The Curious boys (Babby sitting the curious boys)

When the call came Erica was working on her second dress and she had completely forgotten about her commitment of baby sitting at McDonalds. She said she was terribly sorry for being forgetful and requested Jessica to leave her home and that she will be there in few minutes .Satisfied with Erica’s response Jessica left instructions for Jess and Steve and left the home.

Erica was well mannered decent girl Jessica considered .It was important to have good neighbours and have good relations with them. Jessica considered that there may be more occasions to seek Erica’s help .

“Erica! They like buttered bread and cheese “ Jessica had called her just before leaving . “And they have home work to do . Make them complete that first . They can play after” Erica heard Jessica .

“Yes Jess Aunt! Don’t you worry!!” assured Erica in her sweet little voice .She picked up her cycle and was riding towards the house of McDonalds .Jeff was cute boy at fourteen with blond hair ,somewhat big and little grown up for his age with 5ft 5in height and slim athletic body due to constant playing around . Steve was little more than twelve years just following his elder brother .Though Erica too was just same age ,Jessica considered her more mature and trust worthy for babysitting her children . Both boys were very playful and naughty . Erica remembered how Steve has placed a little frog in her purse when she visited them first time and how scared she was when the frog jumped out of purse the moment she opened it to share her candies with them.

“Oh ,shit!”said Erica when she was just approaching the McDonald’s house. In the rush to make up to their place as quick as possible she had forgotten to change her cloths into a nice skirt and top . She was just wearing the modified strapless romper and she wasn’t even wearing her bra or panties under . She felt little worried but then she decided to be careful so that Jeff and Steve won’t know about that ;she satisfied herself .

Jeff opened the door when Erica pressed the bell .”Mom had left some instructions for you Erica on the kitchen counter top” Jeff said.

Erica followed him to kitchen .She had a long look at Jeff’s back. He was looking cute . He was developing muscles and would probably grow into fine figure of young boy one day . Erica could find only one word about Jeff and Steve and that was ‘pretty’ .These were certainly the prettiest boys Erica had seen .

Erica suddenly realised about her wild imagination about Jeff and Steve .She liked the boys . But these boys were younger to her even though they were taller and stronger to her . She wasn’t sure how she would handle or baby sit them if something different happens .

‘Homework time first guys “ Erica declared .”We can play after .” She was surprised at the use of the word “We”.

Jeff and Steve sniggered and grinned when Erica used her typical ascent to make her announcement .That was possibly the very moment when the ice broke and the boys began to endear this young sweet looking girl in their hearts .

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