Brother impregnates his sister

Sex stories, Brother and sister, incest, Brian impregnates his sister.. I know being a schoolgirl mother almost seems like the fashionable thing to do these days but when I had my first child, a son, at the age of fourteen it was almost unheard of and I was put through the mill by neighbours and society. But … Read more

Mom and son, Alicia buys some sexy lingerie to please her well-hung son

Sex stories, Mom and son, Alicia buys some sexy lingerie to please her well-hung son, incest …  Zach had set his cell phone to go off fifteen minutes before their usual wake-up time. He knew that in his mother’s condition when he put her to bed last night, she was in no shape to remember … Read more

Milf for hire

Sex stories, milf, I opened my eyes and smiled, tonight was the night! After six weeks of saving every extra dollar I could, I was only twenty dollars short of the two hundred I needed and I was going to make that this morning! I lay there staring at the ceiling, my cock already stirring as … Read more

Dad and son have sex with Mom – Family taboo

Sex stories, family taboo, incest, Dad and son have sex with Mom, Saturday morning: “How’s it going son?” “Got a miss. Think I’ve found a cracked plug wire.” “Well before you go out and buy one I think your Grandpa may have a set hanging in his old shed. Take a look on the back wall.” “I’m … Read more

Mom and son: Too much wine has unforeseen sexual consequences

Sex stories, Mom and son, too much wine has unforeseen sexual consequences… My mother looked like a combination of beauty and heartbreak. It was evening and she sat by the dining table with a big glass of wine. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, which elegantly showcased her womanly figure. Her hair was perfectly done. Her … Read more

Story of an Indian family

Aarav was delighted to see the color TV his father bought, it was the first color TV in his village and he wouldn’t get tired of boasting about it to his friends. Aarav was a little immature for an 18 yr old and his physique didn’t helped either anyone would easily mistake him for 15 … Read more

Erotic story leads to erotic encounters

Erotic story leads to erotic encounters, I shifted from foot to foot, uncomfortably watching as my sister, Shelly read. She kept shaking her head and occasionally grunting in disgust. I resisted the urge to question her, to defend my statements as she made her way through the pages. Finally she finished the last page and slid … Read more

A brother and sister love story

Brother and sister, incest story “What are you reading?” she asked as she peered down at me with one hand on her hip. I looked up from my book and gave her a blank stare. I knew she was no more interested in what I was reading than I was at the moment. I sighed … Read more

Mom and son – Newfound confidence brings sexual liberation

The doorbell rang and I answered it. It was the delivery man with a package for my mother. “Was that for me?” my mother asked, coming down the stairs. She was still dressed in her office clothes after arriving home a few short minutes ago. She looked good. As a lawyer for a mid-sized downtown … Read more

Mom takes a Plunge with Son in the Hot Tub

He pulled the car to a halt in the yard. Unclipping the seat belt and opening the door he jumped out, leaning over the driver’s seat he grabbed the strap of his rucksack and hauled it over the back. Slinging it casually over one shoulder he strode to the back door. Stepping into the large, … Read more

Son services Mom while Dad serves his country

Greg’s face beamed a big smile in the small screen at the Family Readiness Center on the base. We had a precious few minutes to talk. We had to try and get it all crammed in, Ronny, my beautiful 18-year-old son, and me. We crowded in to fit into the camera shot. “I know enough … Read more

A love story about a unique family tradition

As I lay in this darkness, cut off from the world around me, I think about the only thing I can: my life. I’d like to say that it was full of adventure and danger, that I proved my manliness to the rest of my species through feats of heroism and daring. I’d like to … Read more

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