Gloryhole cocksucking

After being alone for a while, I was sex craved, couldn’t get a date. Posted many ads on dating sites, cruise Craigslist, found the men for men area. Mostly dick pics. Got a real turn on by the ads. After jacking off to the ads it got old. I seen several ads where there was a private adult book store. It seems many would post ads saying they would be there on this day, at this time. I got my nerve up, went and paired a visit. It was what I thought it would be. An middle age, over weight … Read more

Wrong Gloryhole – Consequences of the wrong gloryhole

Wrong Gloryhole – Consequences of the wrong gloryhole, sex stories, loving wife. Me (Faye) and my husband (Dave) regularly frequent the porn shop about 10 miles away and make use of the video booths in the back. We are both late 30’s live in a nice house and have no kids. Neither of us were to bothered about kids so Dave had the snip a couple of weeks before our latest trip to the glory hole. This way we never have to use condoms anymore. Dave is average build with a decent size cock which satisfies my needs, I am tall … Read more