A young Asian wife makes poor decisions and gets a gangbang

A young Asian wife makes poor decisions and gets a gangbang, sex stories, loving wife… Amy looked back at her husband David nervously, she had dragged him here when it was clear from his reaction that he didn’t want to come and she felt kind of guilty about it. “Are you sure you don’t mind” She asked him again for the third time that night.

David sighed patiently and replied in a confessional tone of voice, “Look, this may be boring as hell, but I’ll find a T.V., drink, watch a game, and then when we get home I’ll get to have enough fun to make the entire trip more than worth it.” Amy knew what he meant. Getting her in the mood for sex wasn’t easy, she just couldn’t get wet most days, no matter how much foreplay they tried or what kind. She was way too freaked out to try oral or sex toys of any kind, although she was happy to use her mouth for him. They had already been married for almost a year and yet had only had sex a few times. Alcohol changed everything, though. She didn’t really like to drink that much, but when she did she would become uncontrollably horny and they would have some fantastic sex. David constantly tried to get her to drink and she supposed that he may even be excited about this party, since he knew she’d be drinking. That was fair enough, she supposed.

She looked down at herself one more time before ringing the doorbell of the huge house they now stood in front of. Amy was small even for an Asian girl, and was very self-conscious about her body. She had done everything she could to prepare herself for the party, trying to play to the strengths of her exotic looks. She wore her jet black hair shoulder length with long bangs on the sides and short bangs in the front. A light blue ribbon decorated the left side. She had decorated her almond shaped eyes with blue eyeshadow coming to a sharp point to highlight that shape and had opted for red lipstick. Her fingernails and toenails were done in light blue and she had chosen shoes that made sure her careful pedicure was visible. Her skirt and tank top showed way more of her thin, creamy skinned body than she would have liked, but she was so small that her body looked shapeless in anything that wasn’t skin tight or revealing. Her breasts were barely a B cup and she didn’t even come to her husband’s shoulder, even though he was only about average height. Normally she was more than happy to draw no eyes at all, but tonight she had promised her friend, Deborah that she would look her best.

Deciding everything was in place properly, Amy rang the doorbell. They didn’t wait long before the door whipped open and Deborah’s grinning face appeared. Curvy and feminine, Deborah’s body was definitely a subject of envy for Amy. Deborah wasted no time ushering them inside, speaking her usual mile a minute, “Amy, I’m So glad to see you! I totally need your help, you’ve saved my life showing up now, I swear!”

David didn’t even bat an eyelash, heading off towards a nearby couch and calling to her over his shoulder, “Go, drink, enjoy yourself, I’ll see you in a little while.” She saw soccer playing on one of the televisions in the main living room and knew that he would be occupied well enough. She really couldn’t believe how huge this house was. It was 3 stories tall and looked like it had been made for throwing parties, with multiple tables and couches. Deborah ushered her into the kitchen, which had a bar that wouldn’t look out of place in a club. Rather than a dancing area, however, there were several game tables and dartboards. It was towards one of the latter that Deborah directed her attention excitedly.

Three men stood around a small table a short distance from one of the dartboards. One of them was pouring shots while the other two watched two other men tossing their darts at the board. They were all muscular and substantially older than Amy or Deborah’s 19 years. She estimated that the youngest was in his early thirties and the oldest in his mid-forties. She suddenly had a sneaky suspicion about why they were here, these guys were just the type Deborah pined after. Sure enough, Deborah was pointing out the tallest one, a blond, and speaking to her in hushed tones. “That’s Justin, just look at him! He’s perfect, and rich to boot! I need you to be my wingman.”

Amy rolled her eyes, rapidly losing interest in this party. “First of all, we aren’t men, second of all, we aren’t men. It doesn’t take any effort to pick up a guy, just go bat your eyelashes at him and be done with it.”

Deb was completely undaunted, though, and prattled on excitedly, “You know how nervous I get around guys, I need your support. Come on, you found Mr. Right already, you’re really going to abandon me? I NEED this.”

Sighing guiltily, Amy pulled her wedding ring off of her finger and tucked it into her purse. “Look, we are not making this a thing, I’ll help you out this one time, okay?”

Deborah didn’t reply, her mind already shifting to the task at hand. “Sure, can you do the honors? It’s easy to be bold once you’re already married and don’t have to worry about consequences.”

Rolling her eyes Amy put on a cheerful smile and started off towards the table. Her small size made it really easy for her to disarm men and quickly gain a place as a sisterly figure in any group… although she wondered if that would work quite as well with most of her mid section, her legs, and what cleavage she could muster up all on full display. Too late to think about that now, though.

It didn’t take her long to get the group of older men talking and in a short time they were all doing shots and the guys were teaching the girls how to play darts, although neither of them really had much of an interest in learning. Amy was downing a forth shot of tequila as Deb and her target threw darts and giggled giddily. She was already buzzing hard and she knew that this fourth shot was exactly what she needed, at her size it didn’t take much. She was determined to give her husband the best sex of his life tonight. To that end, she figured she had better arm herself properly, so she flipped her empty shot glass upside down, tapped it on the table, and beamed a proud smile at Greg, the oldest of the group, with his short beard and his shaved head that was probably covering for a receding hairline. “Get another one ready for me, will you? I’m going to go try to actually hit the dartboard this time.” She grabbed the youngest of the group, a dark haired guy by the name of Dan who was less bulky than the others and therefore more enjoyable to look at as far as she was concerned. Dragging him by the arm she started plucking darts from a second dartboard nearby while he finally got the hint and started preparing the scoreboard.

