My brother seduced me and breeded me

I’m 62 year old live in Denver Colorado and I have a very high sex drive for my age I haven’t had sex in eighteen years I’m so freaking horny and looking for a laid back horny male with a nice cock to suck and ride on I started daydreaming when my brother Rusty seduced me and breeded me I was fourteen and always horny My brother and I shared rooms One night I looked over to Rusty and he was masterbating My cock started to get hard and I started masturbating I guess I was a little loud because … Read more

Train molestation turns into enjoyment

I was taking a train ride to one of the south Indian cities. It was for my school holidays, I was doing my +1 at that time. It was a night train, with the final destination expected to be arrived at in the morning. My destination station was not the last stop. I had caught fever a day before the journey. Though I was asked not to go, I wanted to make the trip because I could enjoy my holidays instead of staying at home, which would be a bore. I boarded the train, and we whistled off. I took … Read more