I have sex with my mom, sex with Mother in Disguise

My name is Ed. I’m 19 years-old and living with my parents. I’m 5’9 with an 8-inch cock. But I’ve never got to use my cock until I now. My mother is 40 years old. She is 5’3, dyed her hair blond, and is beautiful. It’s not just her face, it’s her ass she’s been working out for. Her tits were a decent size. I’ve always wanted my mother. I never wanted anyone else. My dad never deserved her. He was always on a business trip. He’s usually never there for her. It’s the money that makes her stay with … Read more

A young man and his mother attend an out-of-town wedding

There isn’t much build-up to this story, because there wasn’t much build-up to what happened. At least from my point-of-view. I had begun thinking about Mom in that way some time before, but never saw any indication that she might reciprocate. We had always been really close, but she was also always Mom. At first, that worked against all my deep dirty feelings, but it soon became indistinguishable from them, became what turned me on most, made it so I couldn’t separate Mom-as-Mom in all her comfort and warmth from her beauty and body. Or how she had me playing with myself every single … Read more

Mom, Son, and her Sister reach a climax

Incest stories, Mom, Son, and her Sister reach a climax, My mom stirred as she lay next to me, still asleep. We were pressed together, her bare breasts pressed against me. Last night we had shared something raw and sexual, but now as I held her I felt tenderness and longing. I didn’t want to go back and forth with her. I needed to know something, I needed to take charge and learn the outcome once and for all. I was already erect, my dick throbbing as I took in the sight of my naked mother, her hair disheveled and her … Read more

Incest: Son discovers sex with his mom while snowbound

Incest, I am eighteen years old and in my senior year of high school. I am very athletic and physically fit I have a nice body from weight lifting. I seem to get a lot of attention from the girls at school but I tend to be a little shy around them. But I’ve noticed that lately that when my mom is around me I have been getting a chub that I need to adjust in my pants all the time. The other day I think she saw me adjusting myself but I can’t be positive. I have been looking … Read more

Sister Joannie gets in on the fun with her brother and Mom

Sister Joannie gets in on the fun with her brother and Mom The Ultimate Threesome “Oh, thank god you’re here,” I breathed, opening the door to let in my son and daughter. Randy grabbed me and held me, moving me out of the way so that Joannie could shut the door behind them. I started to cry again. “Mom, I don’t get it,” Joannie said, shaking her head, looking between me and Randy. “What the hell happened?” “I just – I made such a terrible mistake,” I said. The last thing I wanted to do was tell my own children … Read more

Mother Son love story

Mother Son love story, Tags: incest, mother-son All sexual activity occurs between characters who are 18 years of age or older. I would like to acknowledge robertstream’s advice on the first chapter, and Todger65’s expertise in editing. Sorry, no 42DD’s, 10″ appendages, or “on your six” approaches. This story will be presented in 8 chapters. While writing this I could not help but think of all loving mothers who bade farewell to sons they reluctantly sent to war. A war from which they never returned. ***** Chapter 1. Let me tell you about Tina Silver. I’m her son, Tommy. She’s … Read more

Mother has an encounter with her daughter and her fuck buddy

My daughter Morgan had just graduated school and was moving in with me for awhile to figure out what was next. She didn’t She didn’t have a job offer but she was interviewing and we were sure she’d find something soon. I actually loved having her home. Almost the moment she went to college her father told me he was unhappy, had met someone else, and was moving out. I was devastated. I knew we didn’t have the perfect marriage, but I didn’t think it was much different than others. In retrospect I wish I could say the divorce was … Read more

Mom, All I Want for Xmas is You

A long-time brewing, Mother and son have sex on Christmas After having teased one another with sexually and incestuous charged pillow talk with what Susan would enjoy her son sexually doing for her and James replying in kind what he’d enjoy incestuously doing for his mother, they looked at one another. This was it. They were at the demarcation line of incest. The point of no return, if they dared cross this imaginary, forbidden line, there was no turning back. If they dared cross that imaginary, forbidden line, their lives would never be the same. Yet, some could say that … Read more

A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo

A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo, Joey was 19 years of age. He did not look his age, appearing more like a 14 or 15-year-old with his youthful face. His skinny, 5′ 6″ frame, lacking muscular tone, gave him a frail demeanor. But Joey was ambitious! In high school he had gained an apprentice electrician position at a local electrical company. He was 3 years in of a 4 year course. He was energetic and competitive… and he liked girls. He liked girls ALOT! His good qualities did not help him very much gaining credibility with the mothers and … Read more

What Mom Knows Fucks Her Sister

Nana had been quite drunk last night. Would she regret the reality that she’d fucked her grandson, eaten out her daughter and lost her anal virginity? If past experience taught me anything, the answer would be no. I’d learned that women were just as sex-craved as men, given the chance. Many women hid behind an exterior of propriety and societal expectations… but most, given the chance, would allow their inner succubus to come out and play. The fact that I was currently fucking my Mother, my Nana, my celebrity Wife, my Mom’s Domme Mistress, and various casual hookups was strong … Read more

Mom catches and watches her son masturbating and cumming Family taboo

Incest, mom catches and watches her son masturbating and cumming, James’s mother not only catches her son masturbating himself but also watches him cumming while masturbating herself. “Mom! Mom! I want you,” said James out loud while masturbating himself. Imagining his hand was her hand, he slowly stroked himself while imagining his mother stroking himself. “Touch my prick, Mom. Stroke my prick. Suck my prick. Blow me, Mom. Blow me,” he said loud enough for his mother to hear through his closed, bedroom door had she been home. Alas, he was home alone, the reason for him masturbating so loudly. “I … Read more

My Mother is a Real Witch

Growing up in our house, I got used to seeing pentagrams and various strange designs and symbols. Every bed had it’s own “dreamcatcher” made of specially chosen colored yarns and organic herbs hanging from the ceiling. There were always fragrant spices and gnarled roots in the garden that were brewed or boiled to produce homemade remedies and charms. The Summer Solstice and Halloween were a festive time of family gatherings and celebrations featuring bubbling concoctions and obscure incantations that lasted until sun-up. Dances and trances abound. We spoke of Wiccans and Mother Nature with the same ease as Santa Clause … Read more

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