Honey sex

Hi this is visu again, I am here to tell u the real story happened in my recent past while in corona time.

Due to corona everyone are locked in their houses and so am I.as I am visu living with my father and mother,our family lives in an apartment consists of 20 flats.as the flat above us is used by a family close to our parents so I used to go there and spend some time daily.the family consists of uncle aunt and his daughter.as uncle is a front line worrier ,he used to leave for his duty at 9 am and returns at 6pm.

I forget to describe the angel of the story my aunt hema,34-29-35 she is hot and sexy ,as one day I am visiting her house I mistaken went in while they are in the act.which makes me feel total adult and makes them fully embarrsed ,but as feel me like a elder child of theirs.they didn’t bother much and but which makes my desires towards aunt sprout like a seed. As from that day on I used to make sure that things come in place to make her mine. But I used to maintain normal before her.and I use to play with her daughter for sometime and chat with her daily.as one day while she was going to bath asked me to play with her daughter and went to bath ,but all of a sudden I heard sound from bathroom as aunt is feeling pain due to something so I immediately went to check.as I went near the door aunt is shouting from inside the bathroom and I asked her what happened.

Aunt:the honeybees are biting me visu,I didn’t see the necter outside my bathroom.its paining.
Me: aunt one the door ,I will do something.
Aunt: no visu,I am fully nude.I cant.
Me: if u stay longer they May sting u more.their sting is more powerful and painful better to come out.
Aunt:go out I will come.
Me: if come in ,they May also enter,its better I stay and make sure none enter the room.
Aunt(in pain):I am nude.
Me:I have seen u while u making out with uncle.just come don’t be stupid.
Aunt:ok ok coming

As aunt entered the room,I immediately closed the door and smashed two bees and make some smoke so none can enter.
As aunt is in pain she wrapped the bedsheet around her.and crying with pain.
As I enquired that where does the bees bit ,she is crying and hesitate to speak.as her daughter is crying too by seeing her mom, I took her daughter to hall where tv is located and played a cinema and told nothing happened to mom, just watch the movie,mom will come smiling once the movie is finished.and I went to the bedroom,where aunt is suffering from pain.as I said to aunt that applying saliva on sting spots reduce pain.she said I cant reach some,could u call ur mom.to assist aunt I hurried to my house but due to sudden visit of relatives my mom is busy.I conveyed the same to aunt.she said as u already seen me nude that wont makes any different now,can u do a favour,aunt asked me.

Me:yeah tell aunt.
Aunt:bring the honey bottle from the fridge.
Me:okay aunt.I went to fridge and took honey bottle nad returned.
Aunt: if u want to help me,do as I say but never tell to anyone.please .
Me:okay aunt.
Aunt:the bee sting is inside the bit spot u need to remove it,so majority of my pain susides.
Me:okay aunt.
Aunt:do u like to eat honey.
Me:yes,but y asking that now.
Aunt:I will drop honey on the spots where the bees sting ,u need to chew there with there from your mouth and take out the sting.
Me:ok aunt.
Aunt:close ur eyes,as I am going to take off the bed sheet .
Me:then how will I know where to chew.
Aunt:I will guide u through placing ur hand,just chey there,as u wont feel any thing bad ,as u chew honey only.
Me:okay aunt,(by saying so I placed myself beside her in the bed).
Aunt:(aunt unwrapped the bedsheet)guided me to chew in a spot.

As I started to first lick the honey and chew the spot till the needle of the bee fell in my tounge.first she guide for the novel.
Then on the thigh, then on the stomach , then on the boob.as I was sucking her boob she released a slight moan of pleasure, which makes me horny as it feel different ,I asked her is everything fine.she said yeah its fine u r doing great.I chew the boob till I get the needle but to my surprise her boob got rock like solid at the finishing while same is like a spong in the begging.then she asked me move side words and she got changed her position that her back facing my face.then she asked me to open the eyes which I does .as I can see the naked back of lady so close I got horny,and asked aunt what happened y u asked me open my eyes ,does I finished my job properly.

For which she told u have done all the spots except three,for three you need to know where the sting bite located ,I cant guide.till noe u have done a great job.by saying that she showed her bums and said that sting is on the right side of my asshole can you see.as her ass is closed I asked her to spread her legs to so it would be more visible.as she spread her legs I can see that ,its bruse red and started to swell ,as I feel awekawrd I asked aunt do I need it do there. She pleaded me that she will do anything for comforting her.as she promised I took the honey bottle and pour the honey on her ass hole and spread the honey all over the ass with my fingers and started to lick slowly as I started to lick I got smell of aroma of her body through her ass hole which made me hard as I started licking I went into trance and started to lick and chew normally but as my wild side some in I started to slide my tounge

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