Seeing parent’s erotic sex and my mother naked

Hi Gautam (changed) here. I had mentioned a true story in an earlier post titled ‘Tailor made my Mother’s Pussy wet‘ . I revealed that I would share another day how I saw my parents having sex and seeing her nude full on another day. These events truly happened. You can choose to keep reading or not; this is a real-life account, and in the next part, I will describe how I created fantasies based on these incidents and my mother’s personality.

This is a true incident that I saw. To spice things up I have added imaginary conversations and dialogues between them. In reality, all I heard was their quiet whispering and murmurs. The dialogue exchanges are products of my imagination.

Coming to the incident of my parents having sex. Growing up in a Tamil family, we lived in Bangalore. My mother, Jyoti (changed), is traditional and deeply religious. As previously mentioned, she’s fair, of normal size, has a slight tummy, and breasts that sag slightly. She is conservative both in looks and character. This incident took place when I was in the 11th grade, around the same time my mother was almost 45 years old. Due to IIT-JEE coaching, I had to wake up early at 6AM, go for tuition in the morning, come back and then to college, go again to tuition, and then return home, often arriving at around 7 pm.

As mentioned earlier, my father is an Everest Masala distributor & other things and often works from 9 am to 7 pm, six days a week. He occasionally joins me at home after work. 

This day I had reached home and had dinner. My computer was shifted to the hall, as I should not get distracted from the IIT-JEE exam. That day I was simply browsing something on internet. Almost like 7:45PM my father came in having just a little bit of alcohol. His speech gave away his state. Meanwhile, my mother was sitting on the sofa folding clothes. She started a small fight with my father. It wasn’t harsh, just to advise my father.

Jyoti: What’s going on today? You keep coming like this for three days in a row. This is not good.

Father: Not good? I was just stressed, so I had a little bit of alcohol.

Before they continued arguing, my father, looking at me, said

Father: Gautham, what are you doing on the computer? Get off it and go to your room to study. 

I got up and moved towards my room while overhearing my father comforting my mother. I reached my desk, took out my book, and began studying. However, I couldn’t keep at it for long as I felt too tired after about half an hour. I fell asleep right there on my desk in the clothing I had worn all day.

I awoke in the middle of the night due to the discomfort from my clothing. When I opened my eyes, everything was dark because the room lights were off, which I did not off. My vision was hindered; even the clock’s face was difficult to see. As I regained consciousness, I heard soft, seductive moans filling the air. I thought about who or what might be making these sounds. Upon closer listening, it became clear that the moaning was coming from my bedroom door. The sound was so familiar, and my heart races when I realised it was my mother’s voice. I carefully rose from my chair without making a sound to investigate the origin of the noise. The my room door was only partially closed, and I couldn’t understand how that could be since I hadn’t shut it.

The door to my parents’ room was directly opposite from my own bedroom door. They were not very far away, perhaps just a few feet. In between these two doors, there is a small passage that connects the hallway and leads to a common bathroom. My parents’ room had an attached bathroom.

I was sure that the sounds were coming from my parents’ room. I carefully opened my room door, trying not to make any noise. When I looked in, the door to my parents’ room was open. In order to see the bed, I had to look to the left side of the room. As I peeked over, my eyes widened and my heart raced faster. The room had a zero watt night light that provided enough light for me to see what was happening.

I had seen my parents romancing before, but what I was witnessing now was live sex. It confused me that they weren’t closing their bedroom door. From where I stood, I could clearly see my father making love to my mother in the missionary position. My mother’s fair ass was below my father’s dark brown ass. She had spread her legs wide enough for him to enter, and she had placed her foot on the bed. They were doing their intimate act on the left side of the bed, which allowed me to see everything. Seeing this made my erect penis hard in my pants.

Jyoti: Aah… Dear… Aaaa

I could hear my father’s soft murmurs, accompanied by heavy breathing. My mother had wrapped herself around him, her hands roaming over his back as if searching for something. The sound of her gold and glass bangles clinking added to the atmosphere. I watched intently as my father’s penis was thrusting in and out of my mother. almost grinding their bodies together. It seemed he was trying to pleasure her clitoris while fucking her. My father was also kissing my mother, first on her neck and then on her right ear. Suddenly, my mother turned onto her left side due to the ticklish sensation. I panicked, thinking she might see me and quickly stepped back. But my mother’s eyes were tightly closed, and she had a look of intense pleasure and was moaning.

