Word of Mouth

“Oh my God, you’ve never been to a football game?” she asked incredulously. “That’s a sacrilege at this school.”

I shook my head. “Just the thought of a hundred thousand people all in one place makes me nauseous.”

“Do you get full-blown panic attacks?” I nodded. “Ever tried medication?”

I chewed on my lower lip. The subject was a touchy one because of the stigma of taking prescribed meds. It had been my experience that once someone found out they treated me differently. But Nico wasn’t like other people. “Yeah, but I haven’t found one I like. They do help alleviate the anxiety but they all have drawbacks. Some made me feel like a zombie, some are better but everything is still a tad foggy, and some have undesirable side effects.”

“Such as?”

I fidgeted in my seat. I hated talking about it but Nico’s piercing gaze wouldn’t let me go. “This one particular drug gave me a raging erection.”

“Sounds like fun,” she said mischievously, “what with all that meat you’re packing.”

“It wasn’t. I was sixteen and already a typical horny teenager. I got plenty of erections all on my own. When I was on the med I was hard all the time and not only was it embarrassing it was also very painful.”

“Do you have any of those pills left?” she asked, her voice full of hope.

“No, I flushed them a long time ago.” Nico pouted at me across the table.

We sipped our coffee in silence until Nico declared, “You are a fucking enigma.” I couldn’t decide if I should be insulted by that. “You’re a virgin who can barely go out in public, let alone talk to women, but you have a cock any girl would kill to suck or fuck. And there’s no way you should be that good at eating me out. How can you be that good?” I shrugged as I had no clue. “Did someone teach you?”

“No, but I do like watching it in videos,” I admitted. “In fact, it’s the only kind of porn I like. I really enjoy seeing a woman get off.” That wasn’t the whole truth, though. A more accurate statement is that I always have a feeling something bad will happen if the woman doesn’t orgasm. Watching a video for the first time always fills me with trepidation as I don’t know if they will show the woman climaxing.

“What’s it like for you, what’s going through your mind when you have your tongue buried in my cunt?”

“I don’t know.” I paused. “It’s like I’m in some sort of trance and it’s the only thing in the world. Nothing else exists. Maybe I blackout or something, you know, the way an alcoholic will blackout when they’ve been drinking.”

Nico nodded at me. “Try to describe what it’s like to lick me.”

I thought about it for a long time before I said, “It’s kind of like eating a perfectly ripe peach. You know, there’s that window of two or three weeks in August when Michigan Red Haven peaches are the perfect ripeness. You bite into the fuzzy skin and the sweet juice rolls down your chin and you can’t help but to slurp it up and the flesh is soft yet firm under your tongue. That’s the closest I can come to describing it.”

Nico stared at me as I finished my coffee. It had grown cold but I couldn’t bear to leave it unfinished. Finally, she said, “Back in a moment,” and walked off to the restrooms. A minute later she was back and dropped a ball of green material in my lap as she sat back down. “Feel it,” she said, “Feel how wet you’ve made me.”

Please wait…

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