She sat on my chest and rested. I looked at her open pink moist vulva. Beautiful. In response to her request to fuck I gripped her hips and lifted her down my body towards the hard cock that lay along my belly to my navel. I held it upright with one hand. She knelt high over it, slipped the knob inside the entrance to her vagina. She let herself go, impaled herself completely upon it, and buried my tool inside her cunt. I suggested she rest her hands of my chest for support. Again she had trouble initially getting her movements right for her. I simply lay there and watched her tits bounce and sway on her chest. Her second orgasm came quickly. While her cunt felt stupendous I knew she could probably get one more effort in before the situation took control of me. After a brief rest, laying on me, my cock still buried deeply inside her, she tried again.
As she began to climb her peak of pleasure I reached up around her arms and gripped her hard pointed nipples. The pleasure pain got to her, as did her fuck on my cock. Jean’s face reflected what she felt. Her open mouth sucked air into her lungs. She ground her cunt into my belly. She wailed loudly as her dam burst. The sight was too much for me. I bucked my cock up at her as she thrust down at me. We came together. My cock muscle throbbed as the cum spurted out of me into her.
Jean collapsed onto my chest. I held her tenderly, stroked her perspiring face and back. As we relaxed though again I felt someone was on the verandah. From the room I could see nothing. After some desultory conversation Jean decided it was time she went to her own bed. I turned the light off and called it a night too.
Next morning I was up early as always, in the shared bathroom at the end of the corridor when a small event occurred to cause me some thought. I was nude, standing at the sink shaving, true with the door not fully closed. Without warning the bathroom door was pushed wide open and in came Simone. She wore a very miniscule transparent nightie. Her breasts were clearly visible through the material. Simone propped immediately she saw me, apologised saying she thought her younger sister was using the bathroom, told me she was beginning to run late for an early start at work, and now that she was here would I mind if she had a quick shower while I finished my shave. I said that I’d leave the bathroom to her and finish my shave after she’d had her shower. Simone wouldn’t hear of that, told me we were all adults with nothing to hide, that she’d only be a few minutes under the shower. A little concerned, but wanting to oblige, I agreed.
In a flash she was in the bathroom, shut the door I later realised, and had her nightie off over her head. While she didn’t flaunt herself at me I nonetheless saw all her assets. Her breasts bounced, more than a handful. Her belly looked nice and flat. The flash of her pubic region gave an impression of light coloured hair to match that on her head. Her arse made me mentally drool, beautiful. On came the shower. I continued my interrupted shave. As Simone showered she talked, asked me did I sleep well, was my bed comfortable. With the rising steam my shave became difficult as the mirror fogged. The shower curtain snapped back. Simone asked me to please pass her the shampoo from the cupboard under the sink. As I retrieved it and walked over to the shower to give it to her she knew I was taking in the sight of her body under the water. I didn’t say anything. She thanked me, and closed the curtain. As I tried to finish my shave she asked me about shaving my genital area, wanted to know how often, did it feel good, saying she thought it looked good, and that she might try it one day
I completed my shave as Simone finished her shower. She left the water running for me, and we squeezed past each other in the doorway. I washed. She dried herself. She called a cheery catch you at breakfast as she left.