Sweet 18-year old virgin is seduced by lesbian MILF

Gloria paused briefly, before slithering back down the teen’s pussy lips… so ripe for the licking… knowing the virginal girl’s orgasm would not take long.

As Mrs. Taylor licked her, Mary was rattled with mixed emotions. She was sinning, she was being subjected to what must be called , and she was enjoying it immensely! She knew she should stop it, she knew it was wrong, but it made no sense that it could be wrong if it felt this good. She stammered, weakly attempting to stop Mrs. Taylor from continuing, even though she didn’t move away at all, “M-M-Mrs….”

Gloria shushed her: “Shhhh, Just relax, dear. Let me show you the pleasure God created exclusively for women.”

For Mary, that was all the logic she needed. God had created her. The Lord had created the feminine form. The Lord had even created her… umm, her… her vagina! And thus, the Lord had to approve of such pleasure as she was now experiencing.

Mary stammered with an abundance of moans, pleasure swarming through her like a penetrating autumn mist. “It-it-it- feels… Oh my… so-so-so… so good!!”

Gloria whispered, “it’s about to get better, my pet,” using a term of submissive endearment for the first time. She knew Mary was too far gone to process the word or attribute any meaning to it, but the seed was now planted, and later would be used again to begin her training.

“Ohhhhh, yes,” Mary moaned, leaning back on the bed for balance. “Please don’t stop.”

“Do you want to come, my pet?” Gloria asked, wanting Mary to give retroactive permission to lick her.

“I- I- I don’t know, Mrs. Taylor. What does come mean?”

This was precious! Could such inexperience and innocence even exist?! She didn’t even know?! Gloria thought way back, trying to remember what it was like when she’d had her very first orgasm. She gave it an attempt while stroking Mary’s pussy lips gently and insistently, to keep her on the brink.

“Mary, are you feeling things right now that you’ve never felt before? Things completely out of the ordinary?”

“Yes, it’s… it’s wonderful and indescribable, and it’s kinda like I’m stuck between one place and another place.”

“That makes sense, my pet. The ‘one place’ is just your everyday feelings. The other place is kind of like your whole body going to an alternate universe where anything is possible. I still remember the first time it happened to me, and I’ve never been the same since, and I always want it to happen again! Would you like me to help you go there?”

“Y-y-yes… yes, please, Mrs… Mrs. Taylor, I think… think I’d like that,” Mary was struggling to get the words out, the pleasure overwhelming her… Physically and mentally.

Gloria decided to finally give Mary the orgasm that had been over eighteen years in the making as she slid a finger into her pussy, quickly found her g-spot and started tapping while simultaneously she moved her tongue to drum the clit… Creating a drum corps of advancing pleasure.

The sudden finger made Mary moan loudly, another shock to her system.

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