Sexy Cousin Jenny

In any event, I noticed she was setting the table for three. Apparently, she was expecting Dalia soon, and Jenny wouldn’t have wanted her live-in lover to walk in on her displaying her charms, even if only to her cousin.

I looked up from the food and noticed Jenny was staring at me with a little smile on her face.

“What?” I shrugged.

“Nothing, just…remembering,” she said. “How it felt…” Her eyes started to tear up, and she came to me, and she was in my arms and she felt warm and wonderful and soft and curvy, and that crush that never really went away came roaring back to life.

“That’s the only time anyone ever actually fought for me,” she said, and we just held each other like that for a long time.

“Aww, look at you two! So freaking cute!” said Dalia as she burst through the front door and charged into the room. Almost as tall as me in her work heels, charismatic and aggressive and gorgeous. Her short hair and powerful body leaned slightly toward butch stereotype, but she was glammed out in a chic suit, and even after a long day her makeup was perfect.

With a guilty start, I tried to pull away, but Jenny giggled and hung onto me.

“Just catching up with my baby cousin,” she said.

“Baby cousin my ass,” said Dalia, “more like baby giraffe. Did you grow another inch, Jake? Oh thank god, you guys got dinner.”

“I know you have to rush,” Jenny said. “You go get changed while we plate everything.”

“Okay babe.” Dalia gave us each a peck on the cheek as she rushed by into the bedroom.

“How was work?” asked Jenny from the kitchen.

“The usual,” said Dalia. “Oh shit, Lyft’s going to be here in 10, I’m really just going to have to eat and run. Sorry guys!”

She’d left the bedroom door open partway, probably so the conversation could continue while Jenny prepared the food. It also gave me the chance to ogle her as her suit fell away and she stood tall and stunning in a black bra and thong set. She glanced over her shoulder and caught me staring, but just gave me a grin and wink. I blushed and turned away.

Dalia was in a rush, and I hadn’t realized how hungry I was, so we tore through most of the food in just a few minutes, and Dalia’s Lyft still hadn’t arrived. Jenny seemed preoccupied and was just moving her food around with her fork. Dalia looked at her with a concerned frown but apparently decided to give her some space.

“So Jake,” she said, “where’s Allison?”


“Whatever. She has to study tonight?”


“Uh oh.” A concerned look appeared on her face. “Did you guys…”

“Pretty much broke up. I think.” There was an awkward moment. I shrugged casually, indicating to her that I was past the heartbreak stage.

“Too bad,” said Dalia. “She was a cutie. Any chance I can I get her phone number?” She gave me a crooked but caring grin, and I knew she wasn’t laughing at my situation, but just trying to get a laugh out of me to make me feel better. It worked. Jenny looked shocked for an instant and then howled with laughter and threw a fortune cookie at her girlfriend.

“Slut,” she said.

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