Nerdy British researcher meets American college student

Nerdy British researcher meets American college student

Day One:

“Little sister, you need to get laid.” Fleur Mantell looked at her sister Brie in the mirror as she finished applying her makeup and fixing her hair. “You’ve been eighteen for six months and not once have I come home to find a man in your bed. “Or a woman either for that matter; how are you supposed to find your sexual identity if you don’t even try?”

Brie shook her head at her sister’s lack of understanding. “And when do I have time to even go looking for either? I work at the bookstore from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon three days out of the week, and until noon two days out of the week. From three to seven I have two classes, and on the other two I have classes from two until ten. On the weekend I have to study for my classes and get my homework done. So tell me oh all-knowing older sister of mine, when do I have time? You on the other hand have your job from eight to four, you come home, change clothes and then you’re out the door. On weekends, you spend about two hours cleaning this place up then you spend the evenings with your friends either out clubbing or going off doing whatever you feel like doing. I think you’ve forgotten how hard college can be. I’ll have time for all that other stuff when I can be like you and play as hard as I work.”

Brie didn’t add that it wouldn’t matter anyway. When she was out in the world, she never met anyone who showed the least bit of interest in her anyway. Oh she had attracted a couple guys but it died as soon as they met her smart, beautiful and well-built older sister. It had been the same way back home for as long as she could remember. None of the guys she had known there had been interested in her beyond a way to meet her sisters Lila and Helena. What women she met wanted to meet her brothers Andre and Marcel.

Why her parents had given all their kids French names was beyond her, not one of them had French blood in them, at least not as far as her grandfather had found in his time of doing genealogy research for the last ten years. The only off blood he had found was on her mother’s side and that was some Gypsy blood by the name of Esmeralda Delacourt. She had married an related Englishman about three hundred years ago, and the only information in the church records her grandfather had found was a marriage record listing Esmeralda as being Gypsy. A combination of English, Scottish, German yes, but not a damn drop of French. Personally Brie was pretty sure there was some Nordic blood in them as well because she, like her dad were built and looked more like pictures of ancient Vikings then they did the other races. They both shared the almost white blonde hair, the bright blue eyes and fuller bodies; yes definitely more Viking then the Nordic gods and goddesses running around these days.

So who the hell was her sister kidding, her getting laid was about as likely as the earth going nova and crashing into the sun. Leaving Fleur to get dressed to go out, she went to her room, stopping on the way in the kitchen for her usual bowl of salad and a diet soda. She lived on salad and diet soda. Not only because it was cheap but because she had learned that if she had a whole pizza or a box of deep fried chicken anywhere when she was alone, she ate the whole damn thing. Then she would end up spending the rest of the night feeling like hell and throwing up all she ate. Salad and the soda was all her mind would let her keep down no matter how she tried.

Forcing herself to study, she didn’t hear when Fleur left and finally near one in the morning, she gave up to sleep not coming as close to what she had planned to get done at all.

As usual her dreams were of what she couldn’t have. Men who wanted her not her sisters, over and over they danced through her dreams, and when she woke, she felt like she hadn’t slept at all. It didn’t help that she had some kind of weight over her mid-section and another on her leg. There was also a warm breeze blowing on her cheek and she had no idea where the hell it was coming from. Trying to sit up the weight on her body tightened and she turned her face just enough to see dark hair, a face with overnight stubble on his chin and a thin moustache that bent down on both sides of interesting lips. Who was the fucking jerk in her bed? Even as she moved out from under his arm she had an idea and she was going to kill her sister if Fleur had done what she thought she had.

She found her sister in her bed with two guys and as she shook her sister’s foot one of them opened his eyes and looked at her sleepily. “Is that you or are we on a boat?” Being a student of languages and lit, she recognized the upper class British accent.

Choosing to ignore the man, she simply spoke and continued her attempt to wake up her sister. “Me, wake up Fleur, I need to talk to you.”

“Come on; leave her alone, she’s had quite a work out.”

Fucking my teacher

Brie glared at the guy. “I don’t give a fuck okay, I don’t like waking up and finding men in my bed. Especially men I don’t know or didn’t invite there. As for you, go back to sleep, you smell like a brewery and look like you spent the last week in a dumpster.” She shook her sister’s foot again and Fleur began to kick. “Come on sis, I know you’re awake, you don’t kick unless you’re coming to.”

Fleur rolled on her back revealing her pert breasts, and ran a hand over her face. “Oh come on Brie, leave me alone, we had a late night.”

“Yeah, I can tell, except you’ve got one missing, and he’s in my bed instead of yours. So at least tell me his name so I can wake him up and get him where he belongs,”

Her sister began to giggle, “But he is where he belongs sis, I brought him home for you. He likes fuller figure women, he told me so.”

“Well that’s just further proof of how drunk you were last night, men who say that are either freaks, or lying out their asses to get close to women like you who admit they have sisters like me. Since he doesn’t look like a freak, then I’m guessing he’s out to get where your buddies are and will use me to do it. No thanks; I learned that lesson a long time ago. So don’t do it again.” She turned on her heel and walked back to her bedroom.

Knowing what was going on, she didn’t bother to be nice. “Hey fucker, get the hell out of my bed, this isn’t a short cut to Fleur’s bed.” At least the ass was wearing clothes. She had to admit he did seem to be nice looking and from the look of his silk shirt and expensive jeans he had a nice body was well, but guys who could afford clothes like his were definitely not into the fuller figures of women like hers. She was even more sure when she spotted his boots, and the jacket hanging on the back of her desk chair. That was a high end label and so was the model of his boots. She knew because her uncle wore them and these weren’t the knock offs that she saw at Target or Wal-Mart.

It took her over a half hour to get some kind of response from him and for a while she had worried that he had died from too much booze. No, just way too drunk to get the message that someone was shaking him and trying to get him to come back to reality. When he rolled onto his back, she saw that he was indeed as good looking as any man she had ever met, and when he opened his eyes, she felt like she was looking into eyes as dark as a moonless night and was in danger of falling away into space. His smile was killer.

“Oh, so we meet at last virgin ice queen, your sister said you were a knock out, but I wasn’t sure I believed her.” Again that accent, she knew her sister was an Anglophile, but where in hell had she met these guys?

He was as full of shit as she thought he was. “Sure, well you’ve met me; now get up and out of my bed okay?”