Father: I love you, Jyoti. Jyoti… your body… aa

Jyoti: Huh…

Father: Heaven thing to do…

She turned her head and kissed him passionately. The sight of a traditionally devout woman, who always spoke about God, now kissing wildly, was incredibly erotic. Her one hand held and caressed his hair as she enjoyed the pleasure of their intimate act. As I watched, I found myself focusing intently on her body, fascinated by the contrast between her traditional attire during the day and her sensual transformation at night. My father now got on his hand still fucking her, started to praise and admire her.

Father: You look hot naked…the Thali (Mangalsutra) I have tied to your beautiful sexy body…adds touch to your beauty. I own you with that. You are always mine Jyoti. I love you.

Jyoti: I am all yours…aah… have me as much as you want…

Saying that she tried to pull him to hug, but he buried his face in her ample chest and felt with his face. He pulled his dick out of her to come Little down below so he can suck her breast.

Jyoti: Haa…don’t stop…

Saying that she pulled him holding his hip. My father inserted the dick and started to fuck her slightly faster.

Father: Jyoti dear, you want me to do you? Are you enjoying it too much today? Don’t be silent…tell

Jyoti: Your making me very much shy…aahhuh

Father: please tell…I want to hear from you…tell

Jyoti: I love you dear. I love the way you make love with me. Your penis is playing inside me fully occupying … 

Father: Worshipping you makes my life meaningful…darshan (seeing) of your body and theertha (vagina fluids) of yours is all I need everyday.

Jyoti: Cheee…aah…don’t tell devotional things here..

Father: you deserve saying like that dear…you are my Kama Devi (sex goddess). Seeing you in conservative traditional dress every day, makes me feel to strip every cloth and kiss every skin and womanly parts of you and see your entire beauty…

Jyoti: aa…you make me feel younger with your words…ufff….don’t Stop doing me…please 

Father: Yes dear…. 

I stood there, horrified at what I was witnessing. My mother, a devoutly religious woman who wears traditional Indian attire, being fucked by my father. It was a sight that defied all sense of morality and decency within our conservative household. The guilt would have overwhelmed me, except for the strange feeling of excitement that welled up from deep within me at seeing such a beautiful act.

My father’s body moved above hers with aggressive force, his hips grinding against her sensitive spots, each thrust sending waves of pleasure radiating throughout her entire body. She moaned in ecstasy, her hands reaching out to cling onto my father, and I could see her in waves of lustful desire. The jingling sound of anklet chains mingled with the wet slaps of flesh as their bodies collided. My mother’s leg toes and fingertips curled and arched, revealing her intense sexual eroticism with her pheromonal allure combining with the sweat and semen. Their interlude was shockingly intimate and raw, a stark contrast to the pure and unadulterated love we were taught to uphold in our conservative family. My mother’s devotional complexion was now stained with passion as she allowed my father to make love to her, their bodies intertwined in a dance of lustful desire. My mother gave herself fully to my father and his desires.

My mother’s pussy was a mess, her juices dripping down onto the bed, creating a wet spot around her ass. My father’s cock thrust into her with a ferocious force, each stroke pushing out her ebbed and flowed juices onto the bed, making it wetter. Her body was soaked with sweat and lust. She was cumming at that time. She was moaning wildly, unable to contain her pleasure. The sight of my mother’s dripping pussy was raw and vulgar, a visual feast for anyone who craves the essence of sexuality.

My father was still pounding her. She freed him from her hold of legs around him.  He pressed his nose into the strong sweaty armpit of her beautiful body, holding her hands above her head, and began sniffing deeply and relentlessly. The aroma of her sweat filled his nose and he tasted it on his tongue. He fucked her for about a minute before exploding inside her. Now he pulled out his throbbing dick and moved into a comfortable position, still clutching her hands, and started licking and sucking on both of the strong sweaty pits of her irresistible body. She moaned like she was being tickled. In that moment, my parents were not just a devoted couple or a loving family unit, they were two souls in a deep dark hunger for each other’s bodies.

