Sexual adventures with Emily and her family 

I went to bed and checked my phone, and Diana had sent me the number with a link to his Facebook so I could check him out. I did a quick look over his profile, and he was a good looking guy, I’d definitely him. I sent him a message explaining I was friends with Bruce and Emily, and in from out of town, and that they told me they thought we should meet. I added my profile link so he could check me out. A few minutes later I received a message from him saying he thought I was “cute and “, and he’d be happy to meet up with me. That was simple, I thought to myself… I told him I could ride over there with Emily sometime tomorrow, and he told me he looked forward to it. I put my phone away, put my shorts and shirt on, and fell asleep.

I was in deep sleep when I heard a light tapping sound. I was confused, trying to remember where I was, and It took me a minute to realize that someone was lightly knocking on the door. I said “come in?”, and the door slowly opened and Bruce came in. He quietly closed the door behind him and walked over to me saying he needed to talk to me. I rubbed my eyes and asked “what’s going on, what time is it?”. Bruce said “I’m sorry, I woke up an hour early so I could talk to you before I got ready for work… it’s almost 5 a.m… I just need to ask you something”. I sat up and said “ok… so what do you need to know?”… he looked upset and said “I couldn’t sleep because I was worried… did I on my last night? Am I a bad ?… I can’t stop thinking about everything that happened, and as much as I enjoyed it… I can’t help but shake the feeling I did something wrong”.

I patted my hand on the bed next to me, suggesting he should sit down next to me. “Bruce, I understand why you feel that way… but you didn’t do anything wrong. She wanted it to happen, we just decided to not say anything until she was there… but you didn’t cheat on her.” Bruce asked “then why do I feel like I have to keep it a secret?”. I answered “you don’t… you can tell her if you want, and she wouldn’t be mad… but like you said before, it would be more comfortable for her if she felt like she was there to witness us our “. Bruce said “I know you’re right, I guess I just couldn’t help but feel guilty”. I rubbed his arm and said “Do you want me to tell her tomorrow? Would that make you feel better?”. Bruce looked a little worried and said “no… I think I’ll just feel better after we fuck in front of her and it won’t feel like anything is hidden from her… we’ll just keep this between us”.

I smiled at him and said “I really enjoyed you me… I just wish you could have finished inside of me… my clit is throbing just thinking about it”. He asked “is it really” with a heavy breath, and I replied feel for yourself as I pulled his hand under the waist band of my shorts… he slowly rubbed up against the top of my pussy and said “wow… it really is… I probably shouldn’t be touching you like this though”, and then pulled his hand away. I giggled a little and then moaned “don’t be silly… you had your slamming into me just hours ago, and we already established it was OK…”. Bruce started breathing a little heavy and said “I guess that’s true…”. I smiled and pulled the blanket up “lay down with me before you have to get ready for work”. Bruce hesitated a bit, I’m sure debating if it was OK or not… and to be honest, I wasn’t sure either… but I knew i wanted to get fucked. He then slowly got in the bed, and I wasted no time by giving him another intimate kiss. Once again it grew more and more passionate while our hands explored each other’s bodies,

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