It wasn’t all that late but our day had been busy to say the least. I was exhausted and the last thing I remembered before drifting off was Mom ‘poofing’ and drooling on my shoulder. When I came awake, it was pitch black. This bedroom was situated on the back of the house with a view of the pool and backyard. There was no streetlight to provide illumination. Initially, I was confused in the total blackness. My room had a window facing the front yard and the streetlights provided at least a dim illumination. I eased to consciousness and realized that I was in bed with Mom. Then I realized that Mom wasn’t on my shoulder and the covers were pulled down to my thighs.
Then I felt a warm moist pressure on my glans. I lifted my hips as it became apparent that Mom was back at it again and I groaned hard in response. Mom pulled off and whispered, “Just lie back Sweetie and let your mother suck your big, beautiful, hard dick.” When she said those word, ‘let your mother suck your dick’, I thought that I should react negatively to them. I didn’t. I was aroused and Mom giggled as my cock hardened further in her mouth. She was doing her tongue thing again and I moaned in response. Mom doubled her efforts. My balls were objecting and the ache was palpable. I wasn’t about to stop her or even slow her down. Aside from the pain, I was exactly where I had dreamed of being for a long time. Mom was sucking the jizz out of my balls in her bed. ‘Fuck,’ I thought and drove my hips up trying to push more cock into her mouth. She gagged in response and pulled back.
“Sorry, Baby,” she whispered. “You’re so big. I’m trying to take it all, but I just can’t. I’ll practice and next time I’ll give you a throat fuck.” My mind seized on the ‘next time’ and I reached down and pushed Mom’s lips down my shaft and she continued her blowjob. In the back of my mind, I wondered if there was even cum available to shoot. I hoped so, I’d never ejaculated without ejaculating. That phrase amused me and I chuckled to myself as I began holding Mom’s head in place while I piston-fucked her mouth.
She knew when I was going to cum and thankfully, I did cum. The quantity was less and the power behind the two or three shots, but Mom still had to swallow before I was done. She was gulping on my cock as she received it. My automatic response to the start of my climax was to drive my hips upward into her mouth. She gagged and struggled against my hands holding her there. When I realized what I was doing, I released her head and her mouth quickly pulled back to my glans with a gasp. She quickly gathered herself and lashed her tongue around my shaft to clean it. She pulled off with a ‘pop’ and giggled at the sound. She pushed her lips back to the ridge and pulled off with another ‘pop’ and giggled again. Then she kissed my velvety soft glans and pulled herself up my body to place her head back on my chest. She sucked on my hardened nipple and said, “Let’s get some more sleep.” Nothing more was said.
Bright sunlight woke me. I was blinded when I opened my eyes looking directly at the sun. I groaned, “Jesus,” and covered my eyes with my arm. Mom was gone and I could hear her humming loudly in the bathroom. She had been humming a lot the last couple days. I wondered if there was a correlation between sexual satisfaction and humming. I would have to pay attention in the future.