My father parted from her and planted his lustful lips on her mouth for a final kiss. My father finished his sexual act with her. I took a few steps back with caution, aware that he was done. He headed toward the bathroom, switching on the lights that cast an unforgiving glare on her lustful form. Coated in a layer of sweat, her body was exposed to see her every curve, every crevice, every drop of moisture shining like pearls under the light. Her legs were spread wide open, revealing a hairy vagina that was wet and drenched by her own orgasm juices and my father’s cum, between her legs. I couldn’t help but fixate on it. Bending forward to get a better look at her face, I noticed she had a small smile with shy blush, her cheeks in rosy shade. She kept her hands raised above her head, holding onto the pillow while taking deep, seductive breaths. Her body trembles slightly with residual excitement, while her heart beat continues to pound in rhythm with the memories of her lovemaking. Her eyes were closed, lost in the euphoria of sexual release. I could see her armpits, with softly wrinkled skin which was slightly dark and  with hair. This momentarily allowed me to observe her breasts, which were erect and firm despite her age, with stiff nipples standing proudly against the light. My mother was basking afterglow of sexual satisfaction from love making from my father.

I couldn’t help but notice the traditional things of her identity, even as she lay before me naked and vulnerable. Her Thali(Mangalsutra) glimmered in between her breasts, making traditionally sexy. The sacred thread draped around her waist, silver anklets adorned her delicate feet, each toe ring a testament to her conservative traditional customs and beliefs. I was looking at her lying in bed with legs spread, my heart swells with lust and affection for the woman who gave me birth. 

My father emerged from the bathroom, and I knew my mother would get up then. I retreated a few steps so that I wouldn’t be discovered. Now I couldn’t look anymore, all I could see was straight ahead. At that moment, I saw her beautiful legs she kept on the floor while sitting in bed. She stood up. Holy shit. After a long time since the tailor shop, now I was seeing my mother completely naked for the first time. My father said something I couldn’t hear. She giggled. My father came over and hugged her tightly. They both felt and groped each other, their bodies pressed closely together. He slowly put his hands on her ass and asked for another round. She shyly resisted, pushing him back. He, still holding her butt, sat down on the bed. She tried to cover her private parts but couldn’t quite hide them with that conservative modesty she had even when naked 

Father: Jyoti…what is there to hide from me after all these years….

Jyoti: I feel shy when you see me with lust. 

That day I understood that whoever sees my mother with lust, then she would get aroused and horny. She picked her dress and inner wear.

Jyoti: Aiyoo…you have made my dress wet…how can I wear them now ( told with shyness and giggling)

Father: Hello, madam…really is it true that I made those messes and wet ?…I was just tasting your lovely womanly hole…you know, just a little lick and you were already leaking out all your juices.

Jyoti: (giggling) that was your fault. It was all your fault! You did something to me that made me unable to control myself.

Only then I came to know that they had an intense sensual foreplay before act sex.

Jyoti: See now also because of you only, the bed has also got wet…

Father: it’s okay dear, I’m happy sleeping on that heaven only.

Jyoti: Chee…leave me( playfully)

His hands roamed over her plump ass, giving it a firm but loving squeeze. She laughed, tossing her clothes onto the bedroom floor, then freed from his grasp. With a playful giggle, she raced towards the bathroom, her hips swaying with every step. That moment was an erotic masterpiece of pure blissful appearance, feeling an irresistible desire growing within me. As I looked upon her, I caught a glimpse of her sindoor smudged across her forehead. 

Her laugh filled with a shyness that I found incredibly attractive. Her nude body was the biggest secret in my life seen till now, which made her even more desirable to me. The way her breasts moved with every step she took, bouncing enticingly, was impossible to ignore. Each motion drew my gaze to them, making it clear just how much I was drawn to feminine physique womanly shape she possessed with those curves at that age. Seeing the traditionally naked body of my mother with her untied hair adding to the eroticism was an instantaneous sight I’d never forget, deepening my desire for her. 

In the blink of an eye, an erotic scene unfolded before me. My eyes were instantly drawn to the alluring figure of my mother, who slipped away into the bathroom. Meanwhile my father was wearing his underwear. I could hear every single sensual sound from within the room, it was the faint hissing noise she was urinating. Upon completion, she came out. I couldn’t see anything after that, as she was on the other side of the bed.

Jyoti: Should get up early tomorrow. Can’t you close the door while doing, what if Gautham (me) would have accidentally seen.

