Saba’s first sexfight

Parties in university sometimes got very wild, especially during special events like Night. Held by the major fraternities and sororities, these events pitted fighters from the student body in bouts of sexual supremacy, with the winner taking the loser as a slave. The fights were broadcast online and had a huge following, and the winners often got very large purses depending on their popularity. The fights could be female vs. female, male vs male, mixed, or even couple vs couple. Oftentimes grudges were settled with these fights. These fights drew the largest crowds.
As a graduate student I did not usually participate in these fights. I had a made a but of a name for myself during undergrad as a regular, however now I was mostly a manager and promoter. I always kept my eyes out for talent around the school to try and bring into the fights, after all there was a cut for me as well if they became successful.
I met Saba in one of the graduate labs I worked in. She was a senior in high school at the time, an 18 year old Persian cutie with long curly dark brown hair, a homely but cute face, and a soft curvy body. She had little sexual experience but was very eager and submissive. In short I felt like I had a perfect jobber to introduce to the sexfights.
Her first fight pitted her against a first year named Sarah. Sarah was a newbie as well, with only one previous fight, which she won. She was a tall and leggy brunette with an exquisite figure, a full bosom and round tight ass. She stood several inches taller than Saba with longer legs and reach. Her blue eyes ran up and down Saba’s body and her mouth curled in a smirk.
Saba stood shorter and thicker than Sarah. Her chest was smaller, but her ass and legs were thick and toned, showing her lower body strength. Even though she looked soft, she was still quite strong. She felt confident she could hold her own.
Saba and Sarah ran at each other immediately when the fight started. Both girls fought in a whirlwind of slaps, punches, kicks and scratches. Saba received several hard slaps on the face, stunning her a little and leaving her open, allowing Sarah to grab Saba by her long curly hair and sling her to the ground. Sarah jumped on top of Saba to hold her down, and then hit her hard around her breasts. Saba squealed in pain as Sarah grabbed her pinkish brown nipples and pulled and twisted.
Saba was able to buck Sarah off and get to her hands and knees. However Sarah was already on her feet, grabbing Saba’s hair again to pull her up. She threw Saba against a wall, then threw her knee into Saba’s soft stomach. The blow made Saba double over in pain. Two more slaps made Saba see double, and then Sarah threw Saba to the ground again by her hair. Saba landed hard, her hair dishevelled, coughing as she tried to catch her breath.
Sarah took a small breather, but was back in action only moments later. She tried to grab Saba by her hair again, only this time Saba struck back first. She kicked backwards and caught Sarah in her lower gut, sending her reeling back. Saba got up to her knees and threw another lunging punch into Sarah’s crotch, catching her this time right above her clit. Sarah doubled over and fell to her knees. Saba gave Sarah’s ass a sharp spank to make her fall to the ground.
The Persian hottie spread Sarah’s pale asscheeks to expose her little brown butthole. Saba thrust one of her fingers into Sarah’s ass. Sarah squealed as Saba violated her ass. She couldn’t keep tm her fingers in for long, as Sarah was quickly able to pull away.
Sarah and Saba both got to their feet. Sarah rubbed her butt and crotch to ease the soreness. Saba rubbed her titties, both to ease the soreness there and to be sexual enticing. Both girls readied to fight once more.
I was surprised as Saba’s tenacity, fully expecting her to give up quickly once the fight started. But she was hanging on, dishing out hits as hard as her slightly more experienced opponent. She certainly didn’t seem outmatched in any way, and though was submissive in bed she seemed quite fierce in the ring.
Saba and Sarah had each other by the hair, neither girl bothering with defence as they slapped each others faces and bodies. I admired the naked bodies of the two hotties, Saba’s olive-skinned butt jiggling with every blow she took, Sarah’s pale skin marked with red from Saba’s slaps. Neither girl wanted to give in, though it was obvious both were hurting.
Sarah suddenly yelped when Saba’s hand shot in between her legs. The Persian cat sank her claws into Sarah’s dripping wet pussy, pinching her protruding pink clit. It made Sarah let go of Saba’s hair to try and protect herself. Saba took the opening to slap Sarah hard in her face, and then throw her down to the mats by her hair.
