Crack, rock!!!

Having done drugs from time to time, I was afraid of Rock. I sat one night to a different town. “ I had planed a weekend there” I got a hotel room and had been drinking. I ran out of beer, so I went to the gas station just around the corner to get some. The gas station across the street from this one had a lot of people handing out at it. I got my beer and started walking back when this white guy and black guy approached me, they asked me if I wanted to buy some rock. … Read more

Bicousin surprise

I got off the bus and seen there was a car i didnt recognise in the drive way and i would have sworn it was a man and girl . Turns out my uncle and cousin have moved back to town and mat my cousin ( yeah not a girl he just had long hair ) was wanting to stay the weekend, handnt seen him in a few years so thought sure we can catch up but i told him he would either have to sleep on the couch or make a pallet in my room as i only had … Read more