Sexual adventures with Emily and her family 

Emily took me to her home, and showed me around. It was a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house. The master bedroom had its own bathroom, and the other bathroom was for the boys and guests. She showed me where I’d be staying (the youngest sons room, while he stayed with his brother during my visit), and then took me to be introduced to her boys in Craig’s room. Emily walked in without knocking, which I thought was odd… but the boys didn’t seem to think anything about it, and introduced me to them. “Boys, this is Diana, the girl I was telling you about who is staying with us this week. Diana, this is my youngest Connor, and this is his brother Craig”. We exchanged pleasantries and Emily added “you probably won’t see much of these two. They stay in their rooms all the time on their computers, so outside of dinner we rarely see them… there’s just to much porn to watch and video games to play”. Craig looked at Emily with a shocked face and said “Mom! You’re embarrassing us”. Emily giggled and said “I’m only teasing… it’s no big deal, you’re at that age…”. Connor quickly cut her off saying “mom, please stop!”. We both chuckled as we left the room, letting them get back to their games.

I settled down in Connors room, where is be sleeping, while Emily started preparations for dinner. I started to unpack my clothes, but noticed that the drawers were all full with Connors clothes… but I did stumble upon what appeared to be a journal. I knew I should respect his privacy, but I’ve always been overly nosey and just couldn’t help myself. I skimmed through it, and it was actually really cute. He talked about discovering , and girls he had crushes on… a few tales of being mad at his parents or his brother… but what caught me off guard were the most recent posts. In those posts he discussed how he and his brother heard about my visit, checked me out online, and wanted to see me naked… and even how they planned on doing it. Apparently Craig’s closet was adjacent to the bathroom, and they hid peep holes so they could peer in. I had mixed reactions to finding out their plan… part of me was upset they would do that… but I couldn’t help but feel flattered and aroused that they wanted to see me naked, and even made plans to do it.

According to the notes there were three peepholes. One slightly above the sink, one in the , and one in the caulk around the tub. I decided to check it out myself, as I put the journal back and went to the restroom… and to their credit, they did a good job of not making it noticeable. I probably wouldn’t have saw them if I wasn’t looking for them, but sure enough there they were… and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. Should I say something to Emily, or to the boys? Should I just use the bathroom in Emily’s room to shower? Should I just ignore it and let them get their thrills? I understood they were just curious and running on raging hormones. I figured I’d wait, and decide how to handle it later, when I heard a voice…

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