Incest stories: Mother and son listen to each other pleasuring

Incest stories: Mother and son listen to each other pleasuring My husband, Jeffery, died four years ago. It was peaceful for him, it seemed, though, with three sons, all teens, it was my life’s hardest challenge. One good thing was he left us well covered financially. It’s the emotional coverage that has been lacking and … Read more

Mother and Son play while Dad is away

Incest stories, Mother and Son play while Dad is away, Lori Cooper stood at her bathroom mirror in just her panties, considering her reflection carefully. Not for the first time, she concluded that being middle-aged sucked. Oh, she was still a very attractive woman – the kind who could and did draw lingering, hungry looks from … Read more

A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo

A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo, Joey was 19 years of age. He did not look his age, appearing more like a 14 or 15-year-old with his youthful face. His skinny, 5′ 6″ frame, lacking muscular tone, gave him a frail demeanor. But Joey was ambitious! In high school he had gained an apprentice … Read more

Incest Mom and son: A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother

Incest Mom and son: A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother… “You need help,” I hear the voice of the one who has been torturing me for what seems like forever standing at the top of the stairs wearing the little black robe that I now know doesn’t have anything underneath it. Either … Read more

What Mom Knows Fucks Her Sister

Nana had been quite drunk last night. Would she regret the reality that she’d fucked her grandson, eaten out her daughter and lost her anal virginity? If past experience taught me anything, the answer would be no. I’d learned that women were just as sex-craved as men, given the chance. Many women hid behind an … Read more

Mom’s sanity depends on son’s potency * Incest * par.2

“Experience,” I said, and then laughed. “Don’t move around too much yet. You don’t want to let it slip back. Now when you were hurting, you probably felt yourself stiffen up. This is called ‘splinting.’ Your body wants to keep an injury immobile, so it tenses muscles around it. This can be a problem if … Read more

Cougar – Young man has the best summer ever

So, I have been doing landscape work for the last three summers. But this summer the company I work for got a new client, who wanted the works done. Grass cut, flowers planted, weeds pulled, trees, and bushes trimmed, anything to do with the yard she paid to have us take care of it. My … Read more

Family Gathering

It was a big family gathering. Each year, our extended family would meet at a ski resort for rest and relaxation. There were always laughs and cheers since most of us lived far apart and we rarely got to see each other except for the holidays. I still lived with my mom while I went … Read more

3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they … Read more

A massage turns into a threesome

Already she could feel herself relaxing, and the masseuse had not yet started her ministrations. She lay in a softly lit room, on a massage table, about three feet or more high, but not too narrow. Soft jazz music played from hidden speakers, and next to the table within reach was an ice cold pitcher … Read more