
When i was in my teens i would spend the summers with my moms . I looked forward to thus every summer cause she had 3 daughters. June, marie and mary. All 3 were very hot but as we all got older and they discovered guys summers started getting boring. Beisdes the occasional camping trip they mainly spent all there time with there boyfriends except for the youngest of the 3. June was 14, nice ass very small titts, her bikinis were always baggy on her she didnt seem to like wearing the ones that fit tight like her 2 sisters. My favorite one she wore tied on both sides.

After a long weekend of camping with the whole family i was glad to be back at there house and planned on sleeping outside on the trampoline that night. June decided that she wanted to sleep outside as well she still had on my favorite bikini and as we were getting ready to go to sleep she pops off for me to stay on my own side smiling.
I lay there trying to fall asleep thinking about how i would like to ease over by her untie the sides and have full access to her sweet little pussy. But she slept under her own blanket on the far side of the trampoline which i thought so much for any fun.

I woke up with a knee in my face, took me a min. To relise it was june. She had moved over to the middle of the trampoline were i was sleeping. As my eyes adjusted and i moved her knee i could see she only had her sheet covering her upper body exposing her stomach down to her feet. Her bottoms were already very loose fitting around her and i had a full veiw of her crotch. Still partially covered by her bikini bottoms. My dick became instant hardon. I so badly wanted to see her pussy, wanted to lick it and rub my dick up against it. As i lay there with dick in my hand thoughts flooding into my mind i decided to act.

She was already laying futher up the trampoline than i was were my head was eve with hips. I slowly reach out and untie the side of her bikin. Then untie the other side. As i pull her bottoms over giving me full view of her bald pussy. She has no outter lips making her pussy look sweet and tight. I very easily and slowly move between Her legs and begin licking on her pussy. She spreads her legs more giving me even more access to her pussy.

I slowly lick and suck on her erect little clit, rubbing my finger between her lips as i lick. She begins humping her hips towards my mouth. I try to push my finger in her, shes tight. I barely can get my finger in her. It dawns on me she might be still a virgin.
Causes me to get even more excited. As i rub faster and suck harder on her she clamps her legs tight around my head. Her hands grab my hair and she begins pulling as she cums with a moan.

I stop afraid oh shit shes awake. Whats gonna happen now. Im screwed if she screams or if she tells her parents. As i go to move from between her legs she pulls my face back between her legs and whispers dont stop now. Im still afraid if she tells or i get caught so i pull away from her and turn onto my back. June scoots down even with me.
“Why did you stop? I was enjoying it. ”
I didnt know you were awake.
” i been kneeing you in the the head the mast few mins, i even pushed on you trying to get you to wake up hoping you would try and take advantage of me”

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