After her game, her shot of tequila, and a couple more games she had completely lost track of time. She was flying high and could feel a wetness in her groin. That was a good sign, her juices were leaking out without even kissing, she was going to give David a wild ride tonight. She didn’t know if it was the extra shot she had taken or the attention of four men at once, but she was ready. She turned to let Deborah know she was going and was surprised to see that no one was standing at the dartboard. A quick glance around revealed that she was nowhere in sight. The other guys were in the middle of laughing at a joke, so she turned to Phil, the largest of the group whose nasty goatee put her off. “Where did Deborah go?”

Phil laughed and motioned around him “You see Justin anywhere? Those two wandered off quite a while ago, what do you reckon they are up to?” He laughed and elbowed Trey, who split a huge grin that looked wonderful on his ginger headed face. She shook her head and blushed, realizing suddenly what Phil was saying… Deborah had probably gone to find an empty bedroom. She was really surprised that Deb had just bailed on her like that, but she supposed she shouldn’t be. That was fine, though, she was horny and it was a great excuse to find her husband and head home. She feigned regret as she worked her mouth to make her thick tongue form words that didn’t sound slurred, “Well it’s been fun, gentlemen, but I really just came here for Deborah, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to call it a night.”

Trey didn’t seem surprised at all as he stood up and replied mirthfully, “Oh aye, that doesn’t surprise me a bit, we all followed Justin here you know. That bastard had this in mind from the start, you mark my words. Tell ya what, let’s have one more for the road before we all head off, yeah? Greg, why don’t you prepare her something with a little extra kick?” He winked at her on that last word and she couldn’t help but giggle at his over the top way of speaking.

“Okay why not.” She chirped happily. Why not indeed? She had never gotten blackout drunk before, and the thought about what she might do to her husband in such a state was making her so wet she was afraid it was going to cause a spot to show on her skirt. Greg handed her a tall shot glass filled with more of the foul smelling liquor and she downed it without hesitation. She figured it was probably a double shot, since Trey had stated it had an extra kick to it. That would be eight shots, double the amount she usually stopped herself at. The warmth from the shot spread through her body and didn’t seem to stop. Her skin was on fire and she had to pull her skirt up from under her butt to keep from making an obvious wet spot on it. Hopefully anyone who saw the small puddle she was making on the chair would think it was a spilt drink. Imagining it made her giggle and then hiccup. Immediately embarrassed she put her hand to her mouth and knew that her face was blood red. She touched her cheeks and they felt unbelievably warm. She looked up at the guys, but she had moved her head too quickly and the room started spinning a little. “Whoah,” she exclaimed as she put her hands on the table to steady herself, “why is it so hot in here, hasn’t the host of this party ever heard of AC?”

Dan laughed and ran his hand through his dark hair as she watched in fascination. His face lit up as if in sudden realization. “You know, the neighbors have a pool. If you’re hot we could go for a dip before we head out. His daughter is a teenager, you can borrow a swimming suit from her.”

The thought of cold water touching her skin was awfully nice, but there was something not quite right with what he just proposed. She tried to puzzle through it logically but her head was swimming from the alcohol. Well… if there is going to be a family with a teenage girl there, she supposed it would be perfectly safe. She didn’t really relish the thought of walking back through throngs of people with her wetness running down her legs and probably showing very obviously on her skirt. They could pop out the side door here, however, and head over to the pool. She tried to inconspicuously hike her skirt up a little in the hopes that making it a bit shorter would keep her juices off of it. As she followed Greg’s bald head out a sliding glass door she felt a breeze on her butt cheeks and realized with a giggle that she had hiked her skirt up a bit much. She quickly yanked it down a bit, hoping that no one had caught a flash of her soaking wet crotch. She was wearing white panties and it would be really obvious.

They just hopped right over the fence to get to the pool directly, with Phil lifting her up by her shoulders and easily putting her over to the other side. Dan disappeared into a sliding glass door on the other side of the pool as she stumbled into Trey trying to stabilize herself. “Whoah there, girl, you doin alright?” He smirked at her as he said it and she had to admit that his half-crooked smile wasn’t bad looking. She felt a hand gently putting pressure on her shoulder and looked back to find Bill guiding her towards the house. Dan was coming out holding something tiny made of yellow fabric.

Suddenly remembering her wetness she let herself be guided to a bathroom where she managed to clean herself up a little and don the tiny yellow bikini that she had been given. It fit her pretty well, so she supposed it must really belong to a teenager, as she typically shopped in the junior’s section herself. It was also the most revealing thing she had ever worn in her life. She supposed it didn’t matter much since she was going to be in the water, and not for all that long anyway. With one hand on the wall she managed to make it back out to the pool without falling down. By the time she got there, however, she had a noticeable wet spot, she couldn’t believe how wet she was! As she stood holding the frame of the door Greg offered his hand and she gladly took it, letting him steady her as she made her way to the pool. She wasted no time jumping into the water. The coldness of the water felt like magic against her burning skin and she felt relieved that with her whole body wet, no one would now be able to tell that it was her juices and not the pool water.

As she wiped water from her eyes she suddenly realized that she had not yet seen the family that owns this house at all. That thought disappeared rapidly at what she now saw, however. Dan was sitting on the edge of the pool completely naked with his feat in the water. Trey was nearby also completely in the buff and both Greg and Phil were in the middle of undressing themselves. In her shock she nearly drowned, as she had been standing on her tippy toes to keep her head above the water. Although it was only a five foot pool and not completely full, she was barely 5 feet tall herself. She stammered as she used her arms to aid her in reaching the side of the pool. “What are you guys doing, are you nuts?”

Trey laughed heartily before cheerfully responding, “Oh relax, we didn’t bring shorts and we want to swim as well you know. Dan’s friend is away on vacation, no one is gonna see.” She couldn’t believe he thought THAT was the issue here. She was so dizzy and this wasn’t helping. She heard Dan offer her a beer so she started using the side of the pool to pull herself over towards where he was sitting.

