Celebrates his college graduation with mom

“She had plans to go to a bonfire with some friends, but wanted to stay long enough to make sure she congratulated you.”

I smiled. That had been nice.

Mom and I chatted amicably while we cleared the house of the remnants of the party. When everything looked clean, I made one last circuit of the house and met mom in the kitchen.

“It looks like everything is cleaned up.” I said. “I’m going to head downstairs.”

She replied non-verbally and I went downstairs to clear my head a bit.

I sat down and flipped through the channels, trying to find something worth watching. Nothing good was on, so I settled for some old movie called ‘My Chauffeur’. Part way through the movie, I was certain that I was going to have to find some way to relieve the tension building up. I shut the movie off and considered a cold shower, before firing up my game console and playing whatever first-person shooter I had in the system.

Sometime later, there was a knock at my door.

“Come on in, it’s not locked.” I called back without turning my eyes from the screen.

The door opened and I heard mom’s voice. “Which game is that?”

I paused it, checked the information, and reported back to her before returning to the action.

“After all that food, I don’t think you’re hungry.” she said. “Would you like some dessert?”

I kept playing. “Sure, just leave it somewhere and I’ll eat it when I get to a good stopping place.”

“I think it’ll melt before then.”

I nodded and paused the game. “Understood.” When I turned to face my mom, I saw her leaning back on my bed with the upper portion of her silk robe open and her breasts topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. I stopped dad in my tracks.

“I don’t think you did.” she smirked. “But you’re beginning to.”

I stammered out lots of sounds that made some sense to her, because she explained.

“Your father and I have what’s called an ‘open marriage.’ We can both have other partners as long as long as the other agrees. Your dad couldn’t decide what to get you as a gift.” She smiled in a way that stirred my cock. “I decided to give you me.”

“Why …” I trailed off, not sure how to ask the question.

“Why would I think you might want to get inside your old mom?” I nodded in a way that I hoped communicated the idea of her having sort of gotten my drift. “Your sister talked to me after the two of you had sex down here. She needed some advice and she decided to ask me.” I must still have looked confused. “I thought that two things might be. First, I thought you might be open to sex with family — and I admit, the taboo of it turns me on a lot. Second, I thought you might want to get back to the place you came from, seeing how so much porn is about having sex with mom and your viewing history is not much different.”

I was caught, so I said nothing. Mom beckoned me to her and I obediently crawled across my bed to kneel above her.

“I have a backup gift, if you don’t want this.” She looked down at the whipped cream melting into the valley between her breasts. “Dessert is melting.”

Please wait…

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