Father: don’t worry dear, I pulled on his room door. And I was in deep desire to make love with you. In that mood I forgot to close. I guess even you were also deeply involved with me…even you also forgot to tell to close door…(teasing her)

Jyoti: Shuu… be quiet…

After that they slept. In my bed, I imagined their intimate moments with my mother’s raw sexuality and had an amazing masturbation. When I woke up, I was already late for tuition, but rushing there, I saw my parents asleep together with only a sheet covering them. Later back from tuition. I saw my father watching TV news and my mother was preparing breakfast just after her bath, her hair wrapped in a towel. They seemed so pure, no signs of any intimacy between them. In the bathroom I discovered Mom’s clothes and underwear she was wearing yesterday in the laundry basket, sniffing them sent me into ecstasy, tasting her body’s scent and the taste of her fluids on the panties. I thought that was the best part of my life seeing my parents making love live. But wasn’t, again I saw her naked just in front of me on another day.

Coming to seeing her fully naked incident.

I had a half-day from college. But I returned home early that day. That day, my mother was busy cleaning the house for the upcoming festival. She was running late for her bath. Finally, she completed her work and went to take her bath. Usually, she takes her bath in the common bathroom in our house. After a few minutes, I felt the urge to use the washroom. So, I quickly went to the attached bathroom in my parents’ room. After some time…my mother opened the door slightly and started to call me…

Jyoti: Gautham…Gautham…(calling me from her door gap)

Me: Yes Amma,…

Jyoti: Shampoo in this bathroom got over, bring the shampoo bottle from the other bathroom.

Me: Amma, I am in that bathroom only, using the washroom.

Jyoti: Ok dear, after that bring me the shampoo bottle.

Me: Ok Amma.

Just after a minute…she called me again and asked…

Jyoti: Gautham, keep the shampoo bottle at your door now only. I will take it.

As I got up from the toilet and held the bottle, I noticed that the brand was different from what we usually buy. I simply stared at it, examining the price, ingredients, and product description. Suddenly, I remembered to keep the bottle at my door . So, holding both the shampoo bottle and my shirt in my hands, I opened the door, bent over to place the bottle down outside my own bathroom door like my mother instructed. But then I thought, why should she come here? Let me put it at her bathroom door instead. However, as I was a bit late by keeping it outside at my door, my mom came out of the bathroom, assuming that I had already kept the bottle at my own door. But it was just now I opened the door and was about to go towards her bathroom door.

As I opened the door and went towards her bathroom, still half-naked my eyes were met with an unexpected sight of my fully-naked mother standing there in front of me, her body glistening with water droplets as if freshly bathed.  There she was, every curve and crevice exposed to my eyes and I couldn’t help but stare. As I looked at her, I realised that, just like me, even she too had some pubic hair, which was thick and lush hinting at the secrets hidden beneath it. But the most striking feature of all was the Thali (Mangalsutra) on her chest signifying her marital status and commitment to our family, silver anklets jingled softly as she moved, while toe rings added an extra touch of elegance, and a sacred thread around her waist. These traditional things made her an even more sensual appeal. She was a mature woman, while I was still a young man in the process of discovering my sexuality. Yet there we were completely exposed to each other’s gaze. I found myself feeling an intense mix of desire and guilt. But in that moment, all I could focus on was the woman who had brought me into this world, now fully revealed nude before my eyes.

It was then that I realised that I too was semi-naked. As we stared at each other, she seemed to take in every detail of my appearance. From the hair around my dick. At that time it was not erected or hard. It was normal. Suddenly, I dropped the shampoo bottle and turned away from her. She would have seen my ass too in that position. I went into the bathroom, unable to believe what was happening. It felt like a scene straight out of a forbidden fantasy. Seeing my mother fully naked infront of me with a close view. My gaze lingered on her form, taking in every detail of her breasts, her hips, and yes, even the familiar mole on her right breast which I saw in the Tailors shop.

As I said, the tailor shop incident, seeing my parents having sex and seeing her nude in front of me were only the three incidents that really happened. These three encounters would forever be etched in my memory with desire and erotic curiosity. And while it may have been just a fleeting moment in time, but it was enough to ignite a flame within me that would burn for days, weeks, months, even till now and the rest of my life. As informed before I wrote these true incidents with dialogues I imagined. In the coming parts I will tell you some imaginary fictional stories I made up about my mother that I fantasise about during masturbation. Surely that will make you cum.

Also many readers shared their similar incidents about their mothers, assuring me those really happened. I’m writing them also.

From this part also, I would again welcome your thoughts, reviews, and similar experiences that have happened for you. [email protected]

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