The New Girl-24

I had got my breath back by now, so I got up from dad’s lap smiling at everyone and went to the bathroom to clean-up. I didn’t bother to carry my clothes and came back to the men fully naked.

Then they all went one by one and cleaned up and got dressed. I saw the time was nearing 11pm now. After we all got dressed. Pankaj asked “Satish do you think we can do this more regularly”?

Dad looked at me, I smiled back and said “I am game for anytime you want to do it again uncle”. Sharath said “please wait for a minute” and went inside his house.

He came back with a brand new gift wrapped smartphone and gave it to me. He said “this is for you Preeti”, I looked at dad before accepting it. Pankaj said “keep it Preeti and don’t worry about him”.

I accepted the gift and we left from there, on the way dad asked “so how was it baby? Did you get what you wanted”? I said “yes papa, I really enjoyed. How about you, I am sure you enjoyed it too”?

Dad said “yes, you were awesome and thanks to you, I was able to realise one more of my fantasies today”. We reached home soon and saw all the lights were out.

We thought mom would have gone to bed by now. When we entered we saw the place was untouched as we had left it and mom was nowhere to be seen. Dad was about to call mom on her cell.

I said “stop dad, don’t call her now, you take out the car because I have an idea”. We drove to Aslam’s place and found it locked, then we went to Irshaad’s place and pulled over a little away.

All the lights were on and there was sound of loud music playing inside. Before we could think of anything, a c*p patrol jeep pulled up outside the gate.

Our best guess was some neighbour might have complained about the loud music. The c*ps barged into the house and soon came out escorting Irshaad who was still in his boxers followed by Aslam who was also in the similar state.

Then another jeep pulled up with some female officers who came out escorting mom, she was scantily dressed in a stripper outfit followed by more men including Thakur.

They all left from there and we too left to our house not being able to think of anything. Both me and dad changed into our house clothes when we heard a jeep pull over outside our house.

We both rushed outside and saw mom alighting from the vehicle escorted by the female officers in handcuffs. She was profusely crying. The officers asked “this bitch claims that she is your wife, is that true”?

Dad composed himself before answering, he said “yes officer, she is my wife Sonia. Why what happened and where did you find her like this? We were worried too and were about to call you to report her missing”.

The officers released mom and said “well, I am ashamed to say that we found your wife in a very compromising position fully naked in bed with 5 men shooting a movie. She was under the influence too”.

The officer continued “she claims that she was drugged and misled into the whole thing. That is why we thought of checking out her story and if true let her go”.

Thought me and dad were aware of where mom was, we did not expect to hear this. Dad’s face was flush red with anger now, I saw it and before he would say something regretful I pulled him inside.

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