His smile reached his eyes, “Oh come on ice queen, don’t be so cold. At least let me wake up a little and have a cigarette. I drank too much waiting for your sister and the twins to decide it was time to leave, something about her wanting me to be a surprise for you. I don’t suppose you have any coffee do you?”

Despite her indignation, she had to admit he had balls. “There’s a Starbucks down the street, I don’t drink coffee and Fleur likes tea.”

As he sat up, he looked around and shook his head at all the soda bottles. “Gods, you actually drink diet soda, do you know how bad that stuff is for you? There are tests…I can show you documented research…”

She interuppted him before he started to sound like her father or one of the professors at the college she attended. “Hey, do I walk into your house and insult your tastes in food and drink? Don’t do it in mine, besides if I drink anything but it or water I end up vomiting.” She didn’t know why she had told him that, it wasn’t what she normally acted like.

Before he could respond, one of the guys came in the open door and presented them with two cups of Starbucks coffee, as well as packets of cream and sugar. “Fleur said she needed a chai this morning so I volunteered, straight but it is still Starbucks.”

The guy on her bed thanked him and took a long drink before looking at her. “Well, or were you serious that anything but that dietary disaster and water will make you vomit…?”

Accepting Sam’s love : first night like her wife

“I wasn’t lying,” she resented the implication that she had been. To prove her point she took a small drink, swallowed and waited. It wasn’t long before she was reaching for the wastebasket and throwing up not only the coffee but the remains of her dinner and the soda she had drank the night before. To make it worse the dry heaves after wards were empty but she couldn’t stop until she forced herself to. “Proof enough?”

“Bloody hell,” he looked in the wastebasket. “You haven’t eaten much lately have you? That looks like nothing but wilted lettuce and a few veggies…not even any kind of salad dressing.”

“What are you some, kind of food researcher? And you’re right, a veggie salad with no dressing.” She wiped her face and reached for the bottle of water off her nightstand. “My shrink says I have some kind of mental block against anything that contains any kind of calories. Not that it helps me lose any kind of weight or even make me unhealthy. I haven’t lost or gained a pound since I turned sixteen; two years ago.” She had actually stayed a size sixteen since she was fourteen and it showed no sign of changing in the near future.

“What about your energy levels, memory, no loss in either of those?” He was sounding more like a researcher than he had before.

“No, seriously what do you do? You sound like my doctor.”

He smiled again. “Actually I am a Doctor of Logical Research. All things interest me, but I’ve never met anyone who interested me more than you do. Of course, I was already interested when your sister showed me a picture of you at the club last night. Do you still have that black leather skirt and those boots? They made your legs look extremely hot.”

That was a switch, most guys who saw that picture automatically asked Fleur if the boobs were real, not about her legs. Well considering she had poured a size sixteen bust into a size ten stretch top that night and had been barely able to breathe she halfway understood. “I’ve still got them but not the top; it was six sizes too small.”

“Oh, well I never got beyond the legs, I’m not a breast man, too many of them are more silicone then nature these days, you can’t fake legs very well. Not that yours look anywhere near fake, but you can’t really tell for sure unless you’re touching and…” he stopped and this time it was his turn to look uncomfortable. “Sorry, usually I don’t ramble so much but now that the alcohol is pretty much out of my system, I’m feeling a little less bold. I do that when I feel a strong attraction to someone, I turn into this bumbling fool, the typical nerd scientist.”

“Who wears high end clothes, goes to high end clubs and gets drunk waiting to go meet someone he has never met before?”

He nodded, “Yeah, which describes me to a tee. My parents call me their problem child, I’d rather do research then make them grandparents. Half my life I’ve been to subjected to more single women who don’t interest me but fit my parents idea of a perfect wife and mother then most men get in a lifetime.”

“Why do you let them?”

“Because I understand why they do it, and I know it’s done with love. So I am polite, maybe ask the lady out for dinner or drinks, then tell her flat out I am not interested in her and that’s that. I’ve got three other brothers that would work just as well as I would.”

“Oh yeah, younger or older,” Brie wondered if there were actually three more like him at home.

“Both, in truth you’ve seen one of them, or maybe both, I don’t know if Edward came along with us or not, I was extremely drunk.”

It was a short hop to figuring out who he was talking about, “the guy with the coffee?”

“Well, he’s the younger one, Robert. I understood they know your sister very well when they talked me into going to that club with them.”

Brie had to laugh, “well considering Fleur was in bed with two guys when I went to wake her up and find out who you were, it’s possible then the other one is here too.”

“It has to be Edward then; Robert doesn’t do three ways except with Edward. They’re twins you see, been like that since birth, always do everything together.” Unexpectedly, he reached out and ran a finger down the side of her face. “Can I kiss you? I’ve been sitting here staring at your mouth the whole time we’ve been talking and I really can’t hold out much longer to see if it tastes as good as it looks.”


“Why what, why do I want to kiss you, truthfully I have no idea at all, normally I’m not one to do a lot of kissing but I just have this overwhelming urge…”

He had been moving closer the whole time he was talking and Brie was caught off guard as he pushed her back on the bed, pinned with his body and began to kiss her unlike anything she had ever dreamed a kiss would be. Nothing she had read or seen on the movies had prepared her for this as a first kiss and all she could do was lay back and let him do it. It was made even more astounding by the fact she liked how he kissed and how his arms were around her and he was coaxing her somehow to wrap her arms around him.

Secluded Lake (A True Story)

When she did, he deepened the kiss and it turned to something indescribable. The hand not attached to the arm he had around her neck was moving over her in a slow searching manner and hers was mimicking his movements with a life of its own. She felt him moan against her mouth and press his body tighter to hers and she moved to make it more comfortable for both of them. What the hell was he doing to her and worse yet, why was she allowing it? This was her body on her bed in her room and she was letting a complete stranger touch and kiss her like no one had ever done either before. She didn’t even know his name, but oh gods, she didn’t care as he continued on.

It was his brother who interrupted them and he didn’t seem to be aware that neither of them had any desire to be interrupted. “Michael, Edward, Fleur and I are going out for breakfast. Do you want to come along?”

He raised his mouth from hers long enough to answer the question. “No I don’t want to go to bloody breakfast, now shut the bloody door and leave us the hell alone.”

He didn’t give her time to escape him and as she sank into the feelings of his kisses again, she couldn’t resist saying his name. “Michael?”

“Michael James Livingstone Ice queen, now give me your mouth and let’s go back to what we were both enjoying so very much before my bloody brother had to spoil it. And you are no ice queen love, if anything, the way you set a man’s blood on fire, they should call you anything but the ice queen.”