As she got closer she pulled herself up out of the water and noticed that Dan’s eyes were glued firmly to her chest. She barely had time to feel flattered before she noticed what was between his legs. Rising to full mast right before her eyes Dan’s dick seemed to be pointing straight at her. She was shocked at the size of the thing. He was substantially larger than her husband in both length and girth. She felt a fresh gush of warmth spreading through her groin as she reached for the beer. She was extremely distracted by seeing this stranger’s cock right in front of her face, however, the first she had seen besides her husband’s. She reached out and put her hand around the dick instead of the beer. Glancing up at Dan’s handsome face she found herself struggling to think straight. Yes she was married, but that just meant she wasn’t supposed to have sex with other men, didn’t it? Was it really such a terrible thing to just play a little bit? Her thoughts were interrupted when Dan reached down and pulled her up onto the side of the pool beside him. Before her butt had touched the concrete his lips were on hers. She liked kissing, liked it a lot, and Dan was good at it. Finding it impossible to think straight, she decided to play just a little. It wouldn’t be much different from the guys she dated in high school. She’d make out, let him feel her up a little, and then go find her husband. He’d benefit all the more from her attentions once she was even more worked up.

It didn’t take long for Dan’s hands to start wandering her body as she slowly stroked his cock with her hand. His lips stayed firmly locked on hers. His tongue had started exploring her mouth as his hand found its way under the tiny bikini top. Her breasts were small, but they were firm and she was quite proud of how they looked. She had thought that her husband was the only one who’d ever understand that she actually had breasts, since most of her clothing hid them so completely. As Dan broke the kiss and pulled the bikini top over her head she wasn’t too unhappy about it. She never forgot about her husband, though, and it occurred to her that it would be rude to send Dan off unsatisfied after getting him all worked up, so she hopped down into the pool to get herself at the right height and wrapped both hands around his dick.

David awoke with a start. He must have drank too much and dozed off while waiting for Amy. The party was still in full swing, though, so he couldn’t have been out that long. He stretched and prepared himself for the onerous task of getting up off of the couch. He headed in the direction he had seen Amy go in when they arrived and found himself in a bar. He was a little confused at first, then he remembered that they were basically in a mansion. He spotted Amy leaving through a door on the other side of the bar followed by a redheaded man and a mustachioed gentleman and wondered what on Earth Deborah had her getting up to. He started to follow but bumped into someone and as he turned to apologize realized that he had simply bumped into a door. Wow… he really had drank too much. He looked around briefly and as he expected he spotted the kitchen nearby and prepared himself to walk in a nice straight line to the kitchen so he could grab some coffee before finding his wife.

A short time later he was caffeinated, but no less able to walk straight. He never-the-less managed to make his way out the side door he had seen his wife take. He didn’t see her anywhere in the yard, but he heard voices coming from a nearby fence. There was a patio table and some chairs near the place where the fence gave way to hedges, so he sat himself down heavily and reached over to move a branch out of the way, giving him clear view of the pool. He couldn’t believe what he saw.

There was his Amy, his prudish, unsexual wife topless kissing another man. As she slipped down into the water and put both hands on his dick David felt his own dick straining mightily against his zipper. Between the alcohol and erotic scene before him it was no wonder. He had been fantasizing about his wife all evening and he was already pent up from several weeks with no sex. He knew that he should charge right in there and stop things right then, but he found his cock in his hand instead. He really couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Even on her best days Amy could barely take his average 5 ½ inches and rarely had any interest in sex. He had never noticed her looking at other men, even celebrities, and here she was with another man’s cock in her hand. And the size of the thing! It had to be nearly 8 inches long and twice as thick as his own. As he slowly started to stroke his own cock he took comfort in that thought. There was absolutely no way she could fit something that big in her even if she wanted to, so he was safe from that much cheating at least. He took out his phone and set it up in the bushes, checking to make sure the camera wasn’t blocked by any leaves. He’d hold this over Amy’s head and bring it up anytime she was being unadventurous in bed. He was going to thoroughly enjoy his wife’s little show and benefit from it too.

Amy was slowly licking the dark haired man’s cock, her tiny tongue a heavy contrast against it as she slowly licked from the base to the tip. She started to pick up the pace and move her tongue around the head in circles. She was quite skilled at giving head considering how often that was all he could get from her and she pulled out all of her skills on this guy. She started using her lips a little here and there and then a little more and a little more until she had the head of his dick in her mouth. His place in the bushes was only about 10 feet away from the action and he could see her mouth moving as she worked her tongue in circles around the head of his dick while she sucked on it. Both of her tiny hands were pumping the shaft as she worked more and more of the monster into her mouth. She couldn’t deep throat and as this guy was so much bigger than him she could get even less of it in her mouth. That didn’t seem to matter as the guy oohed at the attention he was getting. Amy pumped his cock even harder and worked her mouth furiously, fucking his dick with her lips. David knew she’d be stroking the shaft with her tongue on each backstroke and the thought made his dick swell even bigger in his hand. He couldn’t believe how hot it was to watch his wife give head to another man.

Suddenly Amy jerked back in surprise. She coughed, white liquid oozing down her lip, a bright contrast against her red lipstick. The dark-haired man was cumming already! The man was far from finished, however, and the next blast hit her fully in the face. He shot several more spurts, hitting her in the forehead, the cheek, and the side of her hair as she tried to turn her face away. The white cum looked incredibly sexy in her black hair. David was a little disappointed that the action had ended so quickly, as he wasn’t ready to blow yet himself. He jumped as he heard a voice booming out and his eyes snapped in that direction. He hadn’t realized that there were other people there with them. A muscular red headed man was booming out mirthfully, “Hey hey hey, there, what are you doing over here now? This isn’t fair, it just isn’t fair at all, you do that for him and leave the rest of us high and dry?” David noticed that there were two other men climbing out of the pool as well. The dark haired man grabbed his wife by the shoulders and lifted her out of the pool. He took one of her small, pink nipples in his mouth and started sucking on it hard enough that her entire breast was pulled into his mouth. He reached up with his hand and started fondling her other breast as well as the other men all approached.