Saba forced Sarah to roll onto her front, and sat down on her lower back. She pulled upwards hard on Sarah’s long brown hair, making her cry out in pain, before silencing her with a sharp slam to the mats. Saba was clearly in control now. She pulled the stunned pale beauty into a camel clutch, torturing her back while keeping her control.
The pain in her back helped Sarah regain her senses. Saba’s grip was not particularly tight, I had given her some basic training however she still lacked real fighting experience. Sarah was able to extricate herself with a little squirming, though Saba still sat on her back. The Persian beauty tried to keep control of Sarah’s arms, but Sarah was having none of it, pulling her arms out of Saba’s grip and turning over onto her side, unbalanceing Saba and sending her tumbling off.
The two girls now fought on the mats, tumbling and rolling around, pulling each others hair and hitting each other at odd angles. Sarah was on top, then Saba, then Sarah again. They fought in a tangle of hair and limbs. In such situations, usually the girl who was able to keep calm won out. I could tell Saba was getting desperate as she tried furiously to keep on attacking. But she was getting worn out and tired, and soon she wasn’t attacking but rather struggling weakly underneath Sarah.
Sarah lay with her body across Saba’s, keeping her pinned down. Both girls were covered in sweat from their exertions and the close body contact. Sarah wormed her hand in between Saba’s legs while the Persian beauty struggled. Saba realised her mistake too late, she tried to squeeze her legs shut, but Sarah already had what she wanted. Saba squealed when Sarah stabbed her fingers deep into Saba’s pussy, paying her back for the clit pinch earlier, and gaining a fully dominant position! Now no matter how hard Saba struggled, Sarah had a solid if slippery grip.
The rough fingerings gave some new lift to Saba’s exhausted body and she struggled hard with renewed effort. She nearly bucked Sarah off a few times, however the adrenaline rush left as quickly as it came, leaving Saba with nothing left in the tank. All she could do was moan pathetically as Sarah fingered her pussy. Her struggling ceased as her body gave in to the pleasure.
Saba gasped as her body bucked involuntarily. She was dangerously close to orgasm. Sarah sensed her impending victory and sealed Saba’s full lips with a deep kiss. Saba was finally overwhelmed, her body bucking as her muffled squeals filled the room, cumming hard after all that resistance. The orgasm left her out of breath and completely stunned, all the fight leaving her.
Even after her orgasm Saba got no respite, Sarah kept on fingering her swollen and sopping wet pussy. Saba had enough, tapping out before she came again. However Sarah was on a roll, and though the match was officially over nobody wanted to stop her. It didn’t take long before Sarah ripped another orgasm from Saba, this time even harder than before. Saba’s body arched upwards as she squirmed all over the mats, her eyes rolling back as she screamed. Sarah finally pulled her fingers out, leaving Saba a defeated wreck, shivering from her huge orgasm. Sarah stood over her defeated opponent, planting her foot on Saba’s heaving chest and struck a victory pose.
Sarah then knelt back down over Saba’s face, and planted her own wet pussy onto Saba’s face. Saba meekly began licking Sarah’s pussy. Sarah grabbed Saba’s hair and forced her deeper into her pussy, aggressively riding her face to pleasure herself over Saba’s muffled protests. Saba kicked weakly a few times as she had trouble breathing, but Sarah didn’t care. She was too close to cumming.
Sarah suddenly arched her back and let out a cry of pure ecstasy. She came hard on Saba’s face, grinding her wet pussy into Saba’s mouth and nose roughly, drenching her. Sarah’s body quivered a few times before coming to a rest. She got up slowly, standing over Saba, looking down at her defeated opponent with a satisfied smirk, before giving Saba a sharp slap in the face and walking away. Saba meanwhile lay on her back, face glistening from sex juices, cheeks red from humiliation.
And so ended Saba’s first match. A humiliating loss, but I knew she would be back for more.

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