It’s My Life – 18

Please read the previous part here ( It’s My Life – 17 ). Now let’s continue

I said “you really made a lot of observations about me so ”. He replied “not quickly at all madam. This is the fourth time you are riding in my cab”.

I was surprised that I didn’t notice this myself. He continued “madam was four months ago when I picked you up from your house, then last month and the month before that I dropped you off twice to your house and today is the fourth time”.

I sarcastically asked “so have you been keeping a tab on me”? He replied “no madam, it is just pure coincidence”. I said “yes four times is quite a coincidence giving you enough time to look me up nicely” followed by a wink.

He asked “so can I continue now madam”? I said “yes please, I am all ears”. He said “Your perfectly flat belly and smooth waist with that lovely looking deep belly button adds even more to your sensuality”.

I said “wow, I am impressed. Are you sure you are not trying to butter me up with your flattery”? He replied “no, not yet madam, you asked me to say so I am telling you my honest opinion”.

I asked “you seem to be quite experienced with women”? He replied “no madam, no at all. Zero… I am only talking out of my knowledge after lots of reading. Maybe you can help me with the practical’s someday…” followed by a naughty smile.

I smiled back and asked “So how old are you”? He replied “I am twenty-five madam”. I laughed in my mind thinking about Asif. I was now fully in the mood to flirt even more with him, so I asked “so how old do you think I am”?

He replied “well it is wrong to talk about a ‘s age but since you yourself asked, from your looks and figure, I must say you should be around 30-31yrs max”.

I laughed hysterically at this. He in a concerned tone asked “why madam, did I say something wrong that offended you”? I said “no no, just chill. I was not laughing at you”.

He again asked “so was I right about your age madam”? I thought in my mind that cannot be so wrong in one day, so for the fun of it I said “yes you were right. Just give me a minute, I need to make a call”.

I called Prakash and said “I am willing to give you a triple surprise today but only provided you take me out to a lovely dinner. Just the two of us”. Prakash readily agreed.

I said “then come home earlier than your usual time so our children don’t drive me mad like in the last so many days”. He readily agreed to that too. I disconnected the call and turned my attention to the cabbie.

I looked at him thru his mirror and said “now you can continue”. He said “madam your legs are so well toned without any extra flab on them. They look just like the models we see on posters”.

I said “I think you are definitely going overboard with your flattery now”. He replied “no absolutely not, you can take an independent opinion if you want and see for yourself”.

This reminded me of Rafiq’s words. He too said verbatim the same thing but in a different way. I was finding this detailed description of myself from a third party so thrilling and arousing.

I said “the only source of independent opinion is my husband. And in the last so many years that I have been with him, he has never mentioned anything of what you said today”.

He snapped saying “I am sorry to interrupt and please don’t mind me saying, is your husband blind”? I calmly replied “no he is not. But what makes you say that”?

He said “to get such a charming and hot like you, that man should be thanking his stars. He should appreciate what he has because majority of the married men don’t get even half as lucky”.

He had a point, my entire universe revolved around Prakash till now and if his health issue would not have happened then I would never have the need to enjoy outside like I am doing today.

I said “hmm, I see your point. But what can I do? After all he is also the father of my two children and looks after all of us pretty well”. He replied “madam I will stop talking here. Anything more I say might hurt your feelings and your married ”.

I replied “don’t worry, I am well past that stage in my life to have such things affect me. So please continue, I am listening”. He asked “are you really sure about this madam”?

I replied “yes dead sure. You please continue”. He said “madam you said that he takes good care of the . Does he also take good care of you in the bedroom”?

I understood where this might be headed, I said “well yes he does”. He probed further asking “are you sure madam? Does he live up to your expectations”?

I flatly replied “I don’t have any such expectations. But why are you asking this”? He said “madam don’t mind but I read a lot. I have learnt that when women are frustrated in their bedroom then they tend to look outside for satisfaction”.

I replied “but I never said that I am frustrated”. He replied “but you said you don’t have any expectations. It means the same. Is it not”? This guy was far more intelligent than the job he was doing and surely had me cornered with his talks.

I also realized that till now I had not even asked his name. I said “before we continue any further, can you please tell me your name? I am Anita so stop calling me madam now”.

He replied “I already know your name from the cab booking. My name is Ravi. So you don’t mind me calling you by your name? I am asking because you are my customer”.

I replied “I don’t mind it at all Ravi. BTW do you talk such things with all your customers” followed by a smirk. He replied “no Anita, not with everyone. In fact, not with anyone except you till date”.

I asked “then what made you talk like this with me”? Ravi replied “err I honestly didn’t plan to buy after our initial talks one thing led to another and hence so…”.

I said “well you seem pretty well educated and well informed. So why are you driving a cab”? Ravi replied “well I am sure you know how difficult it is to get a job these days. I am an accountant by profession but since I was jobless for a while, I took up driving”.

I asked “since when have you been driving cabs”? Ravi replied “since last year after the company I worked for got acquired and I got laid off. At least now my expenses are taken care off”.

I said “take my number and forward me your cv. I cannot promise but I will try to help you”. Ravi replied “thank you so much, I already have your number from the booking. I will send it to you tonight” followed by a grin.

I replied in a serious tone saying “I was not joking Ravi. I am going to really try”. Ravi quipped “so you mean you were joking when you said you did not have any expectations from your husband in the bedroom”?

I knew I was cornered again, I said “well things are not so simple as you think”. He replied “so please explain it to me better then. I already know it is not wham bam thank you maam always…”.

I replied “well we have our moments of togetherness and yes sex maybe or may not be part of that day’s menu”. He replied “so since you directly used the word, is sex often on the menu or rarely”?

I said “well that depends”. He cut me off and said “please answer my question simply”. I had to spill the beans now, I said “full blown sex is rarely, but rest of it is often”.

Ravi asked “so you are happy with this arrangement”? I replied “what choice do I have”? He simply replied “well for a hot woman like you, the world is full of opportunities. You only need to get out of THE WELL”.

I knew where this was probably heading, so I said “can we drop this topic please? I am not interested in talking about this”. He calmly replied “ok if you say so. But if you change your mind then call me”.

I was not sure if this was a direct invitation for sex or something else. So playing safe I asked “what difference would it make if I call you”? Ravi replied “I will answer your question on the day when you call me”.

We reached home now. I settled the bill and said “it was nice talking to you today Ravi”. He replied “remember to save my number just in case you need to call” and left.

To be continued….

Let me know how you liked this and I will post more parts, you can reach me on [email protected].

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