His voice carried no falsehoods and Brie let him take command of her senses again. He was right, she had been enjoying it, and she liked it even more as he took her back to that frame of mind where all she felt was his body and his kisses. God, he was perfect, he felt good, smelled good and tasted even better. He didn’t maul or grab or at her, in truth his hands touched her as if she was a fragile piece of glass and was frightened if he touched her too hard she might break.

When he did finally pull back he touched her face and looked at her with regret. “God fire queen, I have to do something I have no desire to do. I need to stop for a while.”

She watched him sit up and moved to the same position. “Can I ask what happened?”

“You, you happened, you set my blood on fire. I’ve never in my life been so hungry for a woman. Oh don’t think I’ve never been with a woman, but not one that made me fight to keep myself control. Most of my encounters have been just that, encounters. Nothing beyond a quick roll in bed then went our separate ways. I liked it that way. Even when Fleur told me you were a virgin, I had my doubts, I mean these days, and you being over eighteen, it just didn’t seem possible to me.”

Brie understood his reasoning and despite her inner doubts, she felt as if he was a man she could trust and confide in. “Michael is there a way to tell if you are a virgin or not?” The question escaped before she could stop it. “I mean what if you were drugged or something, how could you tell if you had been raped or not?”

As he looked at her in shock, she found herself thinking of Greg, the person who had been her friend all her life. How that day when they had been sitting under the bleachers, drinking soda and eating pizza. He had been her friend; she had no way of knowing what he had been intending to do. As she tried to remember for the millionth time what had eluded her for two years, she felt that same urge to vomit. All she could ever remember was waking up and being under those bleachers in the dark, her shirt and jeans stripped away, and her body covered in all kinds of food. Food that had been smeared into her body and beside her, her cell phone, with a video recorded on it.

As he stood up she thought he was leaving her but instead; he held out a hand and looked back at her. “Hold that thought luv, which way to the bathroom?”

When he came back he picked up her cup of coffee and took a long drink before looking at her then sitting back on the bed with her. “Now tell me exactly why you asked me such a question? Was it hypothetical or are you hiding something that no one else knows Brie?” He was looking at her closely and she saw the concern in his eyes as he drew her close and held her tight. “Tell me who hurt you so badly Brie…you can trust me.”

She told him the story of the day and of the video on her phone. When he asked if she still had it, she directed him to her computer, and the file she kept it under. In the past two years, she had watched it enough to have memorized it and still didn’t know if it was a dream or a bad joke. Somehow Greg had suspended the phone and it showed him smearing her with the food and then moving on top of her. When it was over, he looked laughingly in the camera and told her words that haunted her still, and she began to vomit even as she heard Michael cursing and turning off the computer.

“Where is he Fire Queen, at least tell me he went to jail for that?” There was hardness in his voice that didn’t fit him somehow.

She shook her head. “I was so ashamed of it; I just went home and cleaned up. I never saw him again after that and he never called or tried to contact me so I just let it go. What else could I do, let him tell everyone what he had done? I don’t even know if he was actually in me or not. I know there’s supposed to be blood and pain but I didn’t feel any pain and I was on my period so how could I tell the difference?”

When Michael tried to pull her close again she resisted and began to cry. That gave him a chance to pull her to him and hold her until she was drained. “No one has seen that before now have they, not your family or anyone?” She thought how beautiful his voice sounded so full of concern and even a touch of fear for her, not for himself.

“No one, I don’t even know why I keep it to tell you the truth…”

He stroked her face. “I think I understand your eating disorder now Brie, even if he didn’t actually rape you, he violated your faith in him, your trust, he left you wondering if he wasn’t right about what he said. You need to tell your family Brie, you should have never hidden it from them. And Brie, I think Fleur is the first one you should show it to you. I know she cares about you; will do all she can to help you through this, and so will I.”

“Why would you…?” She didn’t understand.

He bent his head and kissed her ear. “Because Fire Queen, I have no intention of letting anyone find out if you are or are not a virgin but me.” His cell phone went off and he looked at the text message. “They’re on the way back, the boys being nice enough to bring us breakfast. I suggest while I eat you talk to your sister. Be honest with her Brie, and remember I’m going to be close by the whole time. You’re no longer alone in this.”

She looked at him wondering if for once her sister had done something that wasn’t going to backfire on them both. “Michael, I…”

He smiled, as he hushed her, “Shh, my fire queen, I have tried in my life to find out all I can about the world, but I’ve never found anything in it that I’ve wanted to hold and protect as much as I do you. Even as drunk as I was when Fleur directed me in here, and I saw you sleeping so intently, I decided that no matter what happened once you woke up I was actually going to sleep with a woman who interested my brain as much as she did my body. Even if you had thrown me out, I would have come back and kept coming back until I wore you down enough to at least talk to me.”

Reaching up she put her fingers to his lips. “Michael, do you think maybe you could stop talking long enough to kiss me again and give me some of your confidence?”

He smiled wider then, showing a single dimple and nodding. “Your wish is my command your highness.”

The kiss he gave her was deeper, harder and more searching then anything he had given her before. She moved in to the feel of his hands moving over her body and groaned as loudly as he did when the knock came on her door, announcing the return of the others.

Day Two:

Brie settled on the couch with her head in Michael’s lap and he stroked her face and hair while Fleur moved around the room cursing and damning Greg to the lowest pits of hell for what he had done to her. Edward and Robert were watching her as well, both their faces lit up with admiration for the words she used and her indignation for the family loyalty she showed. When she began to wind down they kept her going with cheers and more alcohol from the bottles on the breakfast bar.

The first thing her sister had done as soon as she had finished listening to the story and watching the damning video, had been to call their parents and the rest of their numerous siblings as well as other interested family members. It was agreed all of them would come as soon as possible and Michael and his brothers had offered them use of their family jet to fly to Portland and deliver them to Chicago as soon as they were ready to go. They would be staying at the Livingstone Towers, one of the most high end hotels in Chicago at no expense and after their arrival and a chance for them to rest up, would gather again on Monday night at the Livingstone mansion for a dinner party and conference for decisions on what to do.

She had been surprised to hear Michael call his parents and inform them that they would be hosting said dinner party, yes even with such short notice, and that he would be bringing a very important guest with him. He had made it clear that this was to be a family affair only, and so his mother was not to go inviting this person or that. The more he talked the more intense his accent grew and Brie had understood her sister’s love of all things British.

