A guy orchestrates a break-in to fuck his mom and sister

At this, Mom gave a small laugh. “Oh really? You mean you didn’t plan tonight’s events out since the start of the week when you invited us for a movie date at home, just the three of us?”

Turning my head slightly to look at her, I gave an apologetic smile. “I mean, I’ve been planning this since like Halloween, I just didn’t think it would end the way it did.”

“What’s shocked you?” Rhe asked.

“What didn’t turn out like you planned?” Mom questioned at the same time as Rheta. She continued, “It can’t be the intruders dead set on not noticing the family resemblance between the three of us as they got you to have sex with your sister. Nor could it have been your correct conclusion that I’d want to jump your bones as soon as they’d left and I’d been teased all night long. What about tonight wasn’t your plan?”

Turning away from Mom, I looked to Rheta to see how she was taking these revelations about how deep I was involved in tonight’s goings on. She just gave me a blank look and I knew that to get to see her actual feelings on this, I’d have to tell my truth. “I set this all into motion before I knew that the two of you had your own plans for tonight. I didn’t really realize that until I was getting dressed for dinner and by then it was too late to stop what I had set in motion. I found a guy on Craigslist and told him I wanted to help my buddy get laid with his girlfriend and him being too shy to take that step. I read a story online where a group of friends come up with the idea to stage break-ins in each others’ houses and forcing the friend to have sex with his mom and sister. I told the guy that tonight was a date between my buddy and his girlfriend and that they weren’t to hurt anyone, and stage it so that they would think that getting us to fuck was for his enjoyment. He doesn’t know that I’m the one who hired him, or that Rhe and I are siblings, at least from what I’ve told him in our correspondence. I didn’t know that he was planning on bringing a partner, although that did help sell the illusion of me being overpowered at first, nor was I aware about how mean they were going to be. But I guess staging a break-in requires a bit of roughness to sell the act.

“I won’t beat around the bush; I know that we’ve all been aware that we’ve all wanted to sleep with each other for awhile now. Because I was too cowardly to take that leap and trust that what I was seeing and hearing from you two was the truth and that we didn’t have to involve others, I came up with a solution that I thought would solve any potential pitfalls that might arise from us crossing the line. If it’s what we wanted, great, now we’re over the hump of our insecurities; if it wasn’t, we just try to forget that this ever happened and just outwardly blame it all on the perverts who invaded our home. I’m sorry that I lied to you about tonight and that I ruined the plans that you two had clearly put a lot of effort into.” Turning to look directly at Rheta I said, “I’m sorry that, in a sense, I did rape you and that I took your virginity in such a deceitful way. It was a cruel trick that I should never have forced you to play out, especially knowing that you had feelings for me. I hope that you can see why I did what I did and punish me accordingly.”

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