Train Ride with Mom – Supernatural experience and a fully aroused mother

“The places we visited are special,” she said. “They used to have royal families. I saw the young Queen in a vision. She was a breathtaking beauty. Tall with a long red hair. Her skin was pale, like the color of snow. I couldn’t understand their language, but for some reason, I knew exactly what she was saying.”

I listened attentively while my spoke.

She continued, “The young Queen was a firm, but fair person. She was strong but feminine. She was respectable and loved by the people. I can feel a connection with her. I can’t explain it, but it’s there. I know her thoughts, her feelings, her desires.”

I immediately thought of the encounter with the old lady earlier that night.

“Do you think this has anything to do with that old gypsy lady?” I asked.

“I’ve thought about it.”


“I’m not sure yet. But that elderly lady talked about a royal family. And that’s exactly what I dreamt about a few moments ago.”

“What about that little ball she gave you? Plus she spit on it. Who knows, maybe there was something on it. Or maybe…”

“Please don’t mention anything about magic or sorcery,” mom said, shaking her head. “You know how I feel about that.”

“I’m just pointing that out.”

She got up and checked her phone, which was inside her bag.

“It’s 1:32,” she said. “We better get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

“Great idea.”

After making sure she was okay again, I climbed back up to the top bunk. My mother turned off the lights and we went back to sleep.


I managed to go to sleep after a while, but that didn’t last long. My mother was making loud groaning sounds which woke me up. She must have been having another dream (or whatever it was). She made strange noises which showed how intense her feelings were. She tossed & turned in bed.

The noises suddenly stopped and I heard her partially getting out of bed.

I looked down and saw her bare feet on the floor. Her head was down and she brushed her hair back with her hands.

Once again, I asked if she was okay. She said she was fine, but judging by the sound in her voice, she was unsure of that. She reached for her phone and checked the time. Then she put her phone away.

“It was another vision,” she said, bewildered. “This time, it felt like so much information. I felt like I understood so much.”

I didn’t know what to do during my mother’s difficult time. Who would? And I had no clue what my mother was going through.

“Do you want to talk about it again?” I asked.

“Why not? It might be for the best.” She turned the lights on. Then she sat on the long seat. I climbed down from the top bunk and sat next to her. Things were about to get bizarre, I figured. There was still a slightly bewildered look on her face.

“I have to warn you,” she said as we looked at each other up close. “This could be a bit explicit.”

My interest suddenly grew. Whatever she wanted to say, whatever vision she had, it wasn’t going to be boring.

“I don’t mind.”

“I’m only telling you this because I think it’s important. I don’t know why, but it is. Okay?”

Please wait…

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