Threesome with widow aunt and her sexy daughter

Turning her head, she looked at him and smiled as she told him her thoughts. “You sound nothing like Colin Firth…”

He smiled down at her, “You mean the man from that production of “Pride and Prejudice right?” As she nodded he took a drink of whiskey. “Fire Queen, no man in the world could do the Mr. Darcy that Miss Austen wrote complete justice. And while there are many homes in England that come close to the description of his home, I think only the royal’s compounds can compare to what most have come to expect.” He drew her up to a sitting position and had her lay against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. “Would you like to go to England with me luv? We could go the family estate and spend a weekend just hiding out in my room making love.”

She giggled and took his glass from his hand. “How many of these have you had?”

“Not enough to make me as drunk as I feel just holding you close and looking into those beautiful blue eyes of yours. American men are damn fools, to pass up someone as lovely as you. I know my brothers are totally in love with your sister, why not us be that same way about each other?”

“As a researcher, do you honestly believe in love at first sight?”

He smiled, “I didn’t, but now I have to go back and reconsider my thoughts on the matter. I know I’ve never had a physical, mental or emotional reaction to anyone like I have to you before, one, maybe two but never all three at once.” His hand moved along the line of her hip and down past the hem of the black leather skirt to caress the bare skin of her legs before reaching the boots. “Do you know I’ve never talked less like a bloody nerd and more like a red blooded man before I met you?”

“Michael, you sound nothing like a nerd right now.” She ran her fingers over the open front of his shirt and liked how the hair there felt against her hand. “Your brothers don’t have any chest hair like you do.”

“That’s because they shave and wax. They think it’s sexier. I don’t agree, but if you would prefer it, I’d do it for you.”

She shook her head. “Don’t you dare, I like it. But for my own reference, do you prefer shaved or not?” As she asked, she wondered if she wasn’t feeling a little drunk.

His deep, full throated laughter stopped everyone in the room. The silence stretched as it continued for several minutes and when he began to wind down he had actual tears running down his face. “Oh Fire Queen, you do know how to stoke the flames. Shall I ask which you are, or just discover for myself?”

She blushed deeply and buried her face in his throat. “Which ever you prefer…”

“Edward, Robert as I am the older brother and you are bound by law to do what I tell you, either close your eyes or leave the room until you are granted permission to return. My queen and I require privacy for a time.” Despite grumbles and gripe they did as he asked and Michael looked at her. “Stand up a minute love, I need to do some very extensive research here…”

She did as he asked and let him draw her tight against the couch as he pushed up her skirt and examined the black lacy panties that Fleur had insisted she buy. He pushed them down slowly then looked at her with an intensity that shocked her.

“Hmm, I never considered how pink and plump a woman’s vulva was, or how arousing they can look with moisture glistening in the light. Not one to pay much attention to such things when I’m in the throes of lust, I have to say I’ve never seem a more lovely sight then what I’m seeing right now. You’ve kept it shaved since the attack haven’t you?” There was knowing in his tone, and sympathy.

She swallowed hard as she whispered. “Yes, I couldn’t stand to look at it and remember what it looked like then.”

“Then keep it shaved love, but before we stop and let them come back, just let me…” He gently spread the lips and bent his head closer to inhale her scent. She jumped a little as she felt the touch of his mouth and the tip of his tongue moving up and down. “Oh love, you taste so good, so fresh and clean. I just need to sample and I can’t stop myself from it.” He moved his tongue to the top of the slit and she groaned as he swirled it around her clit. What started as a sample became more and he alternately kissed and used his tongue over and over. Brie felt her body react and he began to suck as well. “Yes Brie, let me pleasure you love.”

Pleasure her, he was driving her insane. Her nipples were so hard they hurt and all she could do was caress his face and run her fingers through his soft black hair. Her moans grew louder and he worked at her harder as she began to feel what was coming. When she reached the peak and felt the waves slam over her, he licked at her like a mad man, begging her for more and moving to cover his face in it.

“Oh god yes, love, more love, give me all you have…” He refused to let her move until she knew she couldn’t stay on her feet any more. Sinking to her knees before him, she looked at him and saw his eyes were closed and his head was resting on the back of the couch. “Oh Fire Queen, you taste so delicious.” He was licking his lips and a smile of pure pleasure was on his face.

She rested her head in his lap and knew the hardness she felt was his erection. “That was unreal; I’ve never expected it to feel like that.”

“Love, I’ve never done that before to any woman, I’ve never wanted to but with you, I couldn’t help myself, now I understand why my brothers talk about it with such enjoyment.”

Brie couldn’t help but look at him in surprise and shock. “You’ve seriously never…?”

“Never, with me it was simply an in and out thing. To be honest, it always felt like I was simply relieving a need and that was it, never had any concern for the woman I was with. Not much feeling either, most of them called me the coldest bloody bastard they had ever met. I’m twenty nine years old and if you counted all the women I’ve had since I was eighteen, they would number less than your total amount of fingers. I guess I just never knew if it was me they wanted or who I was. Not much different than Mr. Darcy in a way.” He looked down at her and stroked her face and ran his fingers through her hair. “Unlike that pompous ass though, I will openly admit my admiration for you and all your attributes. I won’t dance around and play word games when all I want to do is pull you close and spend my time kissing you.”

She loved how he talked as she smiled. “And I suppose you find me more than tolerable as well as more than willing to dance with me at an assembly?”

“Oh definitely Miss Mantell, and there is one other thing you will never have to deal with in being with me, no Miss Bingley doing her best to prove how socially and physically unacceptable to me you are. Now come up and straddle my lap and let me worship your mouth love, I am desperately in need of your lips.” He grinned and despite her protests he soon had her where he wanted her and was kissing her deeply.

It was a short time later that they heard Robert’s soft question. “Is it safe to come out? None of us are drunk enough to want to end the party yet.”

Michael laughed, “Get your bloody ass out here, this party is just beginning as far as I am concerned. At least this time I have no reason to feel like an unwanted maiden aunt around you two.”

Brie kissed his throat and whispered. “From what I feel Michael, you are no aunt, I would definitely have to say you are more a very well-endowed uncle.”

“And may I ask my queen just how many of those you have seen to be so sure of that?”

“I have three older and two younger brothers. I also took sex education in school and Fleur has some very interesting DVD’s.”

He actually leered at her as he spoke, “Has your sister been preparing you for the right man who came along? Or doing her best to corrupt her younger sister?”

