Taking Mom to the Movies

“You know, some guys actually prefer older women,” I replied, trying to comfort her.

“I know. I still get glances from a lot of younger men. It’s flattering. But they’re not my type.”

“You’ll find someone soon. I promise.”

She managed to crack a smile. “I’ll order some pizza now. I feel like binging on carbs & cheese.”

“Good idea.”

She thought for a quick moment. “You know what? Screw that guy. Why should I let him ruin my night? Who the hell does he think he is?”

My suddenly got her energy & fire back. I hoped it wasn’t the wine talking, but she looked energized. At least she wasn’t going to be depressed for the rest of the night.

“You sound like you’re back to normal,” I gladly noted.

“I spent a lot of time to look good for tonight. So why don’t we go to a fancy restaurant together? I still have the reservations for 8 o’clock. It’ll be a fun date. My treat, of course.”

Suddenly I found myself in an even more awkward position. How weird would it be to go out on a date with my own mother at a fancy restaurant?

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” I asked as nicely as I could.

Her eyes suddenly showed signs of being depressed again.

“You’re not interested?” she asked, hiding her sadness.

The look in her eyes, and the tone in her voice put me in an impossible position. What kind of person would I be if I refused and made her cry all night from being heartbroken?

“I’m interested. It sounds like fun.”

A beaming smile quickly appeared on her face.

“I knew you’d join!” she beamed. “Change your clothes. Wear something nice. It’s going to be fun.”

My mother took a final sip of the wine, stood up, and gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek. She also gave me a tight hug, and she thanked me for going.


We arrived at the fancy restaurant before 8. To my surprise, my mother had changed into a different dress. It was bright red, sleek (which showcased her voluptuous body), and it even showed her cleavage. Being a professional woman, she rarely ever showed her cleavage. But tonight, for whatever reason, she decided to show it off. I tried my best not to look at her boobs.

“What are you going to order?” she asked with her eyes on the menu.

“I don’t know. Everything looks really good.”

“Maybe you have your eyes on something that’s not on the menu?” she replied, looking at me with a faint smile.

There was a slightly mischievous look on her face, as if she had caught me glancing at her breasts. I wasn’t sure if she had actually caught me though, and I tried my best to act natural.

“I’ll have whatever you have,” I replied, putting the menu down.

“Nice choice. I know exactly what to order.”

My mother signaled an attractive young waitress, who came to our table with a polite smile. My mother ordered us some expensive steaks, along with some expensive drinks. I couldn’t believe how much she was willing to spend for dinner, but then again, she wanted the night to be special.

The waitress commended us for our choice. “We also have a special promotion tonight. We’re offering a 50% discount for desserts to couples here on a date. Will you two be interested in that?”

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