David was shocked beyond belief that his wife had been not only sucking another man’s dick, but doing it right in front of several other men! He was still stroking his cock, nearly out of his mind with lust as his wife’s voice rang out uncertainly, “Well, I guess since I already got this whole thing started I may as well take care of all of you, but no sex, absolutely no sex, understand?” Comforted somewhat by his wife’s comment, David decided to let his dick run the show for a bit and kept stroking as he watched, mesmerized as his wife got on her knees on a towel that was laid out for her and the bald man stepped up, presenting her with a dick at least as big as the previous guy. The man who had just unloaded all over his wife’s face got down and began playing with her breasts as she sucked the other man’s cock. That was when David noticed the other two dicks that were now standing at full mast and being moved around to a position where his wife could see them as well. The red headed man had a dick that would make a porn star blush, standing at least nine inches long and as thick as Amy’s arm. The mustachioed man was sporting something that made David think he may actually be dreaming this whole thing, however. The thing was well over a foot long, bulged near the middle and was as thick as David’s bicept at the bulge. He had never seen such a thing and was a little bit in shock that a human dick could even get that big.

His wife had also spotted the two monster dicks as well, and her voice embodied pure shock as she exclaimed a bit too loudly considering what was going on, “OH MY GOD, what the hell are those? Are you two even human?”

The read-headed man laughed jovially and chuckled back at her, “Come on now, girl, you’re going to hurt our feelings, we’re men just like any others and we have needs too, ya know?” Although her hands were way too small to fit around either of the monsters, she reached out started stroking both of their monstrous dicks. David’s own dick throbbed in his hand as he wondered how the hell his tiny wife was going to be able to pleasure either of them, he didn’t even think she could get her mouth around them. She continued vigorously sucking the bald man and the sight of his tiny wife emphatically sucking on a dick while stroking two other men was too much for David. He exploded, shooting thick wads of sperm into the bushes. The intense orgasm made his mind go blank. He found himself sinking off of the chair and down onto the concrete. He rested his cheek on the side of another chair as all of his energy drained out and the alcohol he had drank caught up with him. He found himself watching the scene before him in a daze, finding himself with an even better view of the action through a gap near the trunk of the bushes. His head swam and nothing felt real as his wife gave her all trying to satisfy the three cocks in front of her.

Amy had no idea that her nearly comatose husband was watching from nearby while she was also in a daze, barely able to believe the situation in which she now found herself. She knew that something wasn’t quite right about her line of thinking right now, but she didn’t have the concentration to puzzle it out. Her head was still swimming and her pussy was dripping all over the towel under her, the bikini bottoms that were now all she wore aside from the ribbon in her hair hardly a barrier since they were already soaked from the pool. She wasn’t sure how she was going to finish these guys up, actually, her jaw was getting tired already and the only thing she wanted to do was go find her husband and let him fuck her burning vagina for as long as he wants. She was having trouble focusing due to the incredible ache in her pussy when Dan’s hand found her clit through the fabric of her bikini bottoms and started rubbing it. It felt divine that she was finally getting some attention, but it wasn’t enough. She was beginning to think that this was pointless as she glanced down and saw that Dan’s dick was once again standing fully erect. This wasn’t going to end quickly, she needed to put a stop to it and go find David before her head burst.

Before she could act on the impulse she was distracted by a tugging at her hip and realized that Dan had untied the string that held her bikini bottoms on. This freed up the material enough to be pulled aside and then Dan’s fingers were directly on her clit. She never allowed David to finger her because it seemed unhygienic, but in her current state it seemed just the thing to satisfy her burning need until she could get David’s dick in her aching pussy. It wasn’t long before Dan sated her unspoken wants and sank a finger into her. It slid in easily and to her shock he immediately added another. He had large fingers and two of them together were probably as thick if not as long as David, yet she was taking them smoothly. They filled her up perfectly, but she wasn’t experiencing the usual difficulty she had getting adjusted to her husband’s dick. Then again, she had never been anywhere near this wet before, so she supposed it wasn’t surprising.

Dan hooked his fingers up into her as if searching for something. Apparently he found what he was looking for, as he touched something inside of her that felt positively magical. Her sudden lustful gasp and moan tipped him off and he focused his attention on this area. She was surprised to find that Dan’s fingers felt just as good as her best sex with David. He worked his fingers in and out of her faster and faster and her juices were starting to slosh and splash. She felt an unfamiliar feeling welling up inside of her. Never having an orgasm before, she didn’t recognize the feeling and was starting to feel panicked. Distracted by the strange sensation she was again shocked when she felt Dan’s mouth lock onto her clit. He sucked at it strongly and licked it with his tongue. She was disgusted and thrilled at the same time, as it felt like electric shocks were shooting through her body. The feeling of pressure was building and she was starting to feel incredibly good, she knew something was coming and that it was going to be amazing. Greg apparently knew it too, because he stopped Dan with a hand to the shoulder, eyeing her like a piece of meat. Dan’s fingers withdrew and she wanted something back inside of her more than anything.

Greg seemed to read her mind, smirking as he cooed at her, “Look at you, you’re positively aching for it, aren’t you? You want some dick, don’t you?”