“I think it’s a little of both. To be honest, I think I was afraid of you at first; guys have been trying to use me to get close to my sisters since I was younger. About the time I hit puberty they seem to think that if they showed interest in me it would give them a clear shot down the road to whoever they were interested in.”

He nodded, “Hmm, I admit I know more than a few men who would do such a thing. But one advantage to a man who has been raised with honor and belief in truth Brie, none of us were raised to think that way and our parents would think it an insult to our family name if we did act that way.”

“How did you ever end up in Chicago anyway?”

He ran a finger along her face, making it clear he didn’t want to waste time just talking but shrugged. “I was invited here to work with a group of researchers at the Millstone Foundation. The hotel was already open and my brother James, who is the oldest, was living in the penthouse. This was four years ago, and then two years ago my brothers arrived to work in the Livingstone offices across town. The family had already decided to make Chicago our main headquarters here in the states because it has the best connections to any airport in the country. Our parents flew over last year when it was clear that their sons had no intention of coming home for every holiday and moved into a mansion they found not only reminded them the most of home, but fit their own personal styles. Father likes knowing he can keep a close eye on the family investments at a flick of a finger, and Mother is enthralled with the constantly changing view as she goes around the country and she comes home from each trip loaded with photos and souvenirs to inspire her painting.” He nipped at her neck, “Face it, Europe is way older than the US or Canada, but how many times you have to visit Paris before you’ve seen all the spots you came to see and the rest of it isn’t much different. Now be a good Queen and give me a kiss love, before I starve to death with hunger for you.” He said it so theatrically that everyone laughed, but Brie took pity on him, and soon she forgot all about everything but being held in his arms and kissed.

The party died a natural death as her sister and the twins made their way to the bedroom, and soon after Michael led her into hers as well. Unlike the night before he didn’t keep his clothes on, instead stripping down to plain black boxer shorts and insisting she do the same.

“I want us skin to skin tonight. At least as much skin uncovered that we won’t slip…”

Brie had never been able to sleep in her bra and when she asked him to help her with the back hooks; he didn’t keep his hands from moving under it and caressing her while he kissed the back of her neck.

“Oh bloody hell love, I thought your legs felt like silk, but your breasts are wonderful, and as I suspected, all you. I would beg you to sleep topless if I wouldn’t be tempted to revert to being a baby at my mother’s nipple and end up suckling you all night long. Lord Love, go put on a nightie or shirt or something, before I lose all control.”

As she went through all the choices in her drawer, she seriously wondered if she wanted to do it. Never once since turning eighteen had she met anyone who not only seemed to want to be with her as well as making her feel so good being around. She knew he had been hard as hell since the living room and it had been clear when he pulled off his pants and the front of his boxers had looked like a vertical tent. Even now she could feel his eyes on her, watching as she held up one thing after another, and she liked it. Finally she slipped a black silky short gown that Fleur had bought her last month. As she turned to go back to the bed, she stopped short and her mouth dropped open at what she saw. His boxers were no longer tented and he was standing free and tall from the front opening. Michael looked embarrassed but she saw no reason for him to be. She was sure if she was a man she would want to show something so long and lean without even thinking.

Two Aristocratic Bengalee Families : Ch 5

“Fire Queen, your hungry look is not helping my condition. I am laying here thinking every bad thing I can to get him to go down and I was succeeding until you saw him.”

She moved on the bed and sat cross-legged beside his hip. “From what I can see Michael, you don’t have a damn thing to be ashamed of, but I can go get Fleur for a second opinion…if you want me to.”

“Don’t you even bloody consider it. I’m not on exhibit for her or my two younger brothers. He is standing so tall and proud for one person and one person alone. Normally I would be taking care of it myself. I even considered it when I stopped off in the bathroom but I thought I could control it, I guess I was wrong.”

“Michael, I could help you, I’ve never done it before, but I do know the mechanics of it, I’ve listened to my brother’s talk about it enough.” She didn’t know why she was so willing unless it was to pay him back for what he had given her earlier.

He shook his head as he sat up then drew her back on the bed beside him. “Brie, I appreciate your offer but I don’t want this to be that kind of relationship. I want us to be comfortable with each other, to be able to share our feelings and emotions before anything else. What happened earlier was nothing I’m ashamed of and I would gladly repeat it over and over, but I didn’t do it with hopes of you using your mouth on me, or your hand or even testing to see if you have been violated or not. You know as well as I do that in your own way, you don’t completely trust me not to treat you the way you’ve been treated in the past. Until you can look me in the eyes and tell me we’ve reached that point, I won’t ask you of anything but kisses and caresses.”

He turned off the lamp on the bedside table and settled them both down into a spoon position. Brie didn’t fall asleep as easily as she might have feeling him pressed against him as she was but soon she had relaxed enough to settle down and dream of something besides the men and food she was often haunted by. She much preferred the nonsense dream than that of anything else.

Day Three:

What she enjoyed the most was being woken up by Michael’s hands moving over her and his kisses on her bare skin.

“Michael, oh yes…”

“I can’t keep my hands off you Brie, no matter how I try.” His voice was deep and husky. “I don’t care if I need to take care of myself a hundred times, I need to touch you.” He moved her so she was on her back and he moved over her. “Brie, honey, we fit together so well.” He kissed her slowly and sucked on her lower lip as he let his hand reach down to grip her bottom. She in turn wrapped her arms around his neck. “I dreamed of us like this all night long.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

“Because if I had, we wouldn’t be wearing what few clothes we’re wearing now, I told you how I felt last night, and I won’t let it happen now, but it still doesn’t keep me from wanting to torture myself and you for it. Let me torture you Brie, let me show you how hungry I am for you.”

Before she could even answer, he was holding her hands up above her head with one hand and driving her crazy with the other. But not just her, himself as well, he moved over her with his free hand caressing both what was covered and what was bare. He rubbed his body in suggestive ways that had her lifting to meet him and almost begging for what he wanted, but when she started to speak, he silenced her with his mouth and shook his head. Brie soon found that she needed as little as he did to stimulate her senses and body to a fever pitch and when she cried out he groaned as well. His hand released hers and they held each other tight as someone knocked on the door and her sister didn’t wait for a response to open it and the three of them stand in the doorway.

She looked at them and saw Robert frown. “Bloody hell, they’re both still somewhat dressed. I was hoping to see my so called asexual brother in the buff just to prove he was human.”

