Porn Shoot with My Sister

“I know.” She laughed, “But I need to know what you think.” Before I could speak she raised my hand, “If you answer me, I promise I’ll get to what I want to talk about.”

“Fine,” I said in a resigned tone, “You’re pretty damn hot, sis.”

“Why thank you!” she made a show of tossing her blonde hair around. “Now, am I hot enough to fuck?”


“What?” I exclaimed, “Are you nuts?”

“Shhh!” she put her finger to my lips, “Mom’s right under us and she might be awake too.”

“Maybe she needs to come up here and smack you.” I shook my head, “What is up with you?”

“Okay look.” She put her hands up, “Maybe I’m not doing this right, but trust me Andrew, I’m really worried about the house and mom and I’m trying to help.”

I frowned as she spoke. Alicia only called me Andrew when she was either mad at me or was talking about shit she really felt was important.

“I’m upset and scared for mom too.” I nodded, “But you’re saying some weird shit Alicia.” I pointed out. “And you come in here strutting around and posing for me and then ask if I’d screw you, that’s pretty out there.”

“Would you?”

I looked into her big baby blue eyes and said quietly, “Sis, go in your room and get some sleep. I’m your brother and this isn’t some whack job sick ass porn video where relatives get it on.”

“Funny you should say that.” She said turning serious.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Andrew what would you do to save this house for Mom?”

“Anything.” I said, “This house means the world to mom and if I could save it I would.”

“Me too, so keep that in mind when you read this.”

Alicia unrolled the paper and I rolled my eyes when I saw it was a copy of this week’s Phoenix Newspaper.

“What are you doing with that rag?” I waved my hand disgustedly, “That things full of out there politics and sick personal ads.”

At that thought my eyes widened, “hey sis, there’s all kinds of girls selling themselves in those ads! Tell me you’re not thinking of…”

“In a way.” She said softly.

Folding the paper in half she handed it to me. “Read the ad I circled.”

Taking the paper from her I looked down and began to read where she had indicated.

“Hello, we are a professional well to do couple with a very specific and not entirely acceptable fetish. What we are looking for, what we are willing to pay a significant amount of money to see is a who are willing to have sex in front of us.”

“What the fuck…?” I whispered,

“Keep reading.” Alicia tapped the paper.

Although I had no real desire too I returned my eyes to the ad.

“Obviously this is a taboo request and trust that we will practice discretion and you will need to as well. The interested siblings must be at least 18-we have no desire to be involved in under age sex-be able to legally prove they are siblings, and above all must be very attractive. Whether you have previously engaged in sex or it will be your first time together we will be more than happy watching you indulge in the breaking of the last truly taboo sexual act left in today’s society. Because this is an admittedly bizarre request we are offering significant compensation to qualifying applicants. Please, serious inquiries only.”

Please wait…

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