“Oh god yes, she cooed, I need to go find my hus…whooooah” Her plea was cut off as she was picked bodily up and carried to a table near the hedges. Her bikini bottoms were pulled off on the way over and she found herself spread eagled on the table with Greg’s dick laying against her flat stomach. The sudden movement was too much for her and the whole world felt like it was spinning. She managed to look down at Greg’s purplish dick laying against her smooth white skin. She couldn’t believe the size of the thing, it looked like it reached the base of her ribs. In her addled state the only thing she could think about was how it was possible for any girl to take a cock that size, there were organs in there after all!

Greg was now working his member along her slit, using the shaft of it to massage her clit as he rubbed. Her juices sloshed obscenely as he did so and she was once again amazed at how wet she was. She managed to stammer out a plea in a barely audible gasping cadence, “Please… ah… oh… only… only rubbing, please, don’t, don’t put it in… .ah… please.” But Greg paid no head and her voice was shortly interrupted by Trey pushing his mushroom shaped head against her lips. She opened up wide and managed to get the tip into her mouth, using her tongue to slurp at the underside of the monster. She moaned urgently as Greg rubbed away at her soaked nether regions, the bulge of his head now rubbing her clit with each stroke. She desperately needed her husband inside of her and she tried to plead with them to let her go, but all she could get out was a gasping “Please… Please”.

David couldn’t believe the show in front of his face. He wondered if he were dreaming… He must be dreaming, as there’s no way his cute, innocent little bride would ever let things go this far. He had enjoyed the show thus far and was sporting another erection, although he didn’t seem to have the energy to reach out and stroke it. Now he was terrified, though. The bald man was rubbing his dick along his wife’s slit and at any second now he was going to plunge it in. He closed his eyes, praying to whatever may be listening for his wife to put a stop to this. Something answered, but not what he expected. It was his wife’s desperate voice crying “Please… Please” in a gasping moan. His heart plummeted into his stomach. He needed to move, to cry out, to do SOMETHING. His body wouldn’t respond, however, nothing but his dick anyway, which was twitching. He lay panting into the cold metal of the chair his face was laying against as he watched Greg’s large cock plunge into Amy’s tiny hole. He was surprised that half of it went in immediately. Normally it took lots of foreplay and then working his head back and forth in her before he could finally get it. He could see how unbelievably wet she was from here, however, which was no doubt the source of the ease of the bald man’s entry. The suddenness of it didn’t appear to please her however. She may have been begging for it, but she had a pained look on her face and she grimaced as he worked his dick back and forth, trying to get all of the way in.

Amy had a beautiful pussy, small and pink with neat little labia lips and a tiny, hooded clit. Now her clit was being pressed and her lips were invisible because of Greg’s dick. The thing was so big that it barely fit in her, and the pressure of him pushing made her pussy look like a shapeless hole except for her clit sticking up above his dick. The bald fucker added insult to injury by bragging to his buddies,”Oh my god, you guys won’t believe how tight this little bitch is. I guess it’s not surprising considering how small she is, but you can see how sopping wet her pussy is and I can’t even get halfway inside of her!” Amy seemed to react to this, but was unable to get any words out, instead moaning around the gigantic dick that the ginger was desperately trying to shove deeper into her mouth.

Baldy finally managed to get all of the way inside of her, something David was hoping the man would simply fail to be able to do. It popped in suddenly, though, and rather than try to fuck, the man just held his cock inside of her, sighing in satisfaction. Tears started to well up in David’s eyes as he wondered how he could ever compete with such a big penis. What else was his depraved wife going to do? He had thought she was the sweetest, most innocent girl he had ever met, and now he found himself wondering who she really was as he watched her change before his eyes.

Amy gasped for air around Trey’s monster cock. Greg had already managed to work himself into her and was just holding his cock all the way inside of her, sighing in pleasure. She could feel the pressure pushing against her deepest parts and stretching the walls of her vagina to its limits. She was terrified that David would notice how stretched she was once she finally got back to him, but it was already inside of her now and she was starting to adjust to it. It wasn’t quite comfortable, but it was satisfying the burning urge she had been feeling for a while now. She pulled away from Trey’s penis and let a long, loud, involuntary moan escape her lips, “Oh my god, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” The damage was already done and she needed to be fucked.

Greg let out a low growl at that and started to work his cock back and forth. He had trouble moving at first, but each stroke seemed a little easier than the last and soon he was pumping away at a frantic pace. Everyone present was clearly turned on out of their minds and Greg clearly wasn’t going to last long. Panic returned as the feeling of pressure building up returned. She was unable to react due to Trey’s dick being shoved back into her mouth, though. As the orgasm built up she felt even less attached to reality than she had up until now and as the orgasm exploded through her body she let out a primal scream around Trey’s cock. Her pussy clenched so tightly that it shoved Greg right out of her, but Greg was ready to blow anyway and all it took was one stroke of his hand to send jets of cum splashing all over her abdomen. One spurt even hit her in the chin, adding to the drool and cum that was already plastered all over her face.

Greg happily called out “who’s next” prompting her to sit bolt upright, finally finding the strength to do something about her situation.

She asserted herself in the strongest voice she could muster, “Hey, no no no, there is absolutely no way either of these monsters are going in my pussy, you couldn’t fit if you tried. You two will have to be satisfied with my mouth, Dan and Greg can both fuck my pussy, but this has to stop soon, I really need to go find my husband.”

