Down the memory lane of a Cabaret dancer

I am . I am now 70. During my twenties and thirties I was a very successful cabaret dancer. Now when sitting at home alone I recollect those colourful and cheerful days sometimes. I am narrating here my memories of those days for your pleasure.

Cabaret dance shows are the night life of western world. Slowly that culture entered Eastern part of the world also. In India live cabaret shows started in 1960s in big cities and gradually extended to medium size cities also. I was in my teen age at that time. I was studying in degree college in my hometown Mangalore. Then hotel Moti Mahal started cabaret shows in our city every night. It was the first of its kind in the city. Most of the college students (all boys) were going there to see the dance. Gradually some girls also started going in the company of boys. One day I happened to visit that hotel to see cabaret dance. There was only one girl dancing. She danced in two parts. First the orchestra team played some good music for some time. After that the artist girl entered the dais wearing sexy dress when colour lights were played on her. She danced for about 20 minutes to the tune of the orchestra and then she vanished.
There was an interval . Lights were put on and Food and drinks were served to the audience as per their orders.

After an interval of 20 minutes the second part of the dance commenced. The girl entered the dais again. She was wearing a red body tight slip from shoulder to thigh level. Her body shape was clearly visible. Her breasts were not very big, but good enough to make boys crazy. She came on the dais and danced for five minutes to the tune of one Hindi film song. After that she jumped from the dais to the audience hall. She was going near every table saying “hai” to the guests sitting there and shaking hand with every one. She was smiling and talking something jokingly and making everyone to laugh. Some guys tried to touch her. She was quickly escaping and teasing them. With few guys she was telling to touch her and when the guy touches, she was jumping and escaping. Some guys , keeping a cigarette on the lips, were telling her to light. She was lighting the cigarette for them. Some guys were giving the cigarette to her to have a ‘dhum’. She used to take a ‘dhum’ and return the cigarette to the guy. Some guests told her to pour beer or whisky from bottle to the glass. She did it with pleasure. For some guys she used to take a sip of beer and then offer the glass to the guy. In the table next to me, she told the young guy sitting there to unbutton her back. When he touched her back to unbutton, she quickly escaped and teased him. To another guy she kept her leg on his chair and told to remove her long black socks. He used his both hands and removed. For that she stood with her one leg on his seat and another on the flloor and the boys in the other table could see her panty! In our table we were 3 boys and myself one girl. We all saw her beautiful blue panty! My friends shouted “ohhhho”.

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