Brie giggled as Michael chuckled against her shoulder. “Oh let me tell you Robert, your brother is totally human believe me, now before he says it, get the bloody hell out of here will you?”

When Michael moved off her, he smiled at her. “Thanks for that, it wouldn’t have done for them to know that I had creamed in my shorts instead of inside the woman under me.” He kissed the side of her mouth. “Though I would have preferred it to be in you Brie, it would have made it so much better. Did you really enjoy it or was I dreaming.”

Feeling brave, she took his hand and laid it on the crotch of her underwear. “You tell me…”

His smile grew and he rubbed her gently. She was still sensitive after her release and she jumped a little. “Oh yes, definitely.”

She couldn’t avoid wanting to tease him as she watched him light a cigarette. “Asexual Michael?”

“Robert has no idea what the word even means truth be told. I am glad I told mother to have Albert bring me fresh clothes today.”

“Is he like your valet or something?” More teasing, but she wouldn’t be surprised.

“He is my all around man, does all kinds of things for me, he’s also my closest friend and confidant. So expect him to be a bit testy about me not coming home for the last twenty four hours plus. I hope you don’t mind if I have him bringing over a few things to hang in your closet and in your dresser for me.”

“A little early to be discussing moving in together isn’t it?”

“Very much so, but I still figure on staying over now and then and you coming to my place as well, unless you don’t want to consider us a couple.”

She liked the way of thinking that, but she was realistic too. “You know I’m a student right, well I also work part time, my days are pretty busy. Except this weekend everything has been thrown off schedule. Normally I’d be spending this time we’ve been together studying and getting my assignments caught up.”

He looked at her and nodded. “Brie, I don’t want to spend weeks at a time not seeing you, I know it’s rushed, but I need to know where we stand in this. I can’t just walk away, and I don’t want to. Do you see that?”

“Michael, I don’t want to go for weeks without seeing you either and I don’t want to do it any more than you do. Look, I’ll make you a deal, let me print up a copy of my work and school schedule. You’re the researcher; maybe you can see a way. When I planned it, having someone else in my life wasn’t a part of the deal.”

“Least of all a rich, British aristocrat who has money to burn and a schedule that allows me to do as I please ninety percent of the time. I’m willing to share you with school, that is important, but lords know I have enough money to keep you in salad and diet soda and pay for whatever share of the expenses you pay here. Not to mention buy you little goodies now and then like sexy undies and outfits that show off your sexy legs. Print up your schedules love, I’ll stagger in to the shower and clean up then we’ll plan our future together.”

She motioned him to go and wondered just what her sister had gotten her into, and did she really fucking care as long as Michael was part of it?

It was a crazy house that Albert walked in, wearing his best suit and looking every bit the dapper image of a gentleman’s gentleman. He had brought clothes not only for Michael but for the twins as well as bags that he quickly put away in the two bedrooms. It seemed the twins had reached the same thoughts as their older brother and would be spending a lot of time with Fleur. Her sister didn’t seem to mind any more than Brie did and even admitted she was caring more and more about them each time they were all together. She was a little upset when Albert arranged to have a maid from the main house come and help clean up the place and one of the under cooks come to make them all a decent meal.

When Michael explained her eating problems, Albert made sure the cook was made aware of it and the result was a huge salad that she was able to eat and keep down even with a light dressing of lemon and lime juice with some spices and a touch of olive oil in it.

It was after dinner that they got word the family was in town, her mom called as soon as they were settled in their suite and Brie listened as her dad demanded she tell him what the hell was going on. “Who are these guys Fleur told us about and how can they afford a place like this. WE take up the whole top floor Brie, the whole damn top floor beneath all the penthouses. And how did you and Fleur meet them?”

“Well, Fleur met the twins first, at a club she goes to on the weekends, and she introduced me to Michael. He’s a researcher dad, for some kind of big think tank, you know the kind where all the guys with all the big brains get together and discuss theories.”

“I know what a think tank is Brie, I’ve been a professor over thirty years, so who is this boy genius. Have I heard of him?”

“Michael James Livingstone. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him or not, you know I always tuned out when you were talking about work.” She heard a cough and her dad make a weird sound. “Dad are you okay?”

“Put him on the phone Brie…” She knew that voice, her dad would not stand any argument.

She looked at Michael as he was stroking her face and playing with her hair. “My dad wants to talk to you.”

“Alright, what do I call him?”

“What everyone, including his kids, call him when he’s acting like he did when I said your name, Professor Mantell…” She noticed Michael go pale and saw the twins were doing the same.

“Brie, tell me, is your father Professor Alexander Mantell?” At her nod he went ever paler as he took the phone and cleared his throat. “Professor Mantell, how nice to speak you again…yes sir it’s me, no sir, I had no idea you were Brie’s father. Well professor the last time I saw a picture of her was on your desk over ten years ago, she’s grown up a bit since then. The Twins sir, yes sir they’re here too, well sir I wouldn’t know about that, I don’t follow them checking up on their sexual habits. Yes sir, that is the hotel you and my father discussed when we last saw you sir, I know he’ll be glad to see you too sir, and I know my mother will be glad to see Mrs. Mantell as well. No, I don’t think they’re aware you’re Brie and Fleur’s parents…To be honest; my parents haven’t met them either. Why are we at their apartment as late as it is? We were just sitting here talking, no I had no idea how late it was and that Fleur and Brie had to work in the morning. Yes sir, yes sir, I will sir, goodnight sir…” He hung up the phone and handed it to her. “Only that man could make me feel like an eighteen year old back at Cambridge again even if I was a hundred years old. Eleven years later he still turns me into a babbling idiot.”

Fleur was looking at the twins who were trying to explain that it had been when they were young and foolish and please don’t hold their pasts against them. Brie saw her sister tapping her foot and knew they would be doing a lot groveling to get back into Fleur’s good graces and her bed. Looking at Michael she saw he was getting some color back. “Are you okay?”

My brother

He looked at her with a tender smile. “Brie, there are few things in this world that I can say honestly frighten me, your father is number two on my list, my father is number one. To make it worse those two men together are a damn formidable team. It was your father who suggested the family invest in a hotel in Chicago, he convinced my dad within an hour of suggesting it to see the perfect locality and the convenience of it. My experience with him was not a good one. More than once I found myself in front of his desk explaining myself for a theory or a suggestion I had presented. He made me account for every step of how I had come to such conclusions and then did all he could to twist my words to another theory instead. Who would have thought I would be sitting here cuddling up with you? He used to point to your picture every time he brought me in and tell me his youngest daughter had better ideas then I did. The twins had it worse five years later when he was back for a year of teaching. They were twice the trouble in his opinion. He especially warned them about setting their deviant eyes on any of his daughters.”