“Husband!?!” Trey laughed maniacally, “Holy shit, you’re a dirty little thing, aren’t you? Alright then, you’d better work that little mouth, angel.” She got up on her hands and knees and bent over from the table, really concentrating on his dick. She couldn’t get much of it into her mouth, but she used her tongue and her lips as best she could. She felt another dick spreading her pussy lips apart and knew that Dan must have recovered. This position made him penetrate even deeper into her than Phil had, however, and she rapidly found herself panting with lust as he violently pounded away at her pussy. She couldn’t believe how easily he was slipping in and out of her, she’d have to make some excuse to David so that she could grab a shower and bide her time while her pussy settled down once they were done. She glanced down at the glass table and realized that she could see her reflection in it. She felt a fresh spread of warmth through her groin at the erotic site. Her pussy was stuffed so full she was quite sure it was at its maximum capacity. She watched Greg’s dick sloppily pistoning in and out of her. Her juices splashed out onto the table with each stroke. She closed her eyes as she used her tongue to circle the head of Trey’s dick and enjoyed the sensation as she fully relaxed and started to really enjoy herself.

She was disappointed when Dan suddenly pulled out and picked her up, she wasn’t making much progress on Trey anyway, but she suddenly felt empty and wanted a cock back in her. She didn’t have to wait long, however, as Dan laid down on his back on the table and pulled her down on top of him, sliding back into her noisily as her juices made naughty wet sounds. Trey came back over and she managed to get a little more of him in her mouth in this position, so she was really hoping she could finally get him off, although she wasn’t sure how she was going to pleasure Phil’s monster cock. Maybe she would just tell him to fuck off. She was really starting to feel good as Greg pounded away noisily, using his hands on her hips to guide her motion.

Dan suddenly stopped moving, though, and she groaned in protest around Trey’s cock. Dan cooed at her reassuringly, “Don’t worry, little lady, we won’t leave you hanging for long” She heard someone else getting up on the table and started wondering what on earth was going on when she felt another cock rubbing along her asshole and then putting pressure at the base of her pussy. She couldn’t believe it, she hadn’t meant for them to fuck her at the same time, had they misunderstood? There was absolutely no way David wouldn’t notice how stretched out she was if she had sex with him tonight, she had to stop this! She struggled and whined, making panic noises and trying to squirm away from them, but Trey had ahold of the back of her head and she couldn’t talk. Greg just laughed as he started to work the head of his cock into her pussy alongside of Dan’s. How was that even possible? How could they both fit? There was no fucking way! Yet it was going in, slowly, painfully. She whimpered pathetically around Trey’s cock as Dan and Greg stretched her pussy beyond what she ever suspected possible. Greg had his about halfway in now and Dan was stroking her hair while cooing reassurances to her as Trey tried his best to get his dick down her throat.

David lay completely silent beside the bushes. He had recovered enough to move now, but the scene before him was too much. When the second cock had been lined up with his wife’s pussy he knew that his marriage was over, that there was no way she would ever even be able to feel him inside of her again, let alone enjoy it. He could move, but there was no point in doing anything now, so he furiously worked his cock and checked his phone to make sure it hadn’t run out of memory.

As more of the dark haired man’s cock entered her, Amy pulled away from the dick in her mouth and let out a high pitched scream. It was primal and seemed filled with both pain and pleasure. The man on top finally jerked forward, entering her completely, but something had been wrong with the way it had happened. The motion and the shocked look on Amy’s face made it clear that something inside of her had given way very suddenly. She was broken. David couldn’t believe that they had even managed to do it. Both of them were substantially bigger around than him and yet they had both crammed themselves into his tiny wife. Her small body looked ridiculous smashed between these large men. David came again, this time all over himself, and somehow his dick didn’t calm down at all. It stayed completely hard and he continued furiously masturbating while watching his sweet bride being violated.

The men clearly wanted to get into it now, but neither of them could move, and her entire body was being thrust instead as they tried to move their dicks. Finally they both managed to pull out a couple of inches at the same time and thrust back in as a unit. Their cocks seemed almost glued together by her tightness clamping down on them. She felt stretched beyond belief and extremely uncomfortable, but there was something else there as well. A deep lust and a perverse kind of pleasure in with the pain. She knew that wasn’t normal, that the alcohol had somehow twisted her mind, or perhaps the extra kick they referred to earlier hadn’t been alcohol at all. No matter the reason she found herself panting “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” as she slowly built up towards another orgasm. What did it matter anymore anyway? There was no way she was fucking David tonight, she’d have to come up with some excuse for the next couple of days, there was no way he wouldn’t notice something hugely wrong if he stuck his normal sized dick in her massively stretched hole.

She wanted that orgasm badly, even if it meant more pain on the road to getting it. “Fuck me, you stupid bastards” She suddenly called back to them, attacking Trey’s dick with renewed vigor. They obliged immediately, inspired by her encouragement. Greg pulled back hard, popping his dick out of her pussy with a sickening wet smack. She felt her own juices spattering her legs. She felt fingers being put in on either side of Dan’s dick as Greg hooked his fingers on something inside of her and pried as hard as he could. She grimaced in pain as he prodded and pulled at her with his fingers for a couple of minutes before placing his dick back at her opening. This time he shoved inside of her with much more force and made it all the way in on the first try. All of the stretching seemed to have done something, because they were now able to thrust, if just barely. They started moving more and more, though, sometimes thrusting into her both at once and sometimes alternating as their pace picked up. Soon they were both thrusting into her with the same vigor they had done so with individually earlier.

