A couple pick up two strangers for a special night

“That was incredible,” Tina spoke from beside them, still laying comfortably against Mick. “We haven’t had the chance to watch another couple fuck for some time now; usually we’re always the ones being watched, if our new playmate even bothered to stick around for it. So this was a truly new experience for us. Thank you.”

“You’re thanking us?” Chuck laughed. “Pretty sure it’s we who should be thanking you.”

Lonnie laughed in agreement. “True that. Not EXACTLY what I had in mind when I went out tonight, but damned if I’m not glad I met you all!”


“You sure you’re okay to drive?” Mick asked. “You’re more than welcome to crash here if you’d like.”

The four of them had cleaned up and gotten dressed, then moved back out to the living room.

Everyone had one more drink except Chuck, who had volunteered to drive Lonnie home. Instead he rehydrated with some water.

“I’m fine,” Chuck asserted. “Fucked myself sober, I promise.”

“And I really do have to get home,” said Lonnie. “Gotta work tomorrow, unfortunately. Although I get the feeling I’m gonna be late. Worth it, though.”

“Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you both,” smiled Tina.

“Same,” said Chuck, hugging her. “Maybe we can do it again sometime.”

Tina hesitated a moment before replying. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but we…well, we don’t do this as often as we used to. We kinda save it now for special occasions. And we don’t often play with the same people more than once. But that’s not a hard, fast rule, or anything.”

“I understand, no worries,” Chuck said agreeably.

“We do hang out at the tavern often,” Mick added. “Perhaps we can all get together again sometime for a more standard night of socializing.”

“I’d be okay with that, too,” said Chuck, shaking his hand. Lonnie nodded her agreement.

Then, after an exchange of phone numbers, they were off.

The ride to Lonnie’s was quiet, but not awkward. Lonnie was rather tired, and while Chuck felt more alert, he wanted to keep his attention on the road.

They did talk a bit, general chit chat and about how crazy the night had been.

Then they arrived at Lonnie’s.

“Well, thanks again for the ride,” said Lonnie. Then, almost shyly, added, “and for, well…everything.”

“You’re welcome. And thank you, too. I had a wonderful time.”

As Chuck leaned in to kiss her, she turned her face, offering her cheek instead.

“Well..goodnight,” said Lonnie, reaching for the door and stepping out.

“Wait,” Chuck called after her.

She turned to him silently.

“Can I…I’d like to see you again.”

Lonnie sighed. “Look, this has been fun. But I’m usually not that…easy.”

“I never said you were,” said Chuck. “I just thought…I dunno. A drink? A meal? Some simple conversation? Whatever you’d be up for. No…obligations…for anything else.”

Lonnie considered him for a moment before answering. “Tell you what: give me your number. I’ll…think it over.”

Chuck gave his number and she typed it into her phone.

“Take care, Chuck,” she said as she turned towards her walkway. He watched as she took the steps to her door, started to unlock it, then stopped, turned, and came back to his car.

Please wait…

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