Fleur smiled. “Well, what daddy never knew…” She fluttered her lashes and looked at the clock. “Unforunately dad is right about one thing, I need to work tomorrow. So I guess since after tomorrow until things are settled, we’ll all have to be on our best behavior we might as well have one more night of deviant behavior. Come along boys; let’s leave the queen and king of fire to their own affair.” Blowing a kiss to her sister as usual the three of them disappeared and Brie looked at Michael as she rolled her eyes.

He grinned back and stood up, “Talking about deviant behavior, shall we love, this might be our last night together for a while.” As they started to walk off, he stopped to look at the cook, maid and his valet. “Go on home for tonight and thank you for all you’ve done. And if anyone asks we will be home tomorrow. Tell them we went to go visit James for a night of drinking.”

The three servants exchanged knowing looks and nodded. “Of course sir, and Miss Brie, it was very nice meeting you,we all hope to have the pleasure of your company again.”

Michael looked at Albert with surprise. “Am I wrong Albert, but do you approve of my fire queen?”

“We’re all used to the twins and your older brothers’ happy go lucky manners Sir, but tonight we all had the pleasure of seeing you more relaxed than in a long time. Since the only thing that has changed in the past week is your acquaintance with Miss Brie, we have to attribute it to her.” He bent over Brie’s hand and kissed it very gently. “As I said miss, it was very nice meeting you. Good evening sir, miss.” They left and Brie looked at him in shock.

“Do they usually act like that?”

“Not in the least, in fact Albert has been quite vocal about his disapproval of the women I have dated in the past.” He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at her, “actually, I was feeling a little jealous when he kissed your hand. Though I will admit you are a very tasty bit of flesh.” He bent his head and kissed her gently. “Let’s lock up love, and go to bed, I want to hold you for a while before we sleep.”

In her room she looked at him as they undressed. “You don’t really think Fleur and the twins are sleeping do you.”

“Not a bloody chance in hell. I won’t be surprised to see them barely conscious when the time comes to get up. As for me, I plan on staying in bed with you as long as I can tomorrow, because I am already dreading have to leave and go home. I know it’s just my insecurities but I can’t help feeling like if I do, this will all turn out to be some wonderful dream.”

They slid into bed and she cuddled close to him. “Just think how I feel Michael, I’m not my sister; I’m not used to having someone like you paying attention to me. I feel like if you leave I’ll never see you again.”

Almost instantly he turned and looked at her. “Brie, I would never do that to you, I know it’s all happened fast, but I’m old enough to know that I have a chance for something with you, something I never expected to find.” He cupped her chin and lifted her mouth to his. “You’ve become too necessary to me Brie so quickly to let it all turn to dust.” This time when he kissed her it was a hard, demanding kiss that she answered with as much hunger as she felt. To make it better his hands roamed over her at will and soon they were breathing too hard to even think.

When he drew back to catch his breath, Brie felt her own breathing slowly returning to normal. Neither of them had stopped touching the other and as she stroked his chest, she felt his heart pounding under her hand. “Michael is this what lust feels like?”

He shook his head. “No, we are way past the stage of lust Brie, if what we felt was lust, we would have been in this bed all weekend doing all we’ve done and more and I would have gone home when Albert and the others left. Lust is something that burns out and dies all at the same time; it feels nothing but need and doesn’t care about the other person involved beyond what it can take.”

“You loved her very much…” Brie spoke as softly as he had spoken loudly. She knew she was young, but in his voice she had detected the same hurt, shame and feeling of betrayal she had felt with Greg.

A small smiled appeared in his eyes and on his mouth. “I was young and a fool. I saw a woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, in and out of bed. I wanted to give her all I had and make her happy. All she saw was a young man who was willing to fill her need for not only sex, but for the lifestyle and greed she craved. Every word she spoke to me, every endearment and caress was nothing more than her own form of lust for what she could take. One day I asked her to marry me, expecting her to tell me how much she loved me and how we’d live forever together. Instead she laughed at me, asked me why she should ever settle for one man when she could have any man in the world to keep her in the lavish style she was used to. She had lovers all over the world, men all as in her web as I was. Most of them were all much older than me, married, and willing to let her play her little games with younger men. Even while we were talking, the door to her bedroom opened and a man walked out who I knew all too well. So would you if you saw him on the news. He looked at me and rattled off a list of her lovers besides me, told me to check with my father if I didn’t believe him. That’s when I learned my father had known about her all along, but kept silent. When I asked him why, he told me it was a lesson all men needed in their lives that they needed to learn the difference between love and lust. To make it worse, I discovered my older brother had fallen into her trap five years earlier while he had been vising Paris.” He stroked her cheek and ran a fingertip along her lips.

“That’s why you went so off when you saw what Greg had done to me.”

Michael nodded. “To me what he had done was taking a beautiful young girl and destroy her just as much as I had been destroyed by that woman. Other men wouldn’t have cared, but I did and it made me think even more of you that you had suffered it all alone and still gone on with your life to a certain extent. I don’t think the grueling schedule you set for yourself for college was by chance either Brie, I think in your own way, you have purposely left yourself so little time for yourself that you subconsciously knew that even if you met someone you would have a reason not to let them in.”

Brie gave a small laugh. “It doesn’t seem to have worked with you.”

“And it won’t, even if all we ever become at the end of this is lovers or even just friends, I will be there for you. I might be jealous as hell of any man who looks at you or touches you as I have but I will be there.”

“Somehow Michael, I don’t see us ever being just friends.” If he had been reluctant to leave her, she had been just as reluctant at the idea of him leaving her. Reaching up she drew his face down to hers and began to kiss him slowly, unafraid of rejection, of being used for his own personal satisfaction.

She was taking the most frightening step of recovery from what Greg had done to her; she was willing to let him in. Like her father and the others in her family, she knew when to apply logic to a decision and right now her brain was telling her that Michael would have never opened himself to her unless he felt more than friendship for her, and the events of the weekend had been more than little glimpses into what she was missing in the world. He had been drawing her out, and now she was willing to move on to even more.

