Father in law uses me

How it starts: When it first started it was johns Dad making comments when he thought no-one else could hear him or when no-one but him and I were in the room. We were living at the apartments with johns parents. When we first started living with them john and his mom both worked. It was durning the first summer after john and I had moved in together. His Dad was pretty much always home because he didn’t really work. It was particularly hot that summer so I wore shorts most of the time. He would walk by and tell … Read more

Forever Changed

Forever Changed It was just a normal day and it began like any other day. But I didn’t realize it would forever change my life *A bit of backstory* I’m a 36 year old father of 3 daughter, two 20 year olds and a 22 year old . Yes I’m young to be a father of 3. I got my girlfriend pregnant at 16 and she gave birth to twins, Emma and Elsa are biological daughters and they are the 20 years old. Hermother ther didn’t want them so I took the responsibility to raise them. Then at 25, I … Read more