Young guy and single mother, sexy milf

He slipped on his pajama pants, an undershirt, flip-flops, and walked out the door.

Sean took a deep breath before pushing the doorbell.


Sarah tiptoed quickly to the front door, straightened her hair, and tugged at her nightgown to reveal more cleavage before opening the door.

Although this wasn’t the Sean wore that outfit, she saw it differently this time. All she could think of was how easy it would be to remove.


“Ms. D! How, uh, was your day?” Sean’s eyes became wide for a split second as he caught a glimpse of her cleavage, but his gaze immediately snapped back to her eyes.

Sarah gave him a look that said, ‘As if you didn’t know already.’

Sean nodded in acknowledgement as he slipped off his flip-flops and walked towards the couch.

After locking the door, Sarah turned to see Sean walking away from her. His pajama pants fit him quite tightly, and she could make out the shape of his butt clearly. The way his buns moved as he walked made her crotch tingle.

As Sarah approached the couch, she saw that Sean had already made himself comfortable. His legs were crisscrossed and he was leaning on his right elbow. He gave her a dreamy look as she walked towards him.

She sat to his right, and as soon as she sat down, his arm dropped, and his hand landed behind her head.

Sarah’s heart beat faster.

“God, I had to write the longest essay today. Took me pretty much the entire day.”

“Really? What class was it for?”

“English.” Sean rolled his eyes.

“Right, of course. What did you write on?”

Sean shrugged. “Eh, Shakespeare, some crap like that.”

Sarah giggled. “Looks like you’re pretty devoted to this essay.”

He gave a smirk that immediately turned her on. “English isn’t my specialty.”

“Oh yeah? What is?”

“Biology. I’m really interested in how the human body works.”

‘I bet you are,’ Sarah thought. “You hungry? I’ve got some snacks laying around.”

“Actually, do you have ice-cream? It’s been a really hot day.”

“Yeah, of course.”

Sarah’s titillating ass floated up and down as she walked towards the kitchen. Sean could see this clearly through her thin nightgown. He felt his cock growing hard, and desperately hoped that it wouldn’t show through his pants.

Sarah came back with a bowl of vanilla ice-cream, which she handed to Sean.

“You’re not having any?”

“No, I’m good.” Sarah stared at Sean’s mouth as he ate the ice-cream.

A bit of it got on his lip, and he licked it with his tongue. Sarah wondered what else he could do with that tongue.

Sean noticed Sarah’s interest. He held out the bowl. “You sure you don’t want some?”

“Maybe just one spoon.” Sarah leaned forward and opened her mouth.

Sean was in disbelief as he lifted the spoon into Sarah’s mouth. His own mouth dropped open as she closed her red lips around the spoon and pulled back slowly, leaving nothing behind except a hint of lipstick on the spoon.

Sean wanted to directly lick the spoon after Sarah left her mark on it, but he obviously couldn’t do that. Instead, he scooped a spoonful of ice-cream and put it in his mouth. He didn’t actually taste any difference, but the knowledge that he was putting a part of Sarah in his mouth made his penis throb.

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