Apparently the table was getting uncomfortable, because Greg pulled out and Dan lifted her up, still impaled on his cock, and carried her to a cushioned pool couch nearby. He laid down on his back and this time she found herself being fucked while facing away from him. She was directly facing a window and could see her reflection quite clearly. She was disheveled with cum in her hair and all over her face and stomach, her perky breasts bouncing sexily as Dan’s large hands on her hips bounced her up and down. Most shocking was her pussy. Although she was easily able to handle Dan’s dick now, she looked ridiculous in the mirror with his huge cock stretching her tiny pussy. And yet there was clearly room to spare now. She reached down and plunged her fingers in above his cock, rubbing at her clit with her thumb while stretching two fingers, then three, then four out inside of her pussy. If Dan pulled out right now she could probably get her entire first inside. The thought was oddly erotic.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Dan pulled her back down onto his chest and Greg approached, sliding his dick into her pussy as well now. In this position her clit was being rubbed by Greg with each thrust and she felt her orgasm building more and more. At this angle she could still see quite a bit in the mirror and marveled at the place where their dicks met at her opening. She could see her pussy tightly stretched around them, being pulled in two different directions. It didn’t look real, it didn’t seem possible. Her clit was swollen and sticking up clearly above Greg’s dick somehow, even though it had been smashed against just one cock in her earlier. They fucked her hard and her pleasure built. “I’m going to cum” she practically whimpered, but she didn’t quite get there, her pleasure being interrupted by Trey.

“Come on you bastards,” he was saying, “you’ve both shot your loads once already, let me get in there. How about it lass? They’ve already got you good and prepared for my python, how about a go?” She didn’t say a word as the two disappointed men pulled out of her with an audible pop, she just reached out, grabbed his dick, and pulled him towards her. She wasn’t sure if all of his nine inches could get in her, but she needed to cum and she was determined to try. Despite just having two dicks in her, his thick member didn’t slide in as easily as she thought it might. It seemed he was nearly as thick by himself as they were together. It went in, though, and in no time he was thrusting half of his length in and out, and then more and more. He was hitting places she didn’t know that she had. Soon he had nearly the entire thing inside. It actually hurt quite a bit and was making her cough a little with each thrust, but she didn’t care, she wrapped her legs around him and forced the entire rest of his length inside of her. Looking down at her normally flat stomach was she shocked to find a visible bulge where his cock was penetrating her. She felt him reach his hand down under her and slide a finger into her asshole. She had never done any kind of anal play before, but his finger slid in easily and she felt like all of the energy drained out of her body in one big gush. Before she could recover her senses he had rolled over so that she was on top with her soft breasts pressed into his hard, muscled chest. Their lips met and then their tongues as they kissed passionately.

As she was making out with Trey she felt hands on her hips and she knew what was about to happen. Trey pulled his finger out of her ass and she felt a dick lining its head up with her asshole. She didn’t even bother protesting, she just let it happen. She did glance back, though, seeing Greg’s bald head and he slid easily into her butt. She was kind of shocked that there was no pain at all, although that feeling of weakness spread through her even stronger than when Trey used his finger. She could feel them rubbing together inside of her through the tissues of her body and the hotness of it had her orgasm building up to nearly bursting. As she came for the second time in her life her pussy clamped down on Trey, although not nearly as violently as it had clamped down earlier. Either her muscles were too weak to push him out, or his dick was simply too long to be pushed out, but he remained inside of her and she could feel jets of warm cum being sprayed into her deepest parts as he had an orgasm himself and unloaded inside of her. The sensation was intense and her body was spasming like crazy. Trey’s dick popped out and she started obscenely spraying her juices all over the place in great bursts. She soaked the couch and Trey’s legs, but he just laughed.

Greg pulled out of her ass and pulled her around, masturbating furiously. Dan approaches as well and she reached out, taking his cock into her mouth as she simultaneously grabbed Greg’s and started beating them off as hard as she could. As she pulled back from Dan’s dick to gasp for air, Greg slid his between her soft lips and she tasted herself on him. She realized with disgust that she was tasting her own ass, and it wasn’t pleasant. The taste was quickly replaced by drool, though. She pulled back again and in a sudden inspiration of pure lewdness, grabbed both dicks and pushed their heads together before cramming them into her mouth. She had trouble getting them both in there, but she made up for it by using her tongue to furiously massage them both. She started alternating, sucking and pumping at the two dicks madly. It didn’t take long before Greg exploded into her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but the load was far too much and she found herself drooling cum down onto her neck and breasts. As she did so Dan unloaded from the other side, warm jets of his cum splashing her face. She was covered in the stuff to the point that she couldn’t open one of her eyes. She sank down onto the couch, completely drained of energy and satisfied in ways she never knew she had wanted to be. She was sore as well, though, and knew that she couldn’t take any more of this. She was starting to fall asleep, or pass out, she couldn’t tell, when she heard someone walking near her.

She looked up to find Phill standing there with a frown on his face. “You fuckers, come on now, I’ve gotten nothing but some light touching all night, you’re killing me here.” She wasn’t sure what she could do for him, but she was distracted by several towels being laid out on the ground and was wondering what in the hell they were planning now.

It was Dan that answered Phill with a laugh, “Come on now, man, there’s no way that monstrous thing is going to fit inside of her, you’re bigger than the three of us combined.” She was about to thank him for the first rational thing that had been said all night, but he apparently wasn’t done talking, “Not without us getting her properly ready for you first, eh?”

She found herself staring at her own pussy somehow. They had laid her down on her back and pulled her legs up over her head, pointing her ass straight up in the air. She was still dripping wet and her juices and probably some of Trey’s cum as well were dripping onto her own face to join the mess already there. She was weak and tired and she didn’t think they could do anything more damaging than what they already had, so she just went with it. Greg started fingering her pussy until her juices were splashing out onto her face. She turned her head to the side as Greg added fingers until he had all four inside of her. She realized that the thing she had been thinking about a while ago was exactly what Greg had planned. He worked his thumb into her cunt and worked his hand back and forth as he slid the entire thing into her pussy. Once he had all five digits worked all the way into her he made a fist and started plunging it deep into her and pulling it outward again. From her angle she could see her pussy deform each time he pulled back, bulging oddly out from her body. His fist was too big to come out so her pussy was instead being stretched in the opposite direction. He kept this up for a couple of minutes before finally releasing his fist and pulling out, replacing his hand with his dick.