When she slipped her tongue in his mouth and teased his to join hers in a dance, he let her take the lead and wait for what she was willing to give him. It didn’t stop him from caressing her breasts and using his thumb to taunt her nipples to the hardest they had ever been. Brie felt him growing hard against her leg and knew before the night was over he would discover if Greg had indeed done what he said he had or if it had all been a lie. First though they needed to increase the need to a place where she wouldn’t draw back in fear or let any hesitation come between them. She had seen the condoms on the night stand, and she whispered in his ear when they came up for breath.

“Can it be put on without interrupting anything?”

“I can do it without stopping Brie, I’m an expert, but are you sure?”

“I’m sure Michael, you do your part and I’ll do mine.”

He chuckled. “Then ignite the fire my queen, your king will make sure it never goes out for either of us, and I don’t care if it takes all bloody night. You’re not going to work tomorrow anyway.”

No she wasn’t and it was doubtful she would go to work anytime soon. Moving long enough to strip off the nightie she was wearing she left on her panties and he growled at the sight of them. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I’m not above ripping them off you if they get in my way, I just wanted to make sure you have no emotional attachment to them.”

“No attachment what so ever, feel free to rip them off whenever you feel the need.” She reached down and caressed him through his boxers, “I do however request you remove these Michael…”

A few movements and the offending item went sailing over her head, “Now your highness about you igniting that fire.”

She might have ignited it, but Michael did his share as well, when he finally moved to between her legs, Brie watched in fascination as he ripped open the foil package, slid on the condom, then buried his face in her most private place. Soon it was all he could do to keep her hips from jumping all over the place and what he had given her in the living room was nothing compared to what he gave her now. The first climax slammed into her like a raging storm and he kept it up until suddenly she was aware of only a sharp pain and she looked up to see him on his knees looking down at her as he moved his hips back and forth.

“He lied to you my Love; oh lord he lied and you feel so hot and tight. Does it feel good Brie; tell me it feels as good to you as it does to me. I want it to be so good for you.”

It was and she moved against him trying to keep him in her as long as she could and reveling in the feel of his rhythm. His hands reached down and kneaded her breasts, working on her nipples then moving down to grip her hips and on to let one hand move between them to massage and tease her clit. She had no idea how he could keep from coming but she didn’t care, she was open to him and he was her first.

When he came down and began to kiss her, she wrapped her legs around him and felt him move in even deeper and harder. “Michael, oh god Michael, yes…more, give me more.”

“I will be my fire queen; I plan on staying in you all night long. We’re going to fuck and suck and give each other pleasure until we are completely drained. We’re going to give and take all from each other and keep it up until we have nothing left but our souls. I’m going to lick and suck every part of you and beg you to do the same to me until we want to feel me in your body and we won’t bloody stop until we either die from pleasure or bloody decide we can’t stand anymore.”

They were still going at it when Fleur’s’ alarm went off and even then neither of them cared. They barely heard the knocking on her bedroom door and despite his lack of breath Michael was still able to tell his brothers and her sister to get the bloody hell out and lock the bloody door behind them.

“I love it when you’re so demanding…” Brie giggled when they heard the front door close.

“And I love the idea of having you all to myself all damn day in this fucking bed. Now quit talking and fuck me Brie, show me you love this as much as I do.”

“And if I don’t…”

“I’ll take my cock and put it between those luscious lips and have you suck me off while I eat your even more luscious pussy.” He gave her such a dark look that she laughed and moved her body to meet an especially hard thrust that sent them both over the edge.

Brie was glad she was on the pill because if not, all the semen that he had emptied into her once the condoms had been used up would make her worry about unexpected surprises; instead she found a pleasure in feeling him fill her.

Day Four:

She had no idea when they fell asleep, or even how long they slept, all she knew was he had been on top and inside her when her body and his had given in exhaustion. When she woke it was after noon and she was alone, at first she felt a panic then relaxed as she heard the shower and he came in a short time later dressed only in a pair of jeans and toweling off his upper body.

He smiled as he looked at her then bent over her body to kiss her hard then draw back to stroke her face. “No my little Viking beauty, I didn’t desert you, I woke up and hoped to finish my shower before you woke up.”

“Hmm, what happened to your fire queen?”

“Oh she’s still there, but the way you screamed and yelled during our love making, you somehow reminded me of a Viking maiden attacking my native land and taking me off to be your sex slave in some distant northern land. I think we should consider sound proofing this room and all other rooms we find ourselves in with a bed. I did want to ask as well, are you alright; I didn’t hurt you last night did I?” He sounded worried that he might have.

Brie moved a bit and checked her body for any sore spots. She noticed that her legs felt a bit sore where his stubble had given her beard burn but beyond that she felt better than she had in a long time. “I’m fine but how bad did I bleed, these are my favorite sheets.”

“Enough to prove he lied to you but not anymore than I would think is considered normal. It wouldn’t have mattered though, I had already decided that if he had told the truth, I was prepared to hire men to hunt him down and kill him. What he did was cruel and planned for nothing but humiliation and I warn you, if I ever meet him once we leave this room, I will not be responsible for extracting my revenge. I will use every resource I have worldwide to make his life a living hell.” He spoke so seriously that for a moment Brie pitied Greg.

To take his mind off that subject, she asked a question, “Will I have to be presented to the queen and all that other stuff Elizabeth must have suffered once she married Mr. Darcy?”

Michael began to laugh and nodded. “I’m afraid so love, James is the main heir once father dies, but I hold one or two minor titles, as do the twins. So Fleur will suffer the same fate, whichever one she chooses.”

Brie nodded, “good, it will serve her right for allowing strange men in her sister’s bed just to get her free of her virginity. To tell you the truth I don’t think it will matter which one she chooses, they’ll both be sharing her bed for a very long time.”

“Maybe they will love, but for now, let’s get you into a shower and I’ll go up the street for coffee and breakfast at Starbucks.”

She was just stepping in the shower when she heard him telling her he was going when a loud knock stopped them both. Listening as he answered it, she heard her father’s Professor Tone demanding to know where she was and asking for a reason why his one time student was still at her apartment. As she heard his answer, something told Brie, it was all going to be okay.

“Brie is in the shower sir and I’m just going out for coffee and some breakfast for us, if you and your wife would just have a seat I’ll be back in just a moment.” He went on out and she was just shampooing her hair as her father laughed.

“I always did like that boy, no matter how much we argued, he always came back with a logical answer. You better hurry up Brie; I want to know how close I am to having him as a son in law…”

She smiled and nodded to herself. Yes, everything was going to be just fine.

Added by Darkstone

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