The Starving Housewife – 24

Thank you for all your messages, please read the previous part ( The Starving Housewife – 23 ) so you can enjoy this better. Now let’s continue

said “now that you have tasted the forbidden fruit, don’t ever look back at becoming that faithful housewife ever again. It’s simply not worth it”. Sabitri only managed a barely audible yes.

Maya roared, she said “I want to hear you say it loud Sabitri”. Sabitri again managed a “yes Maya, I will do as you say”. Now Maya thundered “, if I ever hear you going back to your old faithful wife ways because you chickened out then don’t bother to call me ever”.

Sabitri confidently said “you are right Maya. My life is looking up now after so many years of drought. I promise you that I am not going to waste any more time”. Maya laughed out loud.

She said “this is exactly what I wanted to hear from you Sabitri. Now go and make up for all your lost years. It doesn’t matter who the man is as long as he is able to satisfy you physically and make you happy”.

Sabitri said “yes I will do as you say Maya. Thank you for being there for me… thank you for constantly pushing me”. Maya teasingly said “Sabitri now that Deepak has left, shall I ask Jitendra to pay you a visit”?

Sabitri replied “no no not so soon. I need some time to process all this and get over it”. Maya tauntingly said “don’t forget to clean that jungle”. Sabitri softly said “yes I will definitely work on that too”.

Maya said “also remember to go to the tailor and get some new sexy blouses stitched. Your present ones are so boring”. Sabitri never thought about this very seriously despite Maya constantly pushing her since years.

Maya said “Sabitri the village is full of real men capable of satisfying you the way you want. So if you want to get their attention then you will need to from your styled blouses to something more sexy. Understood”?

Sabitri knew what Maya was hinting at so she just said “hmm…”. Maya roared “Sabitri I know you better when you talk like this. Tell me loud and clear that you will get new blouses so it helps you to look more sexy and ”.

Sabitri replied “yes I will do it Maya. I will get new blouses just the way you suggested”. Maya authoritatively said “I am going to call Asif right away explaining him what designs to stitch for you”. Sabitri quickly replied “but why Asif? We also have who is such a good tailor”.

Maya sarcastically said “ohh so you want to go to that sick old man who is still living in the previous century? Asif is really good, he looks at the woman’s figure and suggests the right clothes that will make you look very sexy and appealing. And to any man you , you need exactly that”.

Sabitri relented and softly said “fine if you feel so then I will go to him”. Maya said “one more thing, you might need to remove your clothes for measurements when you go to Asif. Don’t hesitate because he is very particular about getting the right measurements. Okay”?

Sabitri replied “but Maya, Krishna does not make me remove any clothes while taking my measurements”. Maya laughed and said “ohh Sabitri , you are so naïve. Krishna stitches the most boring blouses which make even the horniest of men lose their erections”.

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