Sex with my aunty

Hi guys it is my first story and let’s have an intriduction with you all. My name is ankush andmy aunty name is mridala. She is my mom sister and is very hot and sexy. My age is 16 and her age is 45 and her boobs and ass are 45-40-45.
Now ler’s come to story. He had a two son and they are my brother and i went to there home to stay for few days but at that time i could see my aunt boobs sge did not wear any bra and pantiee she wear only nightie. Fir controlling ny self i had to go to the toilet for mastirbation and one day at bathroom from hole i had seen her naked and she was doing masturbation
After few days i mom and dad came and i went away but she came to our house daily during afternoon.
My mom and dad again went out and i had to stay with them for few days and his elder son went to hostel and younger son always to go without fell and there is a chance for me to finish my work.

Then i had decided to do and to finish my work with my sexy aunty. We had our conversation and she asked me about my studies and i was just concentated at her boobs. At that time she gave me a naughty smiled and she was going to asked me bymut suddenly the door bell rang….
His younger son came and we get normal. Then at next day when his son went out for going to his friend house and he will not come at that day. We both are only at house and my aunt went for bath and came with only a towel on her body and she opened infront of me and she was were with a bra and pantiee.

My aunty was looking hot and sexy and when she came she asked me some question that i have any girl friend or not and i had repiled no and she also asked me that i had ever seen any body boobs and i had replied no with a smile she just tole at that time that i had seen her one and seen her in naked also.

She just asked will she want to see it in and to touched it and i replied her yes and we have started with our kiss and it was very fast sex and we have done in raw and she was just like my girl friend and after that day she was calling me janu and i was calling her mridala and at that time she had some sound in her and now she had divorced her husband anx we have our baby now and also shd is very sexy and we have now doing a sex businee also.

We had left all our home and we are away from them and we had got married wth each other and again we have another child and now we are now happy.

For giving me feedback pls give at my email id
[email protected]

Added by Ankush

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