as your big sister: take chances with your heart. Like I did. Don’t ever settle. There’s something wonderful out there for you too. I know it.”

Heather’s words rang true but they weren’t penetrating Bobbie in his current state.

“What? No!”

“I’m sorry. It’s true. And I know this is going to seem crazy, but right now I have to go do something. Something for you. I’ll be back in a little bit and everything will be better. I promise.” Heather gave him a sad half-smile and ducked out the door.

Just like that, Heather was gone and the three of us felt naked and awkward all of a sudden.

“Come on Bobbie,” I said softly, “Let’s put some pants on and get out of this room.”

The three of us dressed in silence, Bobbie still a seething mix of confusion and frustration. We went down to the kitchen and Sam immediately poured herself a large glass of red wine.

I needed a drink too but I made the mistake of talking instead, “Look, Bobbie, it’s amazing that you and Heather were even together this one time. Can’t you just be happy that…”

“Shut up!” Bobbie yelled. “If it weren’t for you, both of you, Heather and I could be together. She loves me. She said so.”

“Bobbie, I don’t think you were listening…”

That’s when Robert took his swing at me.

It’s when I stopped Samantha from kicking his ass all over the house.

And it’s when we finally ended up sitting quietly in my kitchen waiting for Heather’s brother to come to grips with two things. First, that he had finally made love to the older sister he had coveted for years and it was everything he’d ever dreamed of. Second, that they would never do it again.

I kept quiet this time around because I had absolutely no idea what to say to him.

Of course, Sam did. But then she had a peculiar knack for this kind of thing – seeing into people. She moved to sit next to him and reached towards him carefully, slowly. When he didn’t move away or fend her off, she touched his shoulder. She began to rub it gently. “It’ll be okay, Bobbie. It’ll be okay.” She repeated it over and over. The repetition of Sam’s soft voice was smooth and hypnotic. It was even relaxing me from across the kitchen.

Soon, she tugged Bobbie towards her until his face was buried in her tiny shoulder. She stroked his blonde hair and she rocked him gently, providing some comfort as he struggled to make peace with everything that had happened. She did this for him because she could tell it was what he needed, because she knew first-hand how delicate incest was, and because she cared.

It was the most tender thing I’d ever seen Samantha do. My heart swelled.

The three of us sat there together like that for more than half an hour before Heather came back.

“Guys, I’m back. And I’ve got someone with me…”

Bobbie straightened up and rubbed his face. His tears had long-since dried and he was back together – or at least he looked like he was. We stood up and moved towards Heather and her mystery guest. Heather gestured at someone on the other side of the doorway, visible to Bobbie but obscured to me and Sam behind him.

“Bobbie, this is Stacey. Remember she used to play field hockey with me? I ran into her just now as she was finishing her shift at work. She asked me how you were doing and I thought maybe you guys might want to grab a cup of coffee.”

Stacey turned the corner into view and even I gaped a little. She was teenage sex on a stick – the closest thing to a rival for Peaches’ title of adolescent uber-hottie that I had ever seen. In her tight, green vintage t-shirt and hip-hugging mid-rise jeans, Stacey radiated a really hot, really sexy, girl-next door quality. Her deep coppery auburn hair fell past her shoulders in soft waves and glowed against her flawless porcelain skin. Her big, beautiful grey-green eyes twinkled with mischief. She was maybe a couple of inches taller than Heather with slender hips that collapsed into an absurdly small waist. She sported full, round boobs and yet she probably weighed just barely over 100 lbs.

“Hiya,” she said, with a quick hand wave. Standing there casually and comfortably, Stacey looked relaxed in her own skin. Confident without being arrogant. It was a rare quality in a teenager. Peaches had it too. Most importantly, Stacey was looking at Robert with genuine interest. When she smiled at him warmly, her full bee-stung lips parted for a perfect white smile.

Robert had hit the jackpot.

Sam’s mouth fell open further than mine. I understood why when she leaned into me to murmur, “Jesus Hero, that’s Berry. Heather’s last girlfriend. She’s even prettier than I remember. Oh crap, I get it… but I don’t believe it. She must be the girl Bobbie likes. The one he’s been scared to ask out.”

Stacey saw Sam and gave her a quick wink.

I shook my head in amazement. Heather was matching her old love up with her brother. I’d heard Heather’s stories about Stacey. Robert had won the sexual lottery if Stacey was finally converting to guys now.

Even money said Robert had no idea about any of this. I wondered if he ever would.

