The Honeymoon – 17

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 16 ). Now let’s continue He replied “yes madam, it is not worth the risk. Good night” and hung up. Then I called Vinod and told him to come after ten minutes carefully to my guest bedroom. We had one long passionate round of love making after which I sent him back to his room. Then I slept in the guest room only but really tired now. Next morning, I called Anthony to enjoy my favorite bout of early morning sex. After he left I slipped back into my bed alongside … Read more

The Honeymoon – 16

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 15 ). Now let’s continue We were just in time to hear the bathroom door open. We got back to business and prepared breakfast quickly in time by when Dinesh sat at the table. This last fuck session was a huge risk that I had taken but it only added to my thrill to enjoy sex with Vinod, with Dinesh in close proximity. Then Dinesh left to work and Anthony came in to take his breakfast. After he left I locked the door and sat down with Vinod at the table … Read more

BLACKMAILING: The real estate agent tried to trick me

BLACKMAILING: The real estate agent tried to trick me I was thrilled. Microsoft bought my software startup for more than $200,000,000 and offered to keep me in charge. Initially, we were 3 geeks who chose to quit their second year at Stanford and work on an idea I had. The theory was easy to understand: Many travelers waste a lot of time googling the best destinations, most sought-after attractions, hours of operations, prices, how busy it is, etc. I created software that combined data from multiple sources that allowed me to display all of the above in real-time. Together, the … Read more

Halloween party : Young men, young women, old couple

Halloween party : Young men, young women, old couple The Thompson’s Mansion, 1.30 pm. “Sweetie? Hurry, darling!” Miranda called up the stairs to her youngest daughter, Sachita. “Belinda’s arrived.” “Tell her I’m coming”, Sachita yelled from inside her room, “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” “Sorry, but that’s my girl,” Miranda explained apologetically to the young woman standing at the porch. “She may have turned eighteen, last December, she still acts like 15, never aware of time!” “More like twelve.” Kevin appearing at the top of the stairs jeered. “The way she acts sometimes. Hi Bel, how are you … Read more

Couple’s short trip, a wife’s long domination

Couple’s short trip, a wife’s long domination They were in their way to the airport. A little stressed and anxious from traveling, they both seemed tense. She was especially. She promised him complete submission for the entire trip. But that was something that hadn’t even crossed her mind as they made the hour drive to the airport at 5am. She was still half asleep and just enjoying the moment as best she could as a passenger princess. Her husband, while seemingly calm, definitely was thinking through all that he wanted to do over the next 48 hours. They held hands … Read more

Fun with the shop assistant in the changing room

We were shopping for a dress. I am relatively unusual for a girl; I hate dress shopping. I normally hit my go to shops and see if anything takes my fancy – as I tend to spend more time undressed than dressed it doesn’t feel too important. This time I needed a specific dress and my usual haunts were not working and I was getting tired and frustrated. I could tell Andy was too. So why was I putting myself through this pain? A few weeks prior, we had been enjoying a quiet day at home, I was pottering around … Read more

The Honeymoon – 10

Please read the previous part here (  The Honeymoon – 9). Now let’s continue He replied “well you won’t see her ever again because she has gone back to UK for good”. I asked with genuine concern “I hope everything is fine between you two”? He replied in a sad tone “actually no, we are getting a divorce soon”. I was alarmed listening to this because I have always seen them as a very lovey dovey couple every time we met. I exclaimed “I can’t believe this Khan. How did this happen? I have always seen you both so happy … Read more

Brahmin Wife(Me) fucked by Muslim Guys at Varanasi Part 4

For your recap. You all know my name is Lakshmi Sharma and my Age is 38 years. 21-08-1986 is my DOB. I live in Guntur. working as .Net Solutions Architect in Microsoft New Jersey Branch working from Home (Guntur). As a Holidays Section from Nov 28th to Dec 25th in US. So i Planned to go Varanasi. I Started Journey on 26th of November 12:15 AM and will reach to Varanasi by 27th of November 05:10 AM Early Morning by Ganga Kaveri Express and planned to return on December 3rd Sunday by Rameswaram Express but the return tickets are not … Read more

The Honeymoon – 9

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 8 ). Now let’s continue Yes, the night before I was leaving, Amar and Akbar fucked me crazy next to my drunk sleeping hubby. Then followed my all night bed mate Anthony. After this awesome honeymoon we got back to our realistic lives. I was restless going mad because I was suddenly without sex so I was using my fingers masturbating all the time. Then a week later, my maid came to me dropping the bomb saying there was some problem back in her village so she will need to wind … Read more

The Honeymoon – 8

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 7 ). Now let’s continue I asked “are we getting late Anthony”? He said “no madam, people spend at least an hour here”. I felt naughty now, I said “Anthony come and join me here. I want to swim with you”. He seemed aghast listening to my offer. While he fumbled for words which were not coming out of his mouth, I raised my voice and said “I am not asking Anthony, come quickly”. I don’t know why he seemed to be so scared of me, he stripped in record time and … Read more

The Honeymoon – 7

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 6 ). Now let’s continue Then I got back to my room and got another few hours of sleep knowing well that Dinesh would not wake up either. I was up by 9am and saw Dinesh still sleeping sound. I woke him and went to freshen up. I purposely wore a sheer bodycon spaghetti with nothing underneath. Then we ordered breakfast in the room which obviously Amar served getting an eyeful of my nearly naked body. I was not surprised that Dinesh was totally oblivious to all this. After breakfast I was … Read more

The Honeymoon – 6

Please read the previous part here ( The Honeymoon – 5 ). Now let’s continue Anthony got really nervous and said “madam, it is too risky to do anything here”. I calmly replied “let me handle the risk, you just take it out”. He said “madam if Amar finds out about this then he will definitely kill me”. I replied “don’t worry Anthony, I like you much more than the others, so I will not talk about this to anyone. This will be our best kept secret”. I held his face and gave him a long smooch despite knowing that he is … Read more

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