Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

First time with Mom

I was young when I noticed that my mom was beautiful. I remember times on road trips with her and my dad when I was younger. Times they would go out partying and come home to the hotel room drunk. My dad was so drunk he passed out and my Mom was trying to wake … Read more

Virgin is seduced by older woman and his boss at a part

Virgin is seduced by older woman and his boss at a part, mature sex stories, “I’m having a pool party this Saturday. You’re invited.” Surprised, I stammered a thanks. “I’ll be there.” “Starts at two, bring a friend if you want. And don’t forget your swim suit.” The invite was from Bill, my boss! Steve and … Read more