Sex Alchemy- Part 3 (Theatre – Nipples, Cum, Naked)

I massaged her in circles and continued to whisper “It’s okay” in her ears, planting a kiss every once in a while. Sex Alchemy – part 2

“My pants…she started. “They’re soaked…”

“Forget about the pants…Relax” I replied and released her boobs from the confines of her shirt. She shivered. The coldness of the theatre affected her boobs and goosebumps protruded all over her voluptuous breasts. Her nipples stood erect.

“Your breasts look sexy with goosebumps” I said and slowly massaged her like kneading dough for chappathi. ” If I had known your breasts would look so sexy with goosebumps before, I would have dumped bowls of ice on your tits every time I fucked you”

She shivered again and let out a huge sigh. I unbuttoned her jeans. She did not protest this time. I unzipped her. Her undies stuck to her skin because of the wetness. “It’s sexy…I could trace your and…” I trailed and felt about her panties. “There’s your cute little clit” I said and twisted it like making a cash sign. She crossed her legs. She let out a snivel that faded in the sound of the movie. Her moans made me want to fuck her brains out.

As I mentioned before, the entire row was empty. “Put your legs on the other seat” I commanded. She obeyed. Now I had her entire upper body and thighs with me on the seat and her legs trailed off to the seat on my right. She laid on my shoulders like a princess in a fairytale. I pushed her jeans all the way down and easily slid down her panties. I also unbuttoned all the buttons on her shirt. She was as naked as a baby.

I started sucking her right nipple as my left hand stretched under her body and teased her left boob with its finger tips. My free right hand meanwhile started to scratch her thighs. Her pussy thighs… I scratched them like a cat scratches a curtain, switching between each thighs randomly and sometimes together. Her snivels grew louder and her body throbbed in the seat. Her pussy trickled like a loose faucet, not attracting attention like an overflowing niagara, but still flowing like a silent stream. Up top, I assaulted her nipples in every way possible. I started off with twirling my tongue around her right nipple. Then I planted little kisses on it before settling my lips and slowly began to move my lips like a spanner trying to unscrew a bolt. As her responses increased, I swallowed her nipple whole and let my tongue tease it as it pleased. Sometimes, I stopped and blowed onto it. The hot air extracted sexy gasps from her. Her left nipple got no less attention. I started off by poking at her left boob and around her nipple with the tip of my fingers. Then slowly, my fingers twirled around her nipple, clockwise and anticlockwise, before directly attacking it. I twisted it like her clit, in the same cash sign motion, then pinched it like like turning a key to the lock. I also tugged at it for a while like milking a cow and sometimes just pressed it hard like trying to send it inside her boob. I even flicked it a few times to unsettle her nerve endings. Each seductive action bought about a powerful opposite reaction.I glanced at the movie. Intermission was in five minutes. I took the precaution of watching it beforehand online. It was time for one last burst of passion. I slid her legs down and slid away from my seat, letting her sit on my place. “The intermission is in five minutes… Button your shirt” I said.

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