Tom pushed his gift faster and deeper, and was rewarded by the rising aroma of her sex. The scent hardened his prick to its zenith, and he leaned over to show her, pushing the dildo to a hitherto uncharted depth. She opened her eyes with a gasp, clutching the sheets as she struggled to maintain control of her legs, which quivered as sensuous pulses of pleasure and pain radiated out from between them.
She looked into his eyes with a childish vulnerability that served to reverse their age, and she was met with a glare that bludgeoned her soul. It was void of gentleness, absent of doubt, and totally unrelenting in its desire for her. It told her she would be his, and that she couldn’t stop it, even if she wanted to.
He forced the dildo in further still, stretching the deepest recesses of her insides. She grimaced, her lips quivering as she fought to stifle high-pitched cries.
‘I think you needed this.’ Tom said.
‘I did,’ Holly gasped though the sumptuous pain.
‘You see what you do to me?’ he said, gesturing to his throbbing erection.
On instinct, she reached out and grabbed it, wetting her hand with the precum oozing from its bulbous head. Her mind raced with the implication of her first act of incestuous contact. Sure, she had allowed him to ravish her pussy with a dildo, but that had been a passive act, she told herself, initiated by him.
But now she felt the heat of his member, an active decision to touch her nephew‘s most forbidden flesh. The boy she’d visited in hospital when only hours old, cradled in her arms, and read bedtime stories to had now, as a man, coaxed from her a new act of devotion.
She started to stroke, but there was something missing. The dildo had stilled, and she longed again for its probing pleasure.
‘Keep fucking me,’ she whispered, closing her eyes and kneading her tits with her spare hand.
He obliged, thrusting the fake cock while she serviced his real one.
‘Yes, like that,’ she groaned.
Her own words, directed at her nephew, were a spur. She loosened her wrist and pumped faster, Tom in turn speeding up his trusts. She couldn’t believe how in tandem they’d become, responding to each other’s needs without instruction. For the first time, he touched her subjugated flesh, running his hand up her glistening stomach and resting on the breast unoccupied by her own hand.
‘It’s ready,’ Julie called from downstairs.
Tom and Holly froze, worried she’d realise what they were doing if they moved an additional muscle.
‘Hurry up, it’s getting cold.’
They met each other’s gaze, in no doubt as to what to do next. He speared her cunt as fast as he could while she ravaged his cock, peeling its hood back and forth with a frenzied gusto.
Their muted groans increased in tempo together as they continued to hold each other’s stare. He saw the red in her cheeks, she the sweat on his brow, and as their crescendo approached, she finally looked away when she no longer had control of her body. Her head was thrown back and her legs writhed, knees coming together like quivering jelly as her first orgasm in months thundered through her body.