Nathan is disgusted by Linda but made happy by Stephen and Daisy

We had been working at the manor house for over a week now. My boss has secured the opportunity to renovate the property for the new owners. His name was Stephen and he was also my as was his Daisy who was an interior designer and also working on the house along with Eugene an electrician and Dax a and builder. My name is Nathan and I do general labouring work.

We were all staying at the house while we worked on it where as the owners lived in the city. The manor house was in a remote location with the nearest pub and an hour’s drive away. There was a farm about two miles down the road which was run and owned by a named Linda and her ‘s. I wasn’t keen on being so far from anywhere however Linda made it more enjoyable.

I had met her on the first day we arrived as I went to buy milk from her. When I first saw her I fell in love. About 5ft6, long blonde hair tied back, slim with pert boobs and a bum like an apple. Every day I came to see her and it was the highlight of my day. We would talk about anything and everything and yesterday I kissed her for the on her soft red lips. Her daughter’s Elaine and Rose were friendly too however they were only sixteen and fourteen so I had no for them.

As I walked to her farm this morning to buy milk and eggs I had decided to ask her out for a picnic tomorrow as it was Sunday so we weren’t working. When Linda answered the door she was wearing a knitted blue jumper, tight blue jeans and an apron. Giving me a big smile she said “Come in Nathan”. Once I was inside she kissed me softly on the lips and I said “I’m not working tomorrow so would you like to go on a picnic?”. Linda smiled and said “Sure I’d love too. I finish my morning work about eleven so come by around then and I can take you to a quiet area I know for lunch”. Just then Elaine came in and said “Hi” then asked for her mum’s help outside. I brought the milk and eggs and said goodbye.

Back at the manor house I told Stephen and Daisy about the picnic tomorrow and they were happy for me and Daisy said “I can help make the picnic for you tomorrow” and I replied “That’s good as im not much of a cook”. That evening I was looking at my phone when I heard Eugene and Dax go out. They were heading to the nearest pub for the evening and they hadn’t invited me but I wouldn’t have gone anyway as I didn’t particularly like them. Especially Dax who was cocky and full of himself.

The next morning Daisy helped me cook the food for the picnic and at about ten thirty I left for Linda’s with the picnic in a bag. It was a hot day and I was enjoying the walk. Reaching the farm I rang the doorbell and waited. Linda appeared in her dressing gown only partly done up and I could see the side of her left boob. She went red in the face and said “Nathan I forgot you were coming”. As I was about to speak I heard a voice say “You coming Linda our dicks are waiting for you?” Just then Dax appeared in the hallway stark naked with his large dick . Seeing me he said “You come to join in too?” Then Eugene came into the hall also naked with his even larger dick hard. Seeing me he blushed and walked back out of sight.

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