Mom sees me climax and so begins a bedroom journey

This is a history based on events far enough in the past that I can look back with some objectivity, and thus the notion of history rather than a more current, journalistic account. I am recounting them now at the suggestion of my therapist, who I was seeing for other issues related to anxiety. But when this came up in a tangential way, she encouraged me to face it rather than continue to have it filed away. I suggested that I write it out before talking about it with her. Not to, as they say in journalism, bury the lead, … Read more

Mother son relationship develops over time

This is a story about my relationship with my mother, the problems she was experiencing, how I thought to resolve those problems, and what happened in the end. I should start by explaining that although I loved my Mother very much, she was not an easy person to live with. She exhibited all kinds of strange behaviours I didn’t understand at the time, and it was only much later I came to realise those behaviours could be characterised as Neurotic. I’m not a psychiatrist so that’s not a formal clinical diagnosis, but it was certainly the impression I was left … Read more

Mother and Son yearn for each other

I had been waiting for this day for two long years. Today Ryan was coming home, and I wanted to look my total best. He’d been gone for two years, most of that time spent in school, he had applied and been accepted into Oxford, the famed University in England. And because of the rigors of his study and the cost of returning home being rather cost prohibitive, we had not seen each other for those two long years. We had corresponded regularly by e-mail and Skyped occasionally, but I missed my baby boy so much… But the distance between … Read more

Celebrates his college graduation with mom

My name is Cameron Black. When I graduated from college, it was kind of a big deal for my family. My older brother had gone into trade school, gotten a welding cert, and was doing well for himself. My older sister had joined the Navy and decided to make it her career. My parents both had college degrees and hoped that at least one of their five kids would complete theirs. I was the first to do so. My older brother called and said he would take me out for beers when he came home over the next holiday. My … Read more

I continue my affair and incest with my son

This is part of series of accounts of how my son and I had an incestuous love affair. Although I think this works as a story by itself I do recommend that for continuity my other stories in the series be read in chronological order first. Up to you though * How we managed to get away with it I have no idea. But as James and I sprang away from each other we heard the ringtone on Bruce’s phone and heard him answering it from the kitchen. This just gave James the chance to pick up his clothes and … Read more

Mom and son get under the blanket

The mid-summer heatwave enveloped the city for seven days straight. It drove everyone a little crazy. Evening brought some relief, but even as night fell the heat lingered, hours past sunset. With heat so constant and so intense, everything loosened up: clothes, morals, and passions that otherwise would have stayed buried deep. Maddy Ryerson had long since tired of the heat. It wore her down, a little more each day. She poured herself a glass of chilled white wine and walked with it to the living room. It was 10 p.m. in the Ryerson house, and the family’s favorite T.V. … Read more

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