Real Affectionate Mother : 2

Protima studied her naked body in the full-length mirror of her bedroom after her birth. She couldn’t have been more pleased with the way things were turning out…. with the way she was turning out. At 35, her tits were so full, so round and shapely. Sure, there were two or three friends of her with bigger ones, but she was perfectly confident about her size…. hers had the best shape. They were luscious and perky even after the birth of her two children, and she knew just what to wear when she felt like drawing attention to her. She … Read more

Family member is a nymphomaniac

Family member is a nymphomaniac ‘It’s not my fault. I just can’t bloody help it.’ How often had she repeated those words to herself, always those same sentences rattling around inside her head? She did not consider herself a nymphomaniac, despite what other people may think. It was just that sex constantly preyed on her mind. Every day, and even during the night, the most innocuous of things would suddenly set her off, and what she needed most when that happened was to either fuck, or at the very least, masturbate. When she slept, it brought no respite, her dreams … Read more

Halloween party : Young men, young women, old couple

Halloween party : Young men, young women, old couple The Thompson’s Mansion, 1.30 pm. “Sweetie? Hurry, darling!” Miranda called up the stairs to her youngest daughter, Sachita. “Belinda’s arrived.” “Tell her I’m coming”, Sachita yelled from inside her room, “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” “Sorry, but that’s my girl,” Miranda explained apologetically to the young woman standing at the porch. “She may have turned eighteen, last December, she still acts like 15, never aware of time!” “More like twelve.” Kevin appearing at the top of the stairs jeered. “The way she acts sometimes. Hi Bel, how are you … Read more

I fucked by Muslim Guys at Varanasi Part 3

For your recap. You all know my name is Lakshmi Sharma and my Age is 38 years. 21-08-1986 is my DOB. I live in Guntur. working as .Net Solutions Architect in Microsoft New Jersey Branch working from Home (Guntur). As a Holidays Section from Nov 28th to Dec 25th in US. So i Planned to go Varanasi. I Started Journey on 26th of November 12:15 AM and will reach to Varanasi by 27th of November 05:10 AM Early Morning by Ganga Kaveri Express and planned to return on December 3rd Sunday by Rameswaram Express but the return tickets are not … Read more

Brahmin wife life changing even Part 2

For your recap. You all know my name is Lakshmi Sharma and my Age is 38 years. 21-08-1986 is my DOB. I live in Guntur. working as .Net Solutions Architect in Microsoft New Jersey Branch working from Home (Guntur). As a Holidays Section from Nov 28th to Dec 25th in US. So i Planned to go Varanasi. I Started Journey on 26th of November 12:15 AM and will reach to Varanasi by 27th of November 05:10 AM Early Morning by Ganga Kaveri Express and planned to return on December 3rd Sunday by Rameswaram Express but the return tickets are not … Read more

His Mother-in-Law is a force of nature

My wife has had the same reoccurring nightmare for the three years of our marriage. I noticed her problems sleeping right away, but she wouldn’t tell me what the problem was for a long time. It wasn’t until about six months into our marriage that she finally told me what the problem was. She told me that every night, without fail, she would have the same nightmare. She said that in this nightmare, she would be stuck watching, but not being able to stop, something that absolutely terrified her. In her nightmare, every night, she would see me fucking her … Read more