In the meantime, Robert handled himself well. He kept it short and his voice did not crack when he looked at Stacey and smiled, “Sure, let’s get some coffee.” Then he groaned. “Wait, we don’t have a car. Heather drove you too, right?”

Stacey nodded, pouting.

Sam fixed the small transportation glitch by smirking and plucking the keys to her sporty little black two-seater off the countertop. She swaggered over to Robert and dropped them into his shirt’s front pocket, letting her hand linger lightly on his chest. “Take mine Bobbie,” she smiled and glanced at Stacey then looked back up at him, “my way of saying thank you for, you know… earlier.”

Sam’s flirtation was a wicked trick that would have scared most women off of Robert. But Sam knew that Stacey wasn’t most women. With a few words and a touch, Sam had just endorsed Robert’s newfound bedroom skills while posing a subtle challenge to Stacey’s claim on him.

Okay, so Sam was still just a tiny bit Sithy.

Stacey’s eyes widened slightly. I watched her mental wheels rotate then lock them onto something like, “Oh no you don’t, he’s mine!”

Girls can be fun that way.

Of course, these subtleties were lost on Robert. He just said a cheerful, “Thanks!” and grabbed Stacey’s hand, pulling her towards the garage.

“Wait!” Heather said a little too loudly. “Bobbie, take good care of Stacey, she’s, well… she’s…”

Stacey turned to smile at Heather. The mischievous look in her large gray-green eyes flared brightly and one slender auburn eyebrow cocked upwards. She was waiting for what Heather was going to say next. How much was Heather going to tell her brother?

Heather sighed, “…special. Stacey’s very special.”

Heather looked over at her red-headed ex-lover and fixed her with a serious stare. “And you, girlie, you better be nice to my brother. We don’t have any other siblings for you to date, understand me?”

“Yeah,” Stacy nibbled her lip and nodded. “Thanks, Bubble… errr… Heather.”

Bobbie quickly tugged Stacey towards the garage.

“Could you two have my car back before noon tomorrow please?” Sam yelled as Robert and Stacey disappeared. Robert never even said goodbye. Ahhh, youth.

“Wow, I guess that was easy,” I marveled, after the door to the garage shut. We heard Bobbie start Sam’s little coupe with an excited whoop.

Dammit, that kid had all the luck. Sam rarely let me drive her car.

Heather twisted one of her golden locks with her finger and looked at me proudly. “Yup. By now Hero my love, you should know that it’s all about…”.

“… connections.” I finished for her, still shaking my head in amazement.

Sam nodded at me, “Awww, look Peaches, he’s learning. He’s pretty smart for a guy.”

“Now do you guys see why Bobbie had to have a little experience under his belt beforehand? Berry’s never been with a guy before but she’s got high standards. And she’s seriously into sex. I wanted it to be good, you know, for both of them. I want them both to be happy. Plus, Berry is going to eat him alive. He’ll be too exhausted to miss me,” Heather snickered as she headed for the stairs.

She paused at the bottom of the steps to invite us back upstairs, “Can we get back to the bedroom for a little longer? Believe it or not I could use one more little round. I drove Stacey here and we had to stop at a few traffic lights on the way. I forgot how good a kisser that damn girl is.”

“Slut,” Sam chuckled, joining Heather on the stairs, “Honestly, I’m still trying to get over the fact that you actually had sex with your little brother.”

“Jealous much?” Heather grinned at Sam.

“Yeah, maybe a little,” Sam laughed and shrugged at the same time. “It’s one thing I’ll never get to do. My big brother is gay. I’ve got zero chance of luring him into bed.” Sam looked at me and cocked her head, “Unless…”

The blood drained out of my face. “Aww, hell no! You want to know where my limit is? It’s right there! I’m not helping you seduce your gay brother.”

“Wuss,” Sam giggled, looking down the stairs at me. “Then how about we pretend I’m your little sister again later? You seemed to like that last time.”

I didn’t even try for a poker face. I nodded eagerly. “Like” was an understatement – I still masturbate in the shower thinking about the ridiculous night that Sam appeared in my bedroom, playing the perfect role of sex-starved teen sibling.

I followed the girls swaying asses up the stairs – Heather’s juicy, nineteen year-old bubblebutt and Sam’s tiny, well-muscled dancer tush. Frankly, watching Heather and her brother make love still weighed on my mind a little. I felt a primitive urge to reclaim her. Actually, reclaim both of them. He’d fucked Sam too and from the look of things at the time, she’d really enjoyed it.

So that late afternoon, with these two amazing women stretched out, naked and sweaty and gasping beneath me, I was the one who got just a little bit Sithy.

Neither of them minded a bit.

Added by PacoFear

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