At this point she was so stretched that she was taking his dick with no problem and she wasn’t surprised when Dan backed himself over her, facing away from Greg and pointing his dick down at her pussy as well. In this position they could really pound into her, but most of the pain from earlier had faded and she found the sensation pleasant after the stretching she had received at the hands of Trey. Speaking of Trey, she noticed red hair approaching from her front. She wasn’t sure what he was doing until he stepped over her body, placing the three men in a triangle facing outward with their dicks all pointed straight down, two of them already inside of her. She screamed out in panic, realizing what was about to happen, but as usual they weren’t about to stop. Trey placed his enormous cock head at the entrance to her pussy where two other cocks were already meeting and started pushing.

As impossible as everything up until this point has seemed, this was ridiculous. Phil’s massive cock was larger than a baby, no woman should be able to take that monster, let alone someone as petite as her, yet here they were, trying to shove three huge dicks into her impossibly tiny pussy to prepare her for that grotesque thing. She wasn’t surprised however, when Trey’s massive prick started to make headway, pushing the head into her already overfull hole. As it stretched her out more and more, plunging deeper into her exhausted pussy she felt something popping inside of her. That was bad… that was really bad. Her stretched and exhausted pussy just seemed to give up then and Trey plunged the entire rest of the way in, hitting deeper than he had even earlier and sending her into a fit of coughing.

Although the position was extremely awkward, the three worked in smooth cooperation as they fucked her hard, their angle allowing them to plunge painfully into her, causing pain inside of her abdomen and lower chest as well as her pussy as they forcibly made room inside of her tiny body for their impossibly big dicks. Had they done this beore? She was still wet, though, she wasn’t sure how she wasn’t dehydrated at this point, and they kept up a furious pace, pounding into her with glee. After the popping sensation they were able to move easily, although the pain wasn’t getting any better for her. That didn’t seem to matter to them one bit, though.

This position was apparently too erotic for the group and all three guys started grunting and pumping away as hard as they could. Dan was the first one to cum, shooting one blast inside of her and then pulling out to splatter her face and breasts with sticky whiteness. Trey was next, following the established rythym, firing off his first spurt of cum into her pussy and then pulling out to finish all over her body. Poor Greg was clearly not feeling much in her ruined pussy anymore and plunged himself into her ass for a few strokes before pulling out and blasting her pussy and asshole with everything he had. Each one of them had already cum at least two times that night, so she was sure that part of it was finally over at least, but now she had an even bigger problem and she was too tired to even resist as she was lifted up and Phil laid his bulk down on the towels with his massive erection standing up. The thing was well over a foot long, probably close to 14 inches and misshapen with a few bumps on it and bulging out at the middle. She had no desire whatsoever to be impaled on that thing, but she was weak and put up no resistance as Dan and Trey lowered her onto his pole.

The head of Phil’s colosal member had no problem sliding into her well stretched pussy, but that was the least of his girth. Several inches of him was already inside of her with no resistance when she hit the bulge. Her pussy was completely exhausted and possibly damaged, it wasn’t putting up any fight at all, but something was stopping her from getting down any further on the massive dick. She looked down weakly, noting that she was stopped well before the thickest part. Not ones to be daunted, the guys shoved down on her body as Phill worked his dick in short, fast up and down movements, drilling his dick into her. Just when she thought that they would have to give up, something inside of her gave and she found herself impaled to the hilt on this massive dick. She threw up, coughing violently to the side of the towels they were laying on as Phil’s phallus twitched inside of her. She glanced down at herself in shock and disbelief. There was a substantial bulge in her belly that went all the way up to her ribs and she found absolutely terrifying. She could feel him displacing her organs and she was suddenly worried more about dying than about unprotected sex with strangers. The others aided in moving her up and down on Phil’s dick as he finally got his fuck. She wondered how often he even got to have sex, she couldn’t imagine any girl willingly fucking that thing. There was no adjusting, her pussy muscles were completely useless at that point, so it was more by force than anything that they picked up the pace, fucking that ridiculous thing in and out of her. After a few minutes of this they apparently got tired of holding her up and leaned her forward against Phil’s chest.

The shift in position caused his cock to shift inside of her, pushing into different organs now, but she had nothing left to throw up, so she just dry heaved and coughed. She should have realized that they weren’t done yet, she should have realized that no matter what depraved things they had done to her body they would think of more, but she didn’t, not until she felt a huge cock head pushing on her asshole. It could only be Trey’s. Her ass was still soaking wet from her own juices and Greg’s cum, but her ass, which had been virginal until tonight, was not taking Trey’s dick easily. She wanted to scream for him to stop, but she couldn’t make any words come up and he managed to finally push into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as darkness started to take hold. She rapidly slipped into unconsciousness.

Unconscious or not, they continued pounding away at her holes until they were good and done. Trey finished first, unloading entirely into her asshole. Phil wasn’t far behind, and he turned Amy’s limp body around so that the others could watch the bulge in her abdomen as it twitched and Phil started to cum. His huge penis apparently also came with the ability to cum a ridiculous amount as well and he unloaded every drop into her ruined pussy.

She heard the guys laughing as they left, someone was saying “I wonder what she’s going to say to her husband?” and another voice replied “I’m more interested in what will happen if the family who lives here gets home before she leaves. She knew she must look like a mess, her ruined pussy gaping open impossibly as she lay on the cement, thick white wads of cum oozing out in a sticky puddle.

The voices faded into the distance and Amy stirred partway back to consciousness as she felt another pair of hands on her. She felt warm droplets spattering her face and realized in horror through half open eyes that David was pounding his tiny dick into her ruined pussy while his tears splashed onto her. The last thing she felt was revulsion and horror as she finally slipped into full unconsciousness.

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