The 4 sluts compare an artificial cock to the real thing

21-year-old Kevin Burns nervously straightened his tie for the sixth time before checking his watch.

8:22 am

He tried to shut out his tension by hearing the sounds around him from the cars driving back, horns honking, distinct chatter of those walking by and various vendors setting up their food and coffee carts.

The young inventor checked his watch again.

8:25 am

He sighed and sat on the cold metal bench in front of the large building where soon he would have the interview which could decide his entire future.

Throughout his life, Kevin had loved machines and gadgets. At the age of 3, he had successfully taken apart and rebuilt the family computer to make it even more efficient than before.

In middle and high school, he won a score of technology conventions and developed plans to begin his own tech company after graduating high school.

A few weeks before however, he learned that scholarship which he had dreamed for as long as he could remember, which could enable him to attend a prestigious tech school, he was not eligible for.

Discouraged, he was depressed for weeks, remaining shut in his room, reading or watching large amounts of porn. One of these subsequent searches brought him to IncestisBest. At the top of the screen on one particular occasion, he saw an opportunity.

The company had a search going for a new sex toy acquisition. The toy which was the best would not only put into production worldwide but the inventor would be compensated greatly.

Immediately, Kevin got to work.

8:28 am

Kevin looked up to the building’s front doors, seeing a burly security guard unlock them and he stood, grabbing his briefcase.

With a long nervous breath, he stepped across the street toward IncestisBest headquarters.


9:17 am

“This is the BuzzMaster,” the inventor currently before the decision stated, “It has 5 speeds and even has an automatic setting.”

Victoria nodded. “How much would this potentially cost?”

“Around $90,” he said, bearing a proud smile.

“$90?!” she exclaimed, “in that case it better knock me up and fix me breakfast.”

Mallory laughed next to her. “And what about the time it takes to achieve orgasm?”

“About 15 seconds,” he replied.

“Well, let’s see it,” Melanie said, sitting on Victoria’s left.

He walked forward, handing the prototype to Mallory who passed it to Victoria, who passed it to Melanie who then passed it to Catherine.

Catherine stroked it softly and turned it on, moving the vibrating toy up and down her pussy, her clit almost instantly feeling the effects as she moaned and gripped the table in front of her.

“Ohhhh fuck…” she moaned, shaking with pleasure.

After she regained her composure, she set the vibrator on the table.

“Meh… I’ve had better,” she said.

“Is that it?” Victoria asked.

“Pathetic,” Victoria said, tossing his invention at him, “get out.”

He grabbed it up and rushed out crying, running past Kevin.

“NEXT!” he heard Victoria shout before the heavy door slammed shut.

Ryan gulped and entered, feeling the eyes of all four women on him as he set